The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Not as cute as #puppymonkeybaby though!
Yay that reminds me of football.... but also sub zero temps :rolleyes:.

Okay gang. I hit em with some more ATF spunk. I think the untopped stank and the aft are FINALLY done stretching.... not much happening really. Bulking up I guess but they look pretty thin for their age... I think it's just the strain it takes its sweet time then throws flowers in the final stretch like a Bride at a wedding.

Got some ribs in the oven for out BBQ today. Also will grill chicken and veggies. Yum fun fun!

The one WC clone is looking.... droopy. I'm not sure if the rooters have a little PM or salt but I listed them with h202 and h20 1:1. I'm hoping the discoloration and tiny wilt on the WC is roots kicking into geqr or maybe it finally calling for food? Idk. Idc. Steady as she goes. Slow and ste as d wins the race! I did do a res change again today.

I dropped a Purple Skunk Mass bean. Shhh dont tell the wife. The 3 grape crush (my color and flavor contributor) got planted in natural and organic soil. I saw a gnat in there too.... oh well. Just aimed the fan at them and theyll be gone after up potting anyhow.

Oh I tried for some cool calyce shits and kinda failed but that's the only pics I have for you all today....


oh and when I crushed a ATF nut in my fingers it had a very pleasant sweet berry floral smell. So I was very excited by that. My female atf smells of the sweet floral and stankberry has that mixed with a strong berry scent. excited to see how they look and smell here in 2 or 3 weeks.

Anyways have a great shatterday everyone



I have yet to sample any. The batch I'm still smoking is from the same plant though. Pretty tasty indeed!
I will certainly grow my next one differently. I think I will main line my next Stankberry and keep it real short. Or maybe try a quadline....haven't done that yet.
Love quadline ✊
Well it's pretty clear I did the lights too close and flew the aft and stankberry too near the sun...


Above is how they should look...

And heres what we needed up with after 2 days of summer smack dab in the middle of stretch and the lights too low....


However I'm not completely convinced it was the light intensity as much as just the high temps that cause the stress and ensuing foxtail...

Luckily the Widow girls were far enough away to avoid similar problems.... all I can do now is learn from this mistake and push forward. Always a good idea to know how hard you can push and where to draw the line. At this point I just hope they can fill out half way decently. And cover the ugly single finger fan leaves :confused:
Looks kinda like re-veg Dabber

Is that possible???
It may have been that 12 12 wasnt enough dark cycle, but I think it was just heat stress. They're gonna be okay just not properly grown....
Those things are huge! #thatswhatshesaid
Now which is which again? #stoner
Middle is stankberry the tall one on the left is aft and theres a topped stankberry back behind that. The topped stankberry looks the best of the 3. But still the tips are a little goofy. Unfortunately environment is probably top 2 or 3 of the most important factors when breeding. I'm just glad the male was never stressed and neither were the widows. So their seeds should be good. And the bx1 and aft f6 or 7 will be the ones I need to keep an eye on when testing.
Too bad about those still very impressed with the size of these tubtrees.
Thanks bud. Hopefully can get some decent nugs.... time will tell though.

The topped stankberry seems like it may still produce some okay nugs....
Definitely looks like just the heat stressing them out. If it's truly 81° at the top of the tub it's gotta be a lot hotter way up at the top of Mt. Atf.

I thought I heard a whisper of super crop haha
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