Trala’s Tent

Looks good, Trala- now we just wait for the branches to grow a little...probably 5 or 6 days.
I see some pistils on Carla4- hope that doesn't mean shes starting to flower...we'll know more in a few days.

Good job so far, on both all 3... :)
Omg I think one of my Tangies has some sort of rot.

Im time poor atm so I made the executive decision to rush trim the effected parts yesterday. And it was the most slap happy trim style ever.

The ends of the bud looked dry and brown. My trimmer is coming today to finish her. I’d be surprised if she has more than an ounce. The other two look ok.

I hope the other two don’t turn before her glitter window as well.
The ends of the bud looked dry and brown.
That can be regular bud rot (unfortunately), but it can also mean there's a caterpillar living in there- you should bust a bud open and have a look-
it won't stop the rot, but if it's caterpillars, the plants can be sprayed with BT to avoid more damage
(Safers® Caterpillar Killer with BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) is what I've found to work the best, and you can spray it every day right up to harvest, if need be.
That can be regular bud rot (unfortunately), but it can also mean there's a caterpillar living in there- you should bust a bud open and have a look-
it won't stop the rot, but if it's caterpillars, the plants can be sprayed with BT to avoid more damage
(Safers® Caterpillar Killer with BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) is what I've found to work the best, and you can spray it every day right up to harvest, if need be.
I think it’s caterpillars.

I had a great phone that I could macro photograph (or micro or what ever you call it, it’s fancy for close close magnifying pictures) for two seconds till I fucked it jumping in the pool clothed because I am an idiot.

Anyhoo I haven’t been inspecting the leaves as I should. It looks the way Minxie my original seedstars looked come picking and it had grubs.

Frankie is now clipped and hanging in my dark rom. I think it’s early but I was scared I’d lose the whole plant. I think the ideal window is 10 days away.

There were 4 budsights that were effected, right in the tip of the head, these are the worst two. The rest looks good, nice and green and without any damage. It had more green than I thought. I may get closer to two ounces. Not a great yield, but it’s better than one.


Oii Carcass, our clones are bang on. I have a day off and I’ll show you another contender we might swap in. She has leapt ahead in growth. It is the one I was hoping you’d pick coz she was the absolute runt. And my monster is looking good too. I’ll get you some pics. I’m thinking uppot tomorrow, if you green light me.
The sextuplets (if that means 6 lol)


My pick would have been this one. She was the smallest. I will always be most attracted to the underdog with fight.


Monstercropper looking more like a plant, granted a strange one but a plant non the less.

My pick would have been this one. She was the smallest.
She really has grown in the last few days- training 3 isn't a lot harder than training 2, so let's do it!
In fact, the little monster looks like she's starting to branch out, so if you're up for it, might as well include her in the training too...
Go ahead and up-pot any time, and a couple days after that we'll start tying stuff down!...
She really has grown in the last few days- training 3 isn't a lot harder than training 2, so let's do it!
In fact, the little monster looks like she's starting to branch out, so if you're up for it, might as well include her in the training too...
Go ahead and up-pot any time, and a couple days after that we'll start tying stuff down!...
Good morning Carcass :)

My partner is a killer of joy, and after much negotiations it has been decided that I will only have a maximum of 3 plants in veg at a time. He wanted none and I wanted six. So I am going to uppot today, and decide which 3 stay on. Your Carla 3 is defs in but I am seriously considering swapping Carla 4 for clone 6.

I am going to foster the other 3 out to a good home and share the yield.

I am just going to train Carla 3 following your exact method. I found with my first monster cropped plants that they grew beautifully with basic LST so I’ll do that with the Tangie clone. I’m desperate to do justice to at least one Tangerine Dream.

This sitting around ain’t getting my uppotting done. I’ll be back with a report and pictures.

