Trala’s Tent

Hello Team!

Got an update :) :) :)

Despite a serious lack of sun, my little monster Reggie is looking cute as a button. She is a very different looking plant to the Gorilla Glue clones, who are both absolute stunners.

I am much happier with this Tangerine Dream grow attempt second time around. I’m still dirty I killed the one armed clone BC.

Reggie F :love::love::love:


The Trio :love: :love: :love:

Girls look great! And nice backyard heck yea ;)

buns look great too....cannabis in there?
Hi there :)

Thanks, and thanks.

Buns looked ok but tasted like the devils arsehole and no.

Reggie is a flowering lady, she looks great, don't break her, Reggie's are fragile.
Hello you :love: :love: :love:

I have missed you in here so much. You need to get journaling again.

And yes, she’s definitely in flower. While she looks better than the mother plant she still isn’t beautiful. And I’ll do my best not to break her. Reggies aren’t that fragile. Maybe you are just clumsy. Try using two hands when holding her babe ;)

Her stretch tho. She’s on the up that’s fo sho. She’s the tallest of the three despite being the youngest.

Week 2 of Flower

This little girl has such long limbs. She is already taller than my gorilla glues, however she remains gangly. Her flowers are forming, but she is not a head turner that’s for sho. However I have been told the Tangies burn like a boss.

Reggie F :love: :love: :love:



The Familam :love::love::love:


Looking fantastic as always, Tra.

Catch me up? What are the varieties you're growing now?
Hello you

:) :) :)

I have 2 gorilla glue clones which I journal in a thread called Lucky Edition and this one is a Tangerine Dream clone. I have 3 magic beans that I need to plant, but I get so scared I will ruin them.
Hi Team

So I’ve made a HUGE error.

I decided to flower the girls outside coz my dark time matches. We have had torrential rain which has meant they have been soaked, but with rain not nutes. They have been too wet for nutes so rather than over water I opted to let them dry. Because we have had off an on rain for two weeks means they haven’t been fed for two weeks. I haven’t really taken much notice of them till today when I actually looked at them.

OMGGGG They all look awful. Their foliage is an unhealthy green, lots of dead leaves. They basically look like they got hep c.

I gave them a feed, but they are too late in the game to completely save.

So mad at myself.

Reggie Frank :love::love::love:


Absolutely brimming full of fucking nits


The Diseased Team :(:(:(

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers, whether you be a married mother, a single mother, a could never give birth to be a mother, a lost my child mother, a foster mother, a proxy mother, a father that had to step up and be the mother, and to the mothers who have left this life. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

And I want to wish my mum a happy Mother’s Day. I so hope she found peace on the other side.

Oh and 1 2 3 back to me, I’m planting magic beans today :)
I planted my magic beans :love: :love: :love:

They give me such anxiety. I will be a hovering bag of worry until they sprout. I’m not sure if the wedding cake seed is deformed. It looked really small. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.


My son always buys me earring and a plant for Mothers Day. This year he gave me my first ever rose.

Wow major congrats on the new genetics!!!

I got a head start on Mother’s Day yesterday and sent 2 dozen roses, a variety of chocolates, 4 crossword puzzle books and a few days worth of prepared meals. My mother is an incredible lady who has poured herself out for her family and those around her. I will be spending the day with her today too....

I trust you heard the pitter-patter of little feet (and bigger feet also) surrounding you with love! Truly sorry about the shit day at work.
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