The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

I lost a branch to the super crop already o_O. Snapped it clean lol. I'll just raise the lights tomorrow and call it :(. Not much I could do the hottest days I wasnt home. We were at the lake....

Oh that Purple skunk mass I dropped friday had a tadpole tail half an inch long and didnt even sink. Pretty impressed. But the critical mass collective seems legit. Better be for 15 a seed!

Had a great visit with artic and miss j yesterday! He sends his love
Practice makes perfect! There's no way I can do something in growing that you can't.
idk about perfect... but proper practice prevents poor performance. really not all is lost. If I can just keep things in check from here on I think it will be okay. I'll give the next gals more space between the light and tops. I think 12 to 10 inches is ideal for my environment. 4 to 6 is too close....
I lost a branch to the super crop already o_O. Snapped it clean lol. I'll just raise the lights tomorrow and call it :(. Not much I could do the hottest days I wasnt home. We were at the lake....

Oh that Purple skunk mass I dropped friday had a tadpole tail half an inch long and didnt even sink. Pretty impressed. But the critical mass collective seems legit. Better be for 15 a seed!

Had a great visit with artic and miss j yesterday! He sends his love
Yeah bro I hate when that happens man in regards to breaking branches due from super cropping. I lost a nice shoot off my quadline being to rushed and rough trying to push it to hard maybe ? Then there are those honest mistakes oops . Nonetheless sucks when it’s not a branch you wanted gone lol feel your pain bro .
Yeah it happens. They look pretty homely the 2 of them. I raised the lights again. I swear the untopped stankberry is still trying to reach. If it gets any worse I'm just gonna lop off the top. Cal it foxtailed backbukding lol. Strangely enough it is even on the lowers some so really may have been the heat wave that got em.

So this is what I have been using for my starts.


Yeah 3 for 3 grape crush. Sorry for shit pics. And the middle pic is GG4a. I dont think the Purple skunk mass should be take long to be up with that big tail.

I'll check clones when I get home. Been trying to gym it up. #lifestylechanges

I rowed a boat around the lake yesterday so today makes day 2 of physical activity!

Hope your week is off to a productive and un Monday ish start!

Babies look great. Shhhh, don't tell the missus! Nice work on the physical fitness work. Might help with the sleeping too.
I don't want to jinx anything but I've been sleeping pretty well the last 3 nights in a row. No clue why, but I'll take it!
Especially a sleep gift horse!

So I was half hoping to see the Purple skunk mass up today before the flower space went to sleep but nada.

The White cookies clone is kicking roots or kicking rocks.. but its finally showing some discoloration. As well as the top half of the 2 stankberry clones. I was doubting whether I would even keep a stankberry clone, since all the other plants will be indica dom, but know that I know I botched the mom I'm gonna revenge scrog the shit outta her!

So the veg cab has...

1- purple skunk mass (monster mass x lavender x afgan skunk) 20- 22% thc-should be up tomorrow.

3- DJ short grape crush. Unknown lineage. 10 - 12 % thc (but vibrant purple buds, and a grape berry smell)

1- GG4a from on of the sponsors here I believe...

If and when they root...

2- stankberry (1 will be gifted to a local friend to grow out) unknown thc levels

1- White cookies (CKS- lineage is white widow x GSC) 19.25% thc

Just rooting for roots this week, and praying the flower girls decide to bulk up a little more.

Indeed they do. We had an interesting discussion between a purple plant and a purple strain. You can coax color out of most plants with temperature and other variables, but a purple strain can never turn the color purple and still be purple. Kinda strange. Almost wonder if that's what used to make Purple envy, green colored purple phenos. But I've never grown it so I cant speak to whether or not it tastes purple-like.
Clone day???


So I just find it hilarious that the first one to root didnt even have more than a stick with 2 fan leaves on it. It grew the entire time, and never discolored. So I will do another just for fun experiment for you shed. You may wan to take a cutting "top it" and try and root that. May just have been my experience but I doubted that one would survive and it did one better and rooted first....

Stick with it brother! Shouldn't be long. Fingers crossed you'll have some nice tendrila hanging from your rooter when you get home
Also the purple skunk mass made an appearance today.

3 grape crush
1 GG4a
1 Purple skunk mass
1 stankberry (1 gifted away to keep me at 6 plants)
1 white cookies

So the next round is ready to veggggg!

In a month temps should be better. I will keep the lights further 1 foot to 16 inches seems to be okay and after stretch I may go 12 to 10 inches. But lord knows I don't wanna be stuck with plants this ugly again, lol.

I'm gonna mix some feed and sterilize solo cups for the clones!
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