The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

I believe we discovered Duggan is a toe man in Amy's thread

Lol toes.... we went to school with a kid who had multiple of his sisters friends wake up to him licking their feet. :oops:

I think Dave Chappelle is a foot guy too. God he has some hilarious stuff about it...
Lol toes.... we went to school with a kid who had multiple of his sisters friends wake up to him licking their feet. :oops:

I think Dave Chappelle is a foot guy too. God he has some hilarious stuff about it...
I love Chappelle stand up. "Aye, little baby! What you doing on that corner!?"
I love Chappelle stand up. "Aye, little baby! What you doing on that corner!?"
Sup KB! Welcome to my sad joke of an attempt to flower in high temps.... next round should be right back on track. I will dedicate my summer months to vegging a monster to submit for potm.

Help yourself to the puffs and poofs

Well. I think the interview went GREAT! but I suppose it matters less how I feel and more how the interviewer feels about me.

Apparently the woman interviewing me has her own company, but also does hiring for other companies in town. One of which was the company I took that entrance exam for. She made it clear she was going to go out of her way to reach out to other companies to let them know I am qualified and available.

Obviously, I'd prefer to work in concentration, but I told her I'm happy to do whatever is needed for any company that feels I'm qualified.

Hell you impress me but that's not saying much. Sending my good vibes your way my friend.
Well ask him out already derby, :passitleft: jk:laugh:.

I usually tell ppl to bring up in their interview that they're, hardworking, dedicated, have a passion to win and strong leadership qualities. That usually gets the job cheers.:rollit:
Yuck who like purple buds????


Okay planted stank 1 and stank 2.


And I present the ugliest plants on the interweb!!! (Sorry van. No stankberry potm this round)

They start getting better by the end.... poor things. I think that topped stankberry has the best chance of the tall girls for decent buds. My prayer us that they will fatten enough to look halfway decent.

Well the Operation Reume Drop was a success and I got a call today for an interview tomorrow. To my amazement, it wasn't even with a company which I submitted my resume? Strange, no doubt. But I think they are subcontractors and do trim work, packaging and prerolls. So I'll be working with all the companies I applied for. Maybe one of them passed my resume along and wants to watch me from afar before hiring me? Idk, weird. I'm not asking questions. Just gonna go nail this interview to the best of my ability.

I think they will be fine brother.....they will bulk up for you, I promise! You still have a long ways to go!
Yeah I was gazing into the tub for a minute earlier..... may be stressed and stretched a little thin in the heat, but they're sure doing their best-est!

I kicked the fan up to 3. Cause someone crashed (and I believe sadly lost their lives) but knocked out power last night. It was during lights out so I didnt think much of it until this morning when my humidity high read 90% all I know is I'm glad it wasnt later in flower! I'd probably have walked in to moldy colas :eek:.

Today is nice and cool. With the terms that in a higher more accurate position it reads 84° better than the 90° it hit yesterday.... its August so it should be decent weather from here in, or at least I hope.

Headed to the lake tomorrow. I'm gonna put runoff trays under the gals fill them and drop an airstone. Hopefully they dont drink it all before I get back.... the auto water hasnt been completed just yet. I may also just mix a gallon of nutes and beg arctic to swing by and water. But they cant do 48 hours no water in 1 gals. 24 max for DTW.

The white cookies is going strong. I really like that cut. So I hope it roots!!!! Its discoloring still, but nada.... I will probably plant it today anyways. Only the strong survive, and clearly Stank takes that title so far with 2 for 2 on the clones.

Anyways I have a ton to do. August and summers coming to an end sadly I think the only one excited about that would have to be the plants. No days off this month. Camping concerts camping fishing and more fun!!!

Hope you all have a terrific Thursday. I'll grab some pics when I water and stuff....

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