The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Brookies are filling out now, flowers getting rock hard. Getting a faint fuel nose to the floral scent so hopefully that continues to get more intense.

I dunno about you guys, but I think pw must be using unicorn piss nutes :laugh:. Got something magical going on every time I look I do a double take and say is that really the same plant!
Well it’s day 23for Big Momma and she is just starting to shoot some pistils out so she’ll probably start stretching soon I figure. I was hoping for a little more veg time but she’s still big enough to make a good size plant. These autos can stretch pretty big so It’s gonna be fun to watch her develop. Two of the three biggest Blue Dream’ matic started showing sex also, they are on day 22. The third one looks like it’s getting ready to show also. They have showed sex quicker than I thought they would but they did have really good growth early on so I’m hoping with the six autos I have will fill my tent and yield good but I gu time will tell lol. Here’s a pic of a branch on big momma just starting to show sex.✌️
If I had a better intake I could get the temps lower if I wanted, thats next on my list lol.
Did you put your QB driver outside the tent? That will lower your temperature for you. Next time the light has been on for an hour or two grab hold of the sides of that driver. You'll see what I'm talking about.
Did you put your QB driver outside the tent? That will lower your temperature for you. Next time the light has been on for a hour or two grab hold of the sides of that driver. You'll see what I'm talking about.
It only raised my temps by 1-2 degrees. I figured it would raise it more than that but it’s barley even noticeable .✌️
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