Timing the cationic drench

Hi Walleye! I may be misreading your post but you want to give 2 straight waters between drenches and you should keep em moist in bloom, I water/drench every 4-5 days. Gov and rad are going only 2 days, see above.

Looking good. Just wanted to mention that because your post seems like you've gone 10 days and went GE to CD.

Thanks Weenmeoff, I did 1/4 trans water at 4 days and might have jumped the gun a bit. I gotta relax !! I'll remember 2 waters between drenches and work on relaxing right :smokin: now!
23 days 12/12 and 3 days after 1st CD with tea
Looks like male BoP pollen should be ready after 2nd CD (4+ more days) for a few buds. I'll give seeds to friends and family.:circle-of-love: PS: No folliars between CDs?
Day 25 of 12/12 and 5 days since 1st CD. Went ahead and sprayed brix today, just no water between CDs'. :passitleft: 2-3 days till 2nd CD. Good resin forming.:420:
27 days 12/12 and 8th day since 1st CD. 2nd CD with tea today and
:love: pollinate a few buds carefully!!! Of 5 female plants/ 3 strains/ only 1 of 2 24Kgold has curled down leaves. Last 24K I kept was very sensitive also like this one.
1st DBHBB grow. Day 33 of 12:12 and 7 days since 2nd CD with tea.:love:
mb x gg
(2)mb x gg, BoP and (2) 24K on right
:love::420: Seeded tops took and appear :straightface:isolated to those. Bird of Paradise male :love: BoP, 24Kgold #2&3, and magic bullet x gg #1&2 I like it, the aroma outside is nice, the hybiscus seems to be enjoying aroma too! :peace: Peace everyone and thanks. Doc, I hope you never run out of volcano dusts!:surf:
So my girls are +25 and are due to get their 2nd straight RO tonight or tomorrow then another 4 or 5 days until their 1st Cat, my question is should I skip this RO and go straight to Cat! Also, wonder what people think of my money maker with its pistil less buds, are they set?





Good to have you back Buckaroo !
A short follow up, yellowing fans. Did a super drench after 2nd CD at 37 days 12/12 and color better. Will scratch in EWC next RO, then go GE. Made a mistake with the super and added 10x too much tea!! Can't seem to kill them yet!!! PS: Interesting plant Ween.
hey Wall,

I'm having a tad bit of yellowing on my lowest leaves as well. What is the ratio/dosage of your "super drench"? my girls are in 10 gallon smart pots, so how much does each plant get in terms of your drench makeup/solution? My normal drenches have been about 8-10ml of drench (trans/GE) + 2ml of tea and maybe about 2-3 gallons of water /plant.
Hey back Snoogensz, I have (5) 10 gallon plastic pots in flower, 1 1/2oz GE + 2.5ml tea + 15 gall R/O total for all 5 pot drenches , and per Doc the super is 8 oz trans + 10ml tea + 5 gall R/O for (6) 7 gall typical. New seeded plants and 1st DBHBB so I believe I may have underfed although one 24k had curled down leaves like overfed and now it is yellowing. :smokin: 1 1/2 oz = 45ml GE or Trans + 2.5ml tea drenches :smokin: :smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin: 8 oz trans super = 240 ml Trans + 10ml tea ! I hope that is correct as I have never been asked a Q here !! So for one 10g pot super trans (not a drench) 48ml trans + 2ml tea + 1 gall R/O ?:420:On the lite side!?!!

I just transplanted/upcanned to my 10 gal smart pots and have only given them a Trans drench. Since they are now in bigger pots, I can't dunk them like I did when they were in the 1gal so I find myself making a solution of 8/10 ml of either GE/Trans + 2ml of tea and 2 gallons of water for each plant. I try to bottom feed by pouring about a gallon into the saucer, then finish the rest via top feeding. Seems to be working so far, but haven't really had to use a super drench yet.

I just transplanted/upcanned to my 10 gal smart pots and have only given them a Trans drench. Since they are now in bigger pots, I can't dunk them like I did when they were in the 1gal so I find myself making a solution of 8/10 ml of either GE/Trans + 2ml of tea and 2 gallons of water for each plant. I try to bottom feed by pouring about a gallon into the saucer, then finish the rest via top feeding. Seems to be working so far, but haven't really had to use a super drench yet.

For regular feeding, I use a max of 0.5ml tea per plant. I do this as soon as they hit the 7-gal and 10-gal pots.

I just transplanted/upcanned to my 10 gal smart pots and have only given them a Trans drench. Since they are now in bigger pots, I can't dunk them like I did when they were in the 1gal so I find myself making a solution of 8/10 ml of either GE/Trans + 2ml of tea and 2 gallons of water for each plant. I try to bottom feed by pouring about a gallon into the saucer, then finish the rest via top feeding. Seems to be working so far, but haven't really had to use a super drench yet.

Exactly how I roll.
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