Good choice on Carla 3- if I had to choose just one, that'd be the one...
That Tangie clone should do real well with LST- IF you think of it, plant her off to one side in the pot, so she stays more "centered" as she grows out-
Yeah, Mrs.Carcass isn't real crazy about me growing all the time either, but I remind her that that's where the gummies come from, and her tune changes pretty quick (she loves them gummies! ;))
Good choice on Carla 3- if I had to choose just one, that'd be the one...
That Tangie clone should do real well with LST- IF you think of it, plant her off to one side in the pot, so she stays more "centered" as she grows out-
Yeah, Mrs.Carcass isn't real crazy about me growing all the time either, but I remind her that that's where the gummies come from, and her tune changes pretty quick (she loves them gummies! ;))
Hi Carcass.

If you don’t mind I’m going to update the Gorilla Glue clones (Carla 3 and not Carla 4 anymore, my number 6) in the Mother plants thread and keep the Tangie clones progress here, and I want every bit of advice you can give on both counts.

It is just so if I want to look back I have my green ducks both in a row and easy to find.

I made an executive decision with Carla 4. She is going to the foster home. The good news is I will be able to compare how she grows. My neighbour grows like a fucking savage. Filthy grow area, no air flow, long lanky unkept depressed plants. It’s basically a prisoner of plant war camp. The cray thing, she thinks she grows like a boss.

Anyway the thread I’m going to put Carla 3‘s progress in is called Trala’s Tent Lucky Edition. I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but I was given a half dead day 49 Gorilla Glue (which is the mother plant) and somehow I saved it.

I know there are zillions of journals. I will tag you so it is easy for you to find.
So with my Tangies almost cooked I have started a monster cropped clone. To be honest monstersrpping is my favourite way to grow. I love the uncertainty and the unusual way it Benjamin Buttons its way back from fully mature plant back to veg.

As I said my man has put his foot down and capped me at 3.

Both monsters took. So I had a choice, the one that was developing at a fast healthy rate, and the runt who only yesterday threw her first tiny single bladed leaf signalling she was going to make it.

It’s a no brainer who I chose.


The fighter of course.

Small rootball, but impressive non the less given her tiny size.



Oiiii secret, just between us. I’ve started another monstercropped clone. It’s Billy’s, that plant is amazing and I am desperate to grow her with two arms this time. Oh and I find it so cute that he thinks his “foot coming down Tra” ultimatums work on me ;)


I am just heading out for lunch when I get home I’m going to take some video so you can see Billy’s fist. It is a-fucking-mazing. She has Coca-Cola’s like Dirk Diggler’s dick.
I am stoked to report when it comes to both math and approximation I suck, omg speaking of suck a funny for you. So I’m talking to a 96 year hearing impaired patient today, and we were talking about Valentine’s Day tomorrow and I was sharing with her that my boyfriend had annoyed me and I said, in like in the loudest voice due to her deafness “do you think I should make my boyfriend a Valentines Card or blow him?”. Meaning blow him like bugger him, omg not the actual bugger, like sod him and not buy a card, as soon as it came through my lips my brain was screaming abort! Abort! ABORT! The ward ERUPTED! Later the Nurse Manager came up to me and was like yeah I heard along the grapevine you’re not sure what to do Valentines. Speaking as a man, option 2 every time. My face was on fire. Lol I am so cringe.

Anyhoo back to me my plant and math. I said I’d be surprised if I got an ounce off Frankie. Imagine my shock at getting FOUR OUNCES!

She is now in a jar. My dark room’s air is so dry, humidity 55%, just snuck up to 60% coz I had the door open while I worked, couple that with my two fans, my air suck blow thing and you have air that’s drier than a devout nuns knickers on sausage night. It’s 63% in the jars atm. I will watch it like a hawk.

Tangerine Dream - Frankie Jay :love:

✅ 113grams —> 4oz


The spoiled stuff, thankfully barely noticeable weight wise.


A quarter pound in the jar! -
Well done, Trala! :bravo:
:love::love::love: Happy Valentines Day :love::love::love:

This is literally my favourite day of the year! I love love so much. Whether that feeling of love comes in the form of your pet, your buds, a sunrise, your child, your friends, your cyber friends, a good piece of carrot cake, your partner or your lover. I just love love.

I’ll tell you what I hate tho, even in my lovey love love state. Bed 10. If he rings his buzzer one more time I’m going to shove it up his fucking arse!

Have a great day!

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