The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Yea that filter is slick, I want one now lol my last batch of everclear shatter still had some impurities in it and I double filtered it. Fortunately I (hopefully) won't be messing with it again.
Yeah squash dat chit mang!!!
I mean I guess I'll have some meds to smoke for a minute

Man mad hang your head high. Sure it hurts to loose product but if you're like most people who sit on their hands and don't try you'll never know what you're capable of. You got this. Just keep trying and much success will come to you brother.
Thanks derby. Appreciate the support brother! I'm feeling good about the next try for sure
Idk if I'm a total idiot but I cant do the hair straightener hash. I've tried and failed lol.

Well hopefully we had our 4 or 5 days of summer last weekend and earlier this week.

I'd love the temps to drop with the lighting hours.

They were a little dry this morning but not droopy. Got a good soaking! Also raised the lights and angled them a tad. No clue if there is foxtailing or its just the genetics of these pointy spear shaped atf colas.

Either way I'm hoping to see some progress in the next few days with the hour less of light every day. They dont seem unhappy just extra stretchy.

Anyways happy Friday!!! football's right around the corner and sadly so is winter, again.
Yep got to capitalize while there is still time! It will be nice to spend Halloween and my birthday in Arizona though. Should be near single digits here and 70s 80s there.

Hopefully if I can get a job, we can do a couple little trips in the winter just to keep spirits up. February March and April are sure tough up here. Holidays are over and summer takes too long to arrive.
If I can get a good parabolic mirror I may be able to shoot some sunlight from down here right to your house! I'll probably have more success at that than cloning :oops:.
So of a clone wilts, then perks up when watered would that be a sign of roots? Kinda dying to get these suckers in dirt lol. Kinda thinking they need to be stressed a little bees style...
3 for 3 on the DJ short Grape crush. (Possibly a F1 grape krush x blueniverse)

This strain is NOT a super high thc strain. 10 to 12%. It DOES have DDa like purple buds.

While the lineage is some what unknown, it does have the infamous DJ short blueberry F4 pounding through its DNA.

ItS supposed to offer nice sweet grape berry fuel smells and taste. But it needs a suitor with a far higher THC level IMO. I'm thinking purple skunk mass. Also has similar attributes flavors and colors.

This time I'll take clones from each in veg. And hopefully score a good male! I'm not sure if they will be able to pollinate the GG4a in time, so if not I will just give it some ATF pollen and call it a Alaskan Jimmy rig....

Clones arent dead yellowing or rooting.... idk we will see. At any rate I'll drop a PSM probably. That way if I get 1 male I'm a 6 plants assuming the clones take. And if they dont I'll have that much more space.
Keep in mind if the clones dont take the plants should grow pretty even without a stankmonster in the mix.

Okay back to it ITS FRIED DAY! the plan is to clean up the house and tend to some plants. Then I need to get some ribs cause were hosting @Arctic Bowl and miss J for a BBQ TOMRROW!

be back a little later...
I thought your clones were in water. Wait to see roots before you plant but stressing them works for beez. Might not work for plants in flower though ;).
Okay.... I guess I should be patient? They're about 2 weeks old now all in all they're doing just fine. I shouldn't complain they could be dead lmao.... patience and perseverance will prevail. My alliteration for the day :D
Tell AB that his 420mag friends miss him here. Damn Rooster ;).
Yeah rooster... that guy! No jk his outdoor plants are gonna be sphinx and cola monster status! I think we will see AB back this fall. He is fixing up a cool old el Camino super sport this summer. So he wanted to spend less money on electric and ac and more on that. But mainly they were coping with a loss of a loved one. Anniversaries arent easy especially those kind. But they're chugging along best anyone can (and far better than I would be). Arctic is busy with HVAC work all summer and miss J has been on a crafting spree. which reminds me he has one of those drones... I'm gonna see if Sunday we can get it flying a capture some pics for you all. Damn summer just isn't long enough here lol!
Thanks for the update on AB&J! Glad they're busy doing fun stuff and making a living too. And I think the only way to maximize your summer is to stay up continuously while the sun is up and then sleep all winter!
So to be part grizzly bear? Lol
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