The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Is she flowering?
Nope... thank God!
She stalled a bit after topping and I figured she would end up flowering before she even recovered.
She's showing new growth every day now and still hasn't started spitting out pistils. I'm cool with it. She's gonna need to stretch her ass off to catch up in size though. Tiny lil lady!
@Jack420, looking good pal. You gonna have a room full of bud in no time. My Brooklyn’s are doing good and Big Momma is loving the QB. Her a couple pics I took earlier, first is Big Momma

Next is Mercedes, she’s growing and seems to be doing pretty good
And here’s a group pic of all the girls

BM should start stretching soon with her showing sex and two of my Blue Dream are showing so hopefully I will get a decent stretch out of these girls. Do you guys think the six autos will fill my tent? I sure hope they do cause I really don’t want much spare room in my tent lol. Gotta fill that space lol.✌️
You'll like the simplicity
Hey Penny... I know you've mentioned the specifics of the Dyna-gro nutes you're using but I can't find that post for the life of me...:hmmmm::nomo::nomo: :hmmmm:
You mind PM'ing me the details?
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