The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Hey Dabbs

Did u do anything special with the collidial silver spraying,????

Any tips

I saw the milk jug, what was it for

I'll be trying it in a week or two on my Candida and maybe a couple others
Hey Dabbs

Did u do anything special with the collidial silver spraying,????

Any tips

I saw the milk jug, what was it for

I'll be trying it in a week or two on my Candida and maybe a couple others

The milk jug bottom was to ensure I didnt spray parts of the plant I would be smoking with cs.

Start before flip with the spraying. I started 1 day before but 5 to 7 may be better. At flip I would spray twice a day. Dont stop until you see sacs open that contain pollen. My Male parts were all empty. Just shooting blanks.

What I would REALLY suggest is some STS. Last post of the 1st page of this journal penny lists the needed ingredients. You can order them from the "zonians". It's not much. Less stress on the plant and far more effective. Not to mention it's like 30 bucks? And that will make you gallons vs the pint of CS you can get for the same price.
Sure if your male has traits you would like to pass on. With three parents it will take longer to stabilize
Okay cool. appreciate your input turbo! I mean the way I think about it is it would take 5+ gens to cross stable strain A and B. And another 5+ gens to line breed "AB" and C. So 10 grows total.

But if I took 2 resulting F1s and line bred those 5 gens and then back bred it I wonder if it would stabilize the 3 strains faster. I also assume the strain you use to back cross would be more prevalent than the other 2 desired genotypes.

Nice growth in that tub Them!

Can you go back to making your dabs look like states?
Thanks shedster. Any request for state shapes?
So today is day 1 of week 3

DAY 15

Todays projects include....

Hanging the 132s

Spreading them out







That's all I have grow wise this morning. Need to get to the store for camping stuff. New Krocodile spoons (they were loving those last weekend). Not to mention theres a fishing tournament Saturday I want to win. Maybe try to get a boat reservation.

Hope everyone has an awesome day and thanks for being here friends!

Yea I mean the amount of crosses needed to stabilize would be dictated by how closely related the initial donors are and how frequently the trait(s) your attempting to isolate occur.

Hmm krockodile spoons eh? Gonna have to look into those.
Hey fam. As the hipsters say these days lmao....

Love it!! All the updates I mean and not your shitty camp neighbours!

Sergeant Stank!! Lolol love it:D
I'm trying to do a daily or near daily update this round!

Sg. Stank for sure. Just so appropriate
Great looking bunch of kids in the Tub! Kick butt at the tournament!

Thanks penny me too! The kids are grooving along. I think ill snip them when they wake up tonight and feed them as well.
Yea I mean the amount of crosses needed to stabilize would be dictated by how closely related the initial donors are and how frequently the trait(s) your attempting to isolate occur.

Hmm krockodile spoons eh? Gonna have to look into those.

Rodger Dodger!

Yes it's a mid sized spoon. Different designs and colors. I didnt like the selection at the place I tried today so I grabbed a cheap pack of lures and I'll get some pics and post em.

I steady retrieve with a low constant twitch and the go nuts
Thanks van man! Just peeked in at them and they're doing good. They woke up about an hour ago. Already have some 7 fingered fans forming. Gonna be sad when I top them tomorrow :(.

Honestly I'm not sure if its genetics or what. (Maybe the widow is just very heavy indica). But the ATF and stank berry are dwarfing the fems. I suppose that's alright with me. Could make for a neat hybrid.

Are you pollinating your widow Van?

I'm not sure if there is a term for it. Maybe you or penny would know... but is there any benefit to crossing 2 different strains with the same Male. Then breeding the 2 hybrids (half siblings) a gen or 2 and back crossing? Or even line breeding those? I get it may take longer to stabilize with 3 strains vs one. But was curious on your thoughts.

Well I am going to take a clone off the widow. Growing her on a mainline makes it tough to watch her growth. So it will be about the quality of the smoke for me to determine if she will be worth anything. I will keep the clone around until I can test the WW strain. If its good, I will let the clone grow normally (not being mainlined) and watch her growth. If its good I intend to experiment with her a bit.

There are certainly benefits to doing what you described there. Its a way to try to get a trait from one strain into another. One strain might have a specific color or terpene profile you want but its not available in the strain you have been growing. You could certainly try to breed a trait from one strain into another and then backcross it back a couple times to try and keep true to the rest of the strain. Would certainly take a while to do it right, but for me its all about the journey....not the destination.
Super quick update...

DAY 16


W. Cookies




I'll do a water here in a little. Ideally I want to wait until right before I take off for the weekend, so they have a better shot of not drying out. (Which is doubtful but their hitting stride).

I'll top all the stank genetics today.

I meant to change the light but that and the topping of the widow strains will be done Sunday.

I grabbed some picks of the kroc spoons for you turbo. I'll post them over in the dabbin cabin.

Have a great Friday my 420 family friend and followers.

I appreciate your presence here.

Hey guys and gals.

We chose to head back early from camping. Checkout was at 11 and the fishing tourney started at 12. Being that we caught a ton already we decided to head back. Had a great weekend and fun time.

Here is a look at the tub as of minutes ago. Seems they are stalling a touch, if any. The fans are getting nice and huge, and the side shoots are picking up steam. Mainly they just seem perky, which I always take as a good sign.

There still relatively moist. So I'll give them a little food after they wake up later tonight.

Hope you all are having an awesome fathers day weekend!

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