The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Crazy I slack off the site while getting new place ready and lose track of everything. I guess I got a hole lot of catching up to do. Cheers ghost hope all has been well.
It’s easy to loose track sometimes lol. Everything has been going good. I got my QB’s installed so I have them side by side with the PS. I bet your glad to be getting your new grow spaces built. I’m still right in the middle of my new grow space and I’ve not got to do much to it in a while. Money has been tight and it seems like every time I get ahead a little bit something will happen with the car or house lol. Oh well hopefully I can finish my building soon cause I could really use the extra room. Good to talk to you Dark, I be over to check on your journal in a bit.✌️
Don't think you will have a problem filling the tent with them. Eyeballing the Brookies after stretch and the bdms are just beginning the stretch. Those 4 should fill my 4 by 4 nicely.
Yea im thinking they will stretch pretty good by looking at everyone else’s plants. Hopefully my tent will be nice and full lol. I’m excited for them to start stretching.✌️
Hey 420 family I’m doing a 56 day plant in my hydro bucket. Lsd25 from fast buds. If your interested n checking it out. Drop by the link is in my signature. Not much so far but it may b worth a look later.
ECG #straightcabbage in your tent! Look at Derbs and PW to see what yours will look like soon. That cabbage pheno likes a heavy defoil if I remember ;) Derbs was taking multiple leaves a day! I was hoping for that one lol Mine still have most of their OG leaves #unusualfornewty
I’ve taken probably 100 + leaves off my Brooklyn also. She’s growing like a weed lol. And she’s going through 4 gallons of nutrients in 4 days Man o man. But everyone loves pennies and Derbies. What about my Brooklyn. lol l just kidding. Hydroponic is a whole different world
My girls today
Ice yours are killing it. Over in my journal Penny and I would talking how you're doing the best in this comparative grow. Hands down.
Hog wash lol. Thanks much appreciated I always remind myself that penny has 2 plants in his bucket. I really do nothing it’s all About the light and the nutrients. And proper ph. Airflow. And plenty of love. :green_heart::cool:
There def stacking last night i peaked in wen there was zzz there are buds everywhere im thinkin i prob need another box of mason jars
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