The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Alien Tahoe x Lemon Aliendog
First created by Alien Genetics and discontinued then Exotic Genetics bred it out to the third generation. EG now only has his male, the last seeds he sold were $600 a pack.
Well just got the call that someone reported our campsites. Who the fuck does that? Like my dog is a wanderer, but is very well behaved (unless my 420 shirt is within his grasp). They'r little yappy ass dogs were uncontrollable, so we get in trouble? Music too loud. Welcome to a camping trip you dick-bags. And smoking. Who the fuck cares?! no active duty personal smoking soooo :battingeyelashes: kick rocks! People are so dumb. People having a good safe time and all you can do is bitch about it....
Thanks for letting me vent a bit gang. It's just crazy to me. But that's the military way! Dont approach the problem, run and report it.... God forbid they might get close enough for the stoner to hypnotize you into smoking "dope".

Yeah. I'm feeling a bit down. Just cause my actions could get my wife and a good friend into trouble. What kind of trouble? Who knows. And to think I was actually getting comfortable as myself and in my own skin not having to hide and pretend to be someone I'm not.

Stressful, but I'm cautiously optimistic. Like I told the wife, how can they hold you responsible for another adults actions? Are they going to order you to divorce me?

We are military dependents, not your damn lemmings. We have free will and lives too. FFS!

This is a military campsite where people go to party. If you want peace and quiet stay home or dont camp 10 feet from a group of 20 and 30 year olds lmfao... keep driving an hour to the sticks.
I thought up there the sticks were 10 minutes away!
True. But I wouldn't want these people within 50 miles of anyone.... they might find something to complain about lmao
Cool to see you have both of those strains going of his.. they look great in your tub of love man. Hope its a tub full of females! Sucks they ratted you out.. always gotta be someone freaking out about a little noise and weed. People like that must have really lame, boring lives.. just think of it that way. Your life is awesome compaired to their mundane way of life!:thumb:
That's a crock of shit
Yeah. Federal property felony. Take 100 paces any direction and its 100000% legal. Frustrating as hell, especially when I could finally be myself around some of my wifes coworkers. But theres always someone who has to piss on my campfire lol.

Unfortunately it's back to the shadows until the feds can grow a pair and legalize. Hey the UN is making progress we cant, it's only a matter of months now friends!

But the fishing good right?
Great. But my father's day camping experience will be cannabis-less pretty phucking whack... that or I can sneak down this week and stash some spliffs on state land. #effthefeds

Cool to see you have both of those strains going of his.. they look great in your tub of love man. Hope its a tub full of females! Sucks they ratted you out.. always gotta be someone freaking out about a little noise and weed. People like that must have really lame, boring lives.. just think of it that way. Your life is awesome compaired to their mundane way of life!:thumb:

Thanks for coming by toasty! I am pretty stoked for them. I really just want 1 good Male aka Stank Sinatra to pollinate them all.

It is unfortunate about the snitch. But truth is I was in the wrong. I really just cant understand is all. I figured people would actually mind their own buisness or better yet be accepting. Like welcome to the year 2018 mofos lol!
Meh. Maybe but I'll love them, flaws and all, and they can judge me for smoking and call me the bad guy. It makes me crazy, but I'll just do my best to be the better person. We all have our vices, I dont consider using cannabis as one of mine, but clearly they do. So be it.
I like seargeant stank personally.
F that I'm a vindictive person. I'm cool till you f with me. Then I'll wreck your shit, your no better than me. Kudos though
Lmao. Yeah if I knew who it was or if it ends up affecting my wife, I'll probably go primal.... but for now I'm trying to send good vibes so it just gets forgotten about.

I'm pretty damn vindictive myself, but I find I make better choices once I think things through. Busting someone's nose is effective and satisfying, but sustained long bouts of torture really are what I love....
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