I use a SpotOn meter which has dli incorporated.
23 dli is about the max I can push without my plants turning into huge leaf protection mode.
Now put some flower on there and it’s a different story.

Good luck with your grow.
Maybe it has something to do with VPD? I keep the humidity pretty high in my tent, usually 68-70 in veg. I do pretty much the same in the auto tent.
The Vivosun Bud Factory
Colombian Gold Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies USA Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System settings: ** Vegetative Mode **
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 00:00-04:00 - OFF
    • 04:00-24:00 - 75% Vegetative mode (40 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6
    • 00:00-24:00 - Speed 5
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 00:00-04:00 - 64% RH, speed 5
    • 04:00-24:00 - 83F & 69% RH, speed 7
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun AeroWave A6 oscillating
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode
- Active Aqua 1/4hp chiller set to 68f with 3f swing

Date: 9/15/23 Day# 23
Strain: Herbies Seeds Colombian Gold (World of Seeds) fem photo clones
Names: Maria(Front-left), Luisa(Front-right), Camila(back-left), Sofia(back-right)
Nutrients: MC, Hydroguard, Z7
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

The summer heat has finally broken. It's breezy and cool here in Virginia today. Believe it or not, this has always been the toughest time for me to grow. The A/C running in the summer keeps the basement cool, and the heat in the winter keeps it warm. When neither are running the heat tends to build up in the basement. With the lights, dehumidifier, and now the water chiller the basement gets pretty warm. In the past this was a problem because the res would get too warm. Now... no problem, they can take at least an extra 5-10f and still be happy. I'll just raise the RH to keep the VPD the same.

I bumped the res up past 700ppm a couple of days ago and it's still dropping. Today I added 50g MC, which should get it above 800ppm (1.6EC). We'll see how they like that.
Colombian Gold RDWC Tracker.png
Yesterday I checked the roots in all the buckets and noticed that Luisa didn't have many bubbles. I isolated her stone and still not much. I ended up pulling the stone off and replacing it with a new stone and it made a big difference. Maybe that's why she's the smallest so far? I swear I can see a difference in just one day. I realized the stones I'm using have been used for a few grows now and probably all need to be replaced. I'll do that in the next couple of days.

I'm still just updating the LST every day and plucking a leaf here and there. I'm also thinking of flipping these girls soon. They should fill the net during transition and early stretch easy. I'll probably go 12/12 this weekend.

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
The Vivosun Bud Factory
Colombian Gold Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies USA Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System recipe: Colombian Gold RDWC Flower *SEEDLING* mode
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 20:00-08:00 - OFF
    • 08:00-20:00 - 80% Flowering mode (30 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6
    • 20:00-08:00 - Speed 5
    • 08:00-20:00 - Natural Wind
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 20:00-08:00 - 58% RH, speed 6
    • 08:00-20:00 - 85F & 66% RH, speed 8
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun AeroWave A6 oscillating
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode
- Active Aqua 1/4hp chiller set to 68f with 3f swing

Date: 9/18/23 Day# 26 - First day at 12/12
Strain: Herbies Seeds Colombian Gold (World of Seeds) fem photo clones
Names: Maria(Front-left), Luisa(Front-right), Camila(back-left), Sofia(back-right)
Nutrients: MC, Hydroguard, Z7
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

Last week I noticed one of the airstones wasn't working and replaced it. This weekend I replaced all of the airstones and what a difference! Where I had a few small bubbles before, now I have a column of bubbles and the surface is rolling. I'm not sure how I let them get this bad. Have I been using the same stones for the past 4 grows??? Going forward I'll check the airstones every grow and replace them if needed.

Maybe I'm imagining things, but yesterday when I went down it looked like they had filled in a lot more (day 24 to day25). I updated the LST and finally got rid of the last of the one and three-fingered leaves on all of them.

All of the leaves now have five or seven fingers, with most of the new growth showing seven fingers. This means they're all firmly back to veg. So... last night I switched them back to flower. In this case, I started the Colombian Gold Flower RDWC recipe in seedling mode. This keeps the VPD right around the same, but switches the light to 8a-8p (12/12) and changes the spectrum to flower mode, adding in the far-red and UVA LEDs.
These ladies are really healthy right now. Luisa is still the smallest and Camila in the back-left corner is the largest. The back of the tent in general is a bit larger right now, but that's not bad since there's more room to fill back there. They're all pretty close in size and growing well.

I'm still pinning buds down to the net every day. I'm also removing anything that's growing down toward the buckets (suckers), as well as plucking a few big fans. It's really driving growth to the tips and they're filling in really nicely. I hope I didn't wait too long to flip them, I'm definitely not worried about filling the net. These ladies are loving life in the @VIVOSUN Bud Factory!

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Looking good in there Budman
Thanks Roy. I'm thinking I may use MC for the entire grow this time for the first time. You grow with just MC, right?
Thanks Roy. I'm thinking I may use MC for the entire grow this time for the first time. You grow with just MC, right?
No, like most stuff a lot of you guys use, it's not available over here
I use Canna A/B throughout with a bit of seaweed
I think it is.

My friend in the UK used it and put me into it.
Really? Do you mean the stuff in the brown bottles that's kind of black and sea weedy? Surely not lol
Off to do some searching down a 'Zon-hole... :nomo:
The Vivosun Bud Factory
Colombian Gold Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies USA Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System recipe: Colombian Gold RDWC Flower *SEEDLING* mode
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 20:00-08:00 - OFF
    • 08:00-20:00 - 80% Flowering mode (35 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6
    • 20:00-08:00 - Speed 5
    • 08:00-20:00 - Natural Wind
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 20:00-08:00 - 58% RH, speed 6
    • 08:00-20:00 - 85F & 66% RH, speed 8
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun AeroWave A6 oscillating
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode
- Active Aqua 1/4hp chiller set to 68f with 3f swing

Date: 9/21/23 Day# 29 - Flip Day# 4
Strain: Herbies Seeds Colombian Gold (World of Seeds) fem photo clones
Names: Maria(Front-left), Luisa(Front-right), Camila(back-left), Sofia(back-right)
Nutrients: MC, Hydroguard, Z7
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

I've worked the res up to around 800ppm (1.6EC) and they seem to like it here. The PPMs are staying pretty steady. I'll keep it in the 800-900ppm range for now as long as they seem to like it.

This is around the point I would do a res change over to Prescription Blend for flower. I still have a full grow's worth. Instead, I'm going to continue these ladies on MC. I have some BE if needed (doubt it), along with some Magnesium Nitrate (more likely). I've run the numbers and I'm pretty confident I can bring these ladies all the way with MC. I can always change over to PB if needed. If I can make the MC work, though, I'll be much happier in the long run. Either way, they're about due for a res change.
Colombian Gold RDWC Tracker.png
They still look fantastic and are growing well. I'm going in every day or two and updating the LST and trimming off suckers. They're growing together so well pretty soon they're going to look like one big plant ;)

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Count me in I'll take ticket 👍
Welcome Mel and nice timing... this grow has been going for six months and you joined right at the good part ;)
Looking good LKA! :)
Thanks GW
I just noticed mine are showing the start of flowering at Day 7 from flip. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Not surprising since the mother was in transition when I took the clones. That was the main reason I was waiting for five and seven-fingered leaves before flipping.
I'm also going to say noticeable stretch is happening now, with node spacing getting wider.:)
Well, that will help fill out the net at least. I'm hoping for the same short transition 🤞
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