Trala’s Tent

That's good to hear, although, even if there were seeds, it would still smoke fine
as long as you get the seeds out first- they tend to pop and burn little holes in things...
I remember back in the high school days- explaining all those little holes in my shirts to my
mom was always a challenge.... ;)
Nothing worse than seedy bud. But thinking about it no bud is worse than seedy bud.

Okay friend, since it’s challenge accepted I want to... look I’m not great with words, I want to say emulate, if that‘s fancy for copy, use it, if it means something else swap it for copy. Lol.

I somehow struck 6/6 clones - actually more 51/2. I’m not sure the monster 2 has taken.

I want to try and redo a Tangie and grow her the way she is meant to grow with some grace and dignity. My girls should be beautiful and they just ain’t. They look like crackwhores, skinny arms and legs, ciggies hanging from their badly painted lips. They’re a mess. And they shouldn’t be because their buds are hi class.

So back to my plan. I have 6 but I don’t want 6. I also have a neighbour who is like a 65 year old Cheech who grows and sings badly, she has no idea I do. I told her that a “friend” has some clones and he’s interested in giving her a couple and splitting the yield. Her eyes light up! So I’m thinking keep three hand pass three.

I want to adapt your style to three of them. So if you don’t mind, I want you to pick one monster and one Tangie and I’ll pick one. The monsters start slow but kick arse once they’re rooted (So funny rooted means something different here so that sentence has me lolling). Or do you think I should just do one? How many do you grow at once?
Monster cropped Tangie choices:-



Hi,Trala- looks like we're doin' this!

Or do you think I should just do one? How many do you grow at once?
I used to grow 2, but with only 4 sq.ft. to grow in, one works out a lot better- you've got all the room you need, so you can easily do 2 or three...
I looked over the clones- the 2 Tangies both have a ways to go before they're ready- you'll need to wait for the new growth before there's really anything to train. Tangie #2 looks like the best candidate, once it starts sprouting some new growth...honestly, it looks like that might take awhile, so lets concentrate on the GG's for now...

The GG's all look pretty good, but #3 & #4 look like the best candidates- if you're ready to start now, I'll post up some pics tomorrow of where to make the cuts to top them-
Were you planning on transplanting to bigger pots? if so, it'd be a good idea to get that done before topping them, so they don't have to handle topping and transplanting stress all at once- like translpant
one day, and then top them 2 or 3 days later.
3 gallon pots are what I use- you can grow a decent sized plant in them, but they're not too heavy to move around- but feel free to use what ever size you want.

About 5 days after topping, the branches should be long enough to start tying them down, so we'll see how they look about a week or so from now...
* you can wait to transplant if you want-it's just a little easier to get it out of the way before you start tying things down...
Good Luck, I'll check in with you tomorrow!
Here's the pics, Trala- You want to leave 4 or 5 nodes below the cut, so that'll be 4 or 5 branches that
you'll be training a little later on...
Clone 3:
Clone 3.jpeg

Clone 4:
Clone 4.jpeg

So that's it for step 1- (nothing to it!)
Step 2 will start when we've got some little branches to start training!
Hi,Trala- looks like we're doin' this!

I used to grow 2, but with only 4 sq.ft. to grow in, one works out a lot better- you've got all the room you need, so you can easily do 2 or three...
I looked over the clones- the 2 Tangies both have a ways to go before they're ready- you'll need to wait for the new growth before there's really anything to train. Tangie #2 looks like the best candidate, once it starts sprouting some new growth...honestly, it looks like that might take awhile, so lets concentrate on the GG's for now...

The GG's all look pretty good, but #3 & #4 look like the best candidates- if you're ready to start now, I'll post up some pics tomorrow of where to make the cuts to top them-
Were you planning on transplanting to bigger pots? if so, it'd be a good idea to get that done before topping them, so they don't have to handle topping and transplanting stress all at once- like translpant
one day, and then top them 2 or 3 days later.
3 gallon pots are what I use- you can grow a decent sized plant in them, but they're not too heavy to move around- but feel free to use what ever size you want.

About 5 days after topping, the branches should be long enough to start tying them down, so we'll see how they look about a week or so from now...
* you can wait to transplant if you want-it's just a little easier to get it out of the way before you start tying things down...
Good Luck, I'll check in with you tomorrow!
Hi Carcass

I’m on a 10hr day shift today, and I have a night shift tomorrow so I will have free time through the day to get started.

I am super excited!

As far as instructions go, I am not the brightest star in the sky. Try and imagine you are explaining it to a chimpanzee with a head injury. I’m talking pictures with arrows.

Now I have 3 questions before we begin.

1. Do I need to buy any special material?

2. I forget my next question

3. See question 2
Here's the pics, Trala- You want to leave 4 or 5 nodes below the cut, so that'll be 4 or 5 branches that
you'll be training a little later on...
Clone 3:

Clone 4:

So that's it for step 1- (nothing to it!)
Step 2 will start when we've got some little branches to start training!
:circle-of-love: Oh thank you Grow Jesus in heaven. :circle-of-love:

It’s like you can see into my slow thinking soul!

Just so I’m clear. Step 1 is me cutting those points as in now, well tomorrow?

And Carcass thank you so much for taking me on.
Step 1 is me cutting those points as in now, well tomorrow?

Yes, exactly- the sooner you cut 'em, the sooner the branches will start to grow... (topping makes the plant release growth hormones, to sort of kick those branches in the ass and get them going)
As for special materials... I use wire and bamboo skewers to hold things down, but yarn or string will also work- especially since these are a little taller than what I usually start with.

Don't forget- you'll need to transplant eventually, but that doesn't need to happen right now...
Carcass thank you so much for taking me on.
You're Welcome,'ll be second nature to you by the time these ladies are done!
Yes, exactly- the sooner you cut 'em, the sooner the branches will start to grow... (topping makes the plant release growth hormones, to sort of kick those branches in the ass and get them going)
As for special materials... I use wire and bamboo skewers to hold things down, but yarn or string will also work- especially since these are a little taller than what I usually start with.

Don't forget- you'll need to transplant eventually, but that doesn't need to happen right now...

You're Welcome,'ll be second nature to you by the time these ladies are done!
I’ll do it first thing tomorrow and I’ll bring pictures!

:) :) :)
Here they are again- that's odd that they dissappeared- so did the latest pics in my journal, but Renee and I got that one fixed...
Anyway- lets see if they stick this time :)
Clone 3:

Clone 4:
Here they are again- that's odd that they dissappeared- so did the latest pics in my journal, but Renee and I got that one fixed...
Anyway- lets see if they stick this time :)
Clone 3:

Clone 4:
Oh thank God you’re here.

Scissors are in hand. It’s showtime maaaaaaaaaaaaate ;)
It's hard to tell if she should top there, I can't zoom the picture enough. The node spacing seems asymmetrical, so topping may result in a single node still dominating. You really want to top \|/ such that you have two equal nodes.
Ideally, yes- but she's starting with clones, so everythings uneven- it won't be a standard quad, but it should work out ok.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, Trala- I'm babysitting today, and that little baby doesn't
allow me much "me" time ;)
Oiii Carcass, so I have named them, coz it’s my thang. I like to be able to identify whose who.

I smashed our names together and I got Carla 3 and Carla 4.

Carla Clone 3 :love:


Carla Clone 4 :love:


#CC34 :love::love:


Let the good times, laughs and fuck ups on my part roll!
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