The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Girls got their second feeding today of 2.5ml pro-tekt and 2.5ml Foilage Pro. Call me crazy but the girls seem to be happier since the switch to Dynagro, they are definitely perkier throughout the day or maybe I’m just crazy in love with how easy it is lol. I mixed the second feeding up and checked with ph meter and perfect at 5.9 so I’m get the hang of this lol.✌️
I have a 5ml syringe but still rock my measuring spoons. The tent is in a closet of a spare bedroom and the door to that room is always shut. No dogs allowed! We have 4, a mutt, a German, a Rott, and a Pit. Yep, I like my bully breeds. Between that and firearms, noone dare come in unannounced. Even if he Jehovah's Witnesses got half way down my driveway and turned around. I channeled my inner redneck when I moved south.
She’s filling in and still growing taller. I’m in my second week of flower/ 8 weeks overall
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