The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

They don’t like Newty’s indoor set up, too humid inside I think!
My indoor I can dial it in at 40-55% bit 4x2.5x5 was dope for vegging immthinking for me as I can keep that tent for plants that like high humidity and bigger tent for ones that don’t need as much hmm
Hope you like the smoke with all you're growing!
Yes love the smoke man n i give to fam members also but i just put new baby Brooklyn in dwc n the other bluedreamatic do her later but in all 2 Brooklyn dwc 2 bluedreamatic dwc 2 Brooklyn soil n one bluedreammatic soil in all
Looking good Jack
Thanks penny bd loved bein topped Brooklyn strarted growing today after shock from topped but doin great didn't stunt much
N guys i ment it wen i said auto run lol here is my lil purple beast did 4 fun not to worried bout yield this will b once n ablue moon smoke
N slowly increasing nutes hey pw i have enought nutes for this grow i think lol wat u recommend nutes for hydro tired of gh not thats is bad workes great but want sum different
Did look at them but didnt kno if it worked in hydro n the price is good to i want some thing simple is it ph perfect or do i have to calibrate my water
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