Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!

Hey Magoo! I've never done an auto but I'm pretty sure they get treated the same as photos as far as water feed goes. Are those autos in 1's? I thought you were supposed to start them in their final pots...? I used to give 2 RO's (short for straight water, reverse osmosis but I use spring water) between each drench but now only do 1 and most times its 1/4 trans (1/4 of normal drench dose) i know this is basic but it helps to see it written, feed water as follows, RO>Trans>RO>GE>RO>Trans, etc...if you don't have a lot of product (regular kit) then double up those RO's. The 2 consecutive Cats come at bud set which is anywhere from 16 days (sativas are done early I think) to 35 days which is late but works well for some, on average it's about 21-28 days. I hope that helps!

Helps a lot. Thanks. And the autos are staying in the 1’s for space reasons.
Roots grow through the stretch phase and then essentially stop. If you figure most strains stretch for 20 days or so, he is still getting 20 days of roots growth into the new stuff. Generally thats enough to take advantage of the new soil. Might not be sufficient to go from a 1 to a 15 but I think 1 to a 7 or a 10 and its sufficient time.

I do it with some of my up pottings, like going from 5 to a 10 or a 10 to a 15. Up pot right before flip and let it go.
Am I correct in remembering that with sativas sometimes it’s up can and flip whereas with indicas the flip can be postponed for a couple weeks? Mine is a Sativa but I think the training comes into play here. If she wasn’t tied down she would be quite a bit taller at this point.
Roots grow through the stretch phase and then essentially stop. If you figure most strains stretch for 20 days or so, he is still getting 20 days of roots growth into the new stuff. Generally thats enough to take advantage of the new soil. Might not be sufficient to go from a 1 to a 15 but I think 1 to a 7 or a 10 and its sufficient time.

I do it with some of my up pottings, like going from 5 to a 10 or a 10 to a 15. Up pot right before flip and let it go.
I read a quote from someone here once, I believe it was Emilya, who said "as above, so below." Sounds like theres a good deal of truth to that.
Am I correct in remembering that with sativas sometimes it’s up can and flip whereas with indicas the flip can be postponed for a couple weeks? Mine is a Sativa but I think the training comes into play here. If she wasn’t tied down she would be quite a bit taller at this point.
Sure you need to factor in flowering times, its a big part of what I select for pot sizes and how long I veg in. Using that logic, it sure makes sense that you can give indicas an extra couple weeks in a pot pre flip if its an 8 week strain vs a 12 week strain.
Goo, just dropping by to show you the 707 at 47, my dropping it really put it behind. Fickle bitch she is... potting her up, might have two zips out of her by 2020.

Haha. I appreciate you dropping her in here. I’m behind on my journal visits. Trying to get caught up. Feels futile! Lol
G13 Haze
Day 58

Up potted yesterday at day 57 from sprout. She looks to have filled out a bit since the defoliation yesterday. Kinda getting a decent shape to her. I need to count the tops and see if I need to thin them out a bit. @Asesino85 I was wondering if you have found a sweet spot in general as far as maximizing yield with the quadline. Last grow the one with fewer tops ended up yielding more. My mind is lingering around mid to upper 20s but wanted your thoughts on this. I think I remember you mentioning a range you shoot for at some point.
From the side view you can see she’s a lot more level than she has been but not quite there yet. There is still a bit more room in the pot for me to bring the ends down and out a bit more. That should level her out pretty good but I want to give her a few days to recover before I do anything else. Here she is..

My goal usually is somewhere in the mid 20's for tops in veg. That leaves enough tops left after I cut some off post stretch that I know are going to be weak or in the way. I am usually left with somewhere around 16-18 in flower and that is the sweet spot I try to hit. You get good sized colas and a great yield this way. All that has to be taken with a grain of salt though. If I was doing a one plant grow in a 4x4' tent then I probably am aiming for a much higher amount of tops. This would also likely mean a bigger pot size than normal as well as longer veg time. Sounds like you were pretty much on the right track already! I think the G13 Haze is going to love the new pot. I didn't realize she had been in a 1 gallon for so long. She will love her new home and I bet the droop slowly fades away now.
My goal usually is somewhere in the mid 20's for tops in veg. That leaves enough tops left after I cut some off post stretch that I know are going to be weak or in the way. I am usually left with somewhere around 16-18 in flower and that is the sweet spot I try to hit. You get good sized colas and a great yield this way. All that has to be taken with a grain of salt though. If I was doing a one plant grow in a 4x4' tent then I probably am aiming for a much higher amount of tops. This would also likely mean a bigger pot size than normal as well as longer veg time. Sounds like you were pretty much on the right track already! I think the G13 Haze is going to love the new pot. I didn't realize she had been in a 1 gallon for so long. She will love her new home and I bet the droop slowly fades away now.
Thanks a lot Ase! I’ll definitely keep that in mind. So far I have taken everything from the underside of the mains, except maybe the the last node toward the tips. Those may come off too with the last bit of training. I don’t know how I didn’t get her in the new pot straighter than I did but she’s crooked as hell. Lol.
Thanks a lot Ase! I’ll definitely keep that in mind. So far I have taken everything from the underside of the mains, except maybe the the last node toward the tips. Those may come off too with the last bit of training. I don’t know how I didn’t get her in the new pot straighter than I did but she’s crooked as hell. Lol.
I've been watching a lot of videos on growing bonsai trees and the one I have in my grow tents really needs a bigger pot. They put them into their new pots crooked on purpose to add artistic flares and highlight the plants good features. Maybe you were just channeling your inner artist. Be careful if it's crooked not to pull to hard on one side to overcompensate as that might lead to some breakage!
I've been watching a lot of videos on growing bonsai trees and the one I have in my grow tents really needs a bigger pot. They put them into their new pots crooked on purpose to add artistic flares and highlight the plants good features. Maybe you were just channeling your inner artist. Be careful if it's crooked not to pull to hard on one side to overcompensate as that might lead to some breakage!
Yes...I thought of that as well. I’ve managed not to split at the main stalk like I did last grow. Lol. Not yet anyway. I bent the ends down today just to see how thick the branch is at the edge of the pot. Still a little flimsy. I think maybe a few more days and I can probably put the little binder clips on the edge of the pot and tie her down for the last time. But the ends are bending pretty easily so hopefully I can do it without breaking anything.
I don't know anything about Doc's Kit but I know he up-cans and flips which I don't understand. I thought we have learned that most root growth happens in veg, and in flower the plant shows more topside growth. If that Haze were mine I'd give it at least 2-3 weeks to stretch out those roots before I flipped it. Quad shape looks great. I'm looking forward to hearing from Ase on the number of tops as I just started my Peyote Critical quad this weekend. My last one was a male :rolleyes:.

The Chem and the DDa look happy, but can't help you with the GSCa. You need a brix grower to chime in on that one.

As Van already kind of covered, the roots stretch during the stretch as well. Doc likes to get his plants root bound to the point they need to get dunked daily before uppotting and flipping. By doing this the plants and the roots explode upon the uppot/flip. Some strains could stay in the final container for a bit efore flip but I know I do not have the room to do that so i just up pot and flip as well. Some strains will completely fill the 7 with roots. Others have a very solid root system but they could be better. I think if I had things dialed in better and supplemented CO2 like Doc does then I would have even better root systems. As is I some times have a lag in plants ready to go into flower in my perpetual.
Happy Thanksgiving Merica!! Hope you all get your bellies full today. And I invite you all to post any Black Friday seed or growing products deals you find here! I’d love to check them out as I’m sure others would as well! Cheers!
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