The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

It just made sense, MH. The Blueberry is growing like a weed so it had to get top priority under the lights.
Brookies are filling out now, flowers getting rock hard. Getting a faint fuel nose to the floral scent so hopefully that continues to get more intense.

Just scrolled through the last several pages. It appears I got one of the sloth seeds. The thing has grown like an inch in the last 8 I got tired of looking at it in the tent wasting valuable space. So it is now outside facing the elements. A Seedsman Blueberry has assumed the BS plants position under the lights.
That BB is a banger for sure. 2 of the healthiest I've grown were that exact strain/breeder.
I'm still holding out hope that my little Brooky is gonna stretch out quite a bit more. But, I'm also not currently strapped for space. If I was, I may have to make that same tough decision. LoL
@Pennywise, I got a chemdawg from sunwest genetics that is suppose to be fire. I’m gonna run it and Girl Scout cookies after this auto run. Oh and by the way check this out
Got my QB installed today and I can’t believe how bright this thing is lol. I also love the dimmer. I got it 24in above plants right now and they are looking good. Here’s a group pic of all them hanging out.✌️
I’m loving the qb so far and I was worried it might raise my temps quite a bit in my tent but it’s only raised it by one or two degree. It was running about 73-75f throughout the day and now it’s 75-77 so I’m pleased with that. If I had a better intake I could get the temps lower if I wanted, thats next on my list lol. I have a 8in exhaust (420cfm) and the only intake I have is a box fan at the vent blowing in which does pretty good but I need another 8in to match my exhaust. I have a 8in turbo and a 7in swivel inside the tent to keep good airflow other than that my tent should be in pretty good shape for flower. I am gonna give the girls a neem treatment today or tomorrow as a preventive measure. I don’t want to get in flower and start having issues with pests.✌️
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