The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Coco is charged up and all seeds are planted. Im waiting for them to surface, the two Brooklyn Sunrise are coming up through the coco now so they should be sprouted up by tomorrow morning. One BS didn't germinate, I will get some pics up as soon as they sprout.✌
Brooklyn Sunrise by Dutch Passion
2018 The Vault Comparative Grow
Day 48/Day 6 Flower
1tsp Dyna-gro Foliage Pro and 1tsp Protekt
Temp: 81
RH: 43%
EC: 1.4
PH: 5.7
Lights: 1050+ ppfd

Sativa looking girls. Pretty!
Yea I'm stoked to be running the same strains as my 420 family.✌
I'll bee truckin' along with ya! :high-five:
She's been above soil for about a week now. Stalled a bit, but I'm sure she'll pick back up.

I'll bee truckin' along with ya! :high-five:
She's been above soil for about a week now. Stalled a bit, but I'm sure she'll pick back up.

Alot of ppl slowed down
Alot of ppl slowed down
I'm just trying to follow along with everyone's "lesson learned" with this strain. I know she will shoot up soon. I want a bit more girth on her before I move her outside.
I'll bee truckin' along with ya! :high-five:
She's been above soil for about a week now. Stalled a bit, but I'm sure she'll pick back up.
I'm sure she will pick back up for you. I should have a few sprout up by tomorrow. I'm excited to get these girls going lol.✌
Yeah man its ben awsome so far just ben waitin 4 u now we all here
I finally made it lol. I came dragging in last i believe lol. Hopefully my girls thrive so I can catch up with you guys lol. Everyone is doing a great job so far and I can't wait to see some fat sticky buds lol.✌

I finally made it lol. I came dragging in last i believe lol. Hopefully my girls thrive so I can catch up with you guys lol. Everyone is doing a great job so far and I can't wait to see some fat sticky buds lol.✌
Same here brotha cnt wait here are mine
Hey Jack, I personally appreciate the soil and DWC run at the same time.. Kinda on the fence for my perpetual.... Looking forward to your outcomes... Mine is outdoors only in soil... Building process.... Thanks Green days all...
I wanted to run the best of both worlds to c how they differ we will c i just thought dwc would have ben a better candidate for my last to beans
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