Timing the cationic drench

Waiting another day or so on these. The CR is looking like she wants it. Today is day 21.

Crown Royale


Blue Dream


beautiful!! :bravo: They will love the CAT! :)
Hey Rad! You know I'm a brix noob so please take the advice of a more experienced person. I'll venture a guess that they'll be ready for cat in 3 days. 18 days seems like a good time. Looking good!

I would tend to agree. Another week and those buds will explode. I like to hit them with cat right as buds set and right before the explosion. ✌️

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AK47 under 11/13 HPS light for 15 days.

The flowers have looked like fireworks for 3-4 days.

I have a drench day coming up in 3 days.

I was thinking I should do a GE in 3 days and start the Cat drenches in 9-10 days.

Sound OK?

That sounds perfect - good instincts! The GE will provide a timely growth burst, and after a water drench, the time window for Cat will be wide open. You could even go directly to Cat after the GE.

2 day 3 nights since the 1st cat drench - I'm happy :)


AK47 - Day 30 - 2nd day after 2nd Cat Drench. I added a stick to tie up the top.


AK47 is trying to grow a large main cola and good lower nugs. I'm rooting for her :)


The buds and trichome production responded well :)


AK47 is growing thicker nugs than previous grows, but they are still quite airy - it's early.
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