The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

DAY 21

This was technically yesterday, I may wander in soon as lights just came on

I fed them

4ml cal mag xtra
4ml sensi grow for coco part a
5ml sensi grow for coco part B

3 ml liquid karma
1 ml rhino skin

Better update next time sorry crew. Took this earlier but had softball. Lost by 1 in the last...

Green days friends

Danks penny ripped a huge dab, pop on the headphones and rock to sleep.
Heres to a great day buddy!
Hey guys if the Malawi ever goes into flower I'll be hitting it with ATF. I'm hoping to get a quicker flowering Malawi going. Nearly 100% Sativa .
Atf this winter I hope to try going for my own seeds hue would I try to get seeds reg seeds off atf? I know female I can CS it correct ?
Atf this winter I hope to try going for my own seeds hue would I try to get seeds reg seeds off atf? I know female I can CS it correct ?
Yep. Natures way with a Male, or force it with CS or STS.

Really a great Male is what I'm looking for. As are most breeders.

Subbed up buddy sorry for late join ✊
Just glad you made it buddy
DAY 22

So today begins week 4. To say I am pleased with this veg run would be a gross understatement. I always laughed at the 4 week veg practice, because I never thought I could have a decent sized plant in that amount of time. No these are not huge, but there are a lot of them and I may not even make it to the end of week 4 before flipping them.

If we are near a 50/50 split boys to girls, I will be happy getting 5 females and one male. Maybe a bit happier with 4 and 1... (No, that doesnt add to 8 but I will kill some dudes).

my final predicament is cloning... to clone or not to clone; that is the question!
and the answer is undoubtedly, clone.

1st nodes are great candidates.

Okay enough babbling pics or it didnt happen....

Strains labeled in the photo description. As you can see space is running a tad tight. Hence the eminent flip.

Hope your all having a terrific Thursday.

I’d take clones just in case you find a real keeper.
Yeah I think that's the plan. Maybe check out some bonsais... I dunno what I would need but I assume not much!

That undergrowth is heading for the lights!
Thanks shed bud. It took them a second. Also may have Fim or Firm-ed a few. (F I really missed)
Yeah I think that's the plan. Maybe check out some bonsais... I dunno what I would need but I assume not much!

Thanks shed bud. It took them a second. Also may have Fim or Firm-ed a few. (F I really missed)
I just say it’s still a win two or four like surprise slol
DAY 23
Things are looking okay. Very impressed with a couple of these plants.

It seems I FIMed more than I realized. which is okay, but explains the bit of extra pause post haircut.

heres what we have today






Cant decide which I want to be a good Male more the atf or the stankberry....

I'll watch them closely, but it will be flip time sooner than later.

Hope your friday is a great one. May your work day pass quickly and your weekend start early. Oh and smoke some good meds.

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