The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Me too buddy. Break one law at a time.
Yeah I’m with u if I wasn’t in the city I’ll def role with the punches
Ok my Brookies are 70 days old from germination and 34 days since first pistils appeared. Trichomes on the sugar leaves are showing amber here and there, calyx are showing mostly cloudy. Since it's a Sativa dom plant I'll let her go maybe another week and chop. 11 weeks is what Dutch Passion states and that's going to be very close.

thats kinda interesting, i was talking to @newty about my brooklyn looking like she is getting to the end... tough she could have two more weeks or so. Ill let her run another week to and then chop probably. first check with a magnifyer. btw all is fine with the brooklyn Sunrise girl and there are 4 more sisters in the seedbank. thnx for thinking about me tough guys :Namaste:
i would love to, but my Phone broke and now i am running on a iPhone 4 with a icloud lock on it lol. it doenst let me update with that historical Phone i guess. my camera works, but i need to find a moment when my body want to cooperate in these tropical temps. the planning is to do a full care day for them tomorrow including pics:cool:
I did a grow (Science Fair) where I ran Foliage Pro and Pro Tekt against 1/2 Foliage Pro, 1/2 Bloom, the same amount of Pro Tekt, plus some Mag Pro. The only real benefit I saw was that the mix that contained Bloom and Mag Pro came out dead at my desired pH without having to use any pH down. There was no yield benefit to adding in all those other products. The next grow I went with the mix that contained Bloom and ended up having build up problems in my Pro Mix and the plants started getting lock out problems. I've since come full circle and have gone back to just Foliage Pro and Pro Tekt, start to finish.
Have you ever listened to the Dude Grow podcast with the owner of Dyna Grow as a guest? I've posted it a couple times. It's a bit on the scientific side but explained pretty well for a layman. I like science and it makes a lot of sense. The ratios of Foliage Pro line up very well with the presented tissue samples quoted.
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