Hiya Dee! Great to see you around! Things are good. Busy, but good. Thanks for asking. How you been keeping?

That may very well be Chef. Something to try if it doesn't work just sitting on top. :thanks:

I never actually installed valves to each plant. It worked out that they pretty much used the same amount. I didn't run the feed pump to runoff either. Only because I didn't want to empty the catch pans :). What I did do though when a plant was heavier than the others was just clip small piece of hose and loop it between the fittings that would normally go to that plant. Same idea, just a little more effort.
I’m good, busy as well! Growing a few girls outside this summer among an ever expanding vegetable garden trying out the no till thing! Glad to see the Sauga is still rolling!
L O L L I N G !

Omg you are not going to believe this!

I have literally never even looked at the bag except to look at the old man! I am that person!

Me: OMG this >insert product I have never used before here< is broken/faulty. It doesn’t work!
You: did you read the directions?
Me: No, I’m allergic. Can you do it for me?
Wait...wha.....You never even read the bag?

This is really disappointing to hear.
Are you expecting step-by-step instructions without doing any homework yourself?
If that's your way of growing, fine by me but I genuinely would like to know so I have to ability to opt out now.

I'm also not quite sure how you are going to learn from this method?
Wait...wha.....You never even read the bag?

This is really disappointing to hear.
Are you expecting step-by-step instructions without doing any homework yourself?
If that's your way of growing, fine by me but I genuinely would like to know so I have to ability to opt out now.

I'm also not quite sure how you are going to learn from this method?
It’s true.

When you put it like that I guess I am basically asking for step by step instructions without doing any homework myself. We all have different learning methods. I tend to watch people, and I look for the ones who do the things I want to do well, and then I buy what I need to do it and ask them to help me.

I was told Mr S also uses this product, I know he grows green magic so I asked him to help me. He specifically told me to post my pics in this thread to teach me nute ratios, and that is what I did.

If you scroll back, I never actually asked you to opt in. I was however very thankful of the information you shared and based the chart I made with your exact feed guide on it - which is another clear crayon using example of me struggling to follow direction but I digress. I find when it comes to offering help, I do it without conditions and with a happy heart. That way it leaves me feeling good for giving it. Personally I would rather not have help from people who are annoyed or irritated by my personality type or think I am less than.

I am sorry I’ve disappointed you, but alas you are not the first person, nor will you be the last. Given it is 0600 here you are however the first person I’ve disappointed today :)

You don’t have to worry about how quickly or slowly I learn. You do you and you let me do me. This forum is full of flavours, some you will love, others not so much. Thankfully there is enough room for all of us.

Anyway thank you for your nute guide and taking the time to help me before you got annoyed by me. I really did appreciate it :)

To Mr S I’m really sorry I’ve driven your offer to help into the ditch. I will keep my questions in my little section of 420.
Happy Canada Day MrS. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Boo! My day was today, so it still works! :hug:
It’s nearly a full bottle, like 3/4 and I don’t want to waste it. Can I use it as well?
No, for now I would stick with one or the other.
Oh and I did my chart yesterday and noticed the 2,25g/2L is for pre flower. Could you give me an exact week. And I was going to flower on Sunday. Should I extend this by one week to give the 2.25g in preparation for the 2.5G/2L flower dose?
I don't actually base my feed on the week they are in. It's about size, color, and the stage of growth. The goal s to try and achieve 4.5g/4L before you flip. If your plant is small and you want to flip next week then that wouldn't work out so well.
If your plants have been vegging for more than 40 days then you could easily be at 4.5g. You don't want to give more than that until you flip to flower.

So again, it's about size and color right now, since you need to consider this late veg if you plan on flipping soon.
I’m good, busy as well! Growing a few girls outside this summer among an ever expanding vegetable garden trying out the no till thing! Glad to see the Sauga is still rolling!
I really need to get my outdoor grows going again. Hard to manage though, for me. Good luck with the summer grow!

If I showed those to you would you say root bound? Or just "nice deck"?
Very close to rootbound. In fact I'm sure their counterparts in the tent are! They went limp this week and I'm sure there is nothing left to hold the nutrients. So they are probably thirsty and no more room to party.
They are coming down this weekend as well.

When I tried to break that ball, the shovel kept bouncing back. I had to rip it apart by hand. All roots throughout.
I hope you were wearing a hard hat, gloves, safety goggles, and steel-toed chip bag shoes!
Just the gloves and goggles. There was lightning in the area. Safety first, before the first safety, which became safety second.
Deck pics….hahaha. :laughtwo:
Haha. You've never seen my deck before? Lots of grass around the edges. I show it off all the time, and catch myself staring at it frequently too.
I’m from the outside looking in and I laughed out loud when I read that. My mind went straight to treated lumber,Thompson’s Water Seal and DECK screws. Haha. Damn I love this place. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I hang around a nasty bunch. But I love them all. Have a great weekend NTH!
:cheer: for the new grow! But three? How odd. :hmmmm:
It is odd, even if I planted one. But I'm trying to grow three plants instead of crowding four in there. See if I can train them more to get the same yield. Watering three is better than four. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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