Did you get the new double-zippered triangular tent from Mars TriGrow?
LOL, no I must have missed the flyer on that one.
I'm looking forward to the SAT question about the best shape for three in a square
Didn't this get asked in farside's thread? I was hoping to cheat on that SAT too.
Didn't this get asked in farside's thread? I was hoping to cheat on that SAT too.
That does sound familiar. But it was with a quadline and a triline in one tent, rather than three plants. At least from my memory:
I think you should move them into the corners on the diagonal. Won't that maximize the space better? In terms of training shapes I mean.
If you put the tri-line in a corner with a branch pointing into that corner, the other two will point to the opposite corners. Then you take the quad and put in the other corner with the branches pointing toward the 4 corners (rather than the sides, that should maximize your space.


You may have to tie the tri-line branches out to make the distances equal, but that should be easy. I do it all the time to make the lowers stay clear from the nodes two up.
Okay, but which corners?

I'd say do two along the back as usual, and one forming a right triangle in front. Easy access to watering and training, and you can train the back two to go forward and the front one to go back, all LST and no topping. Those SaugaViews® would be sweet!
OMG, that's exactly what I was going to do, now. I could even get a little frisky and move them around. Lovely Shed Training will probably be the best method. :thanks:
Canadian Cobra Chickens & Droppings, damn I must have picked a really bad time to come on here in ages and post something. I am totally scared of what the hell is really going on in this GROW Journal, wink wink :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: I sure hope every one is doing well and staying safe out this in this horrible world we live in, lol
Hope all is well MrS...
Canadian Cobra Chickens & Droppings, damn I must have picked a really bad time to come on here in ages and post something. I am totally scared of what the hell is really going on in this GROW Journal, wink wink :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: I sure hope every one is doing well and staying safe out this in this horrible world we live in, lol
Hope all is well MrS...
Thanks for stopping by Far! I've missed so many journals lately, so it's nice to have you come by for a visit. I hope all is well brother.
Omg, I love how you make me laugh. :love:
You've made me change my Depends a couple of times too, so thank you for that! :high-five:
Thanks for stopping by Far! I've missed so many journals lately, so it's nice to have you come by for a visit. I hope all is well brother
Things are doing ok nothing spectacular, still grinding away at life at caring for the misses. Gardening has been amazingly fun and time consuming which is exactly what my life needed at the moment I started up again. Girls are looking good over here, will be more active since I have gotten most of the house work done! Take care MrS
Hey everybody.
So all three plants are now above ground. The WW poked through the following day. For those interested, I'll be running the Blue Planet Nutrient 2 part system again. Officially this is a non-sponsored grow, but I will be using the remaining nutrients I have on hand. They worked well for me my last grow, so why not?
They'll be in 5 gallon fabric pots, with FFOF keeping the roots all tucked in. Right, off we go now.

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