The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

These are growing in black gold organic soil. A tiny nitrogen and no p or k. Honestly I'm pretty impressed. Just whatever water is comes out of my sink. No ph. So the plan will be to give them a taste of some molasses, voodoo juice, and pirhana. Encourage the roots to do their thangggg.


Wifes birthday and some camping this weekend. No clue but I doubt I'll have service so dont freak out when I do a @Bonsaiweed or a @Blazin Waffle for a couple days. At least bonsai came back. I wonder if waffles even got his gift? I digress.

I have a block of coco and a bag of perlite and baby that's all I need. :slide:So ill hydrate that stuff here ar some point but I really enjoy the lazy gardening so I'll look into complete stuff soon. May be a bit more work on the front end but of I can get those fan leaves like blew I'll be a happy dabber. Maybe once my worm soup is done?

Hope you're all having a great day. Mines been busy and productive so far. Feels good :cool:
Go go Dabber Ranger! Looking good in the cups Them. How's the headless horseman? Happy birthday to the missus and enjoy the days away :cool:.
It hardend off on the end. But doesn't yet look dead? Only one way to see what will happen!
Here were the kids when I got home

Left three are ATF. Then the next line is stankberry and the 2 to the rights are white cookies and white widow

Hope you all had a great weekend. I look forward to catching up with you.
Here are my plants today.

Not really gonna do the how old they are deal...

But I will ask for someone to chime in as far as transplanting soil stuff.

I gave the a Drench today of....

A couple drops Rhino skin

1 ml liquid karma

1 tsp molasses

1 ml voodoo juice

1 ml pirhana

Left three are ATF

Right 2 are WW and White cookies

Middle column is Stankberry


I know the one atf is ready for transplant soon. Because it's only a little over half full of soil. I just want the roots to really search and full out the container first. Because they will be transplanted into coco.

I know over the edge of the container is kinda the norm but one stankberry is doing that with its first node!

I'm thinking I'll let them dry. Do a normal plain watering and when that's dry transplant. Except for the aft without much dirt. She may go Thursday into her 1 gallon.

Thoughts suggestions?

I can honestly say I love the dirt gardening so easy and care free! I will work to start some LOS for my winter run. And will likely try a SIP. Why not right?

Well I'm off to work on cleaning organizing and upgrading the garage to fit more stuff. Plant some veggies, and I'll be back to check in later have a sunny and wonderful day!

Thanks van! Any suggestion on transplant? I didn't get clear cups to go inside of my opaque ones.... they're already kinda starting to hit the veg stride. I've always struggled with seedlings but these seem to be growing very quick and are relatively robust. Easily the biggest first set of single fingers I've had... evidence of my previous struggle.

Well here we are at what I will call day 8

Apparently my wife has (praise the lord) caught the camping and fishing bug!


Honestly I told her I'd camp every weekend this summer if she wanted to. It's just the weekend and only an hour to the lake so why not? Cabins are 30 dollars a night.... and the base rents boats and everything.

So if I'm MIA the next 3 months.... you all know why.

I will need to get these in their new home sooner than later as I will be gone fishing again for the next 2 weekends in a row.

I did a little upgrade in the bathroom and ran an extension cord to the other side of the tub. I will be trying to add a bit more circulation anticipating slightly elevated flowering temps and humidity.

For now they are really grooving considering the max 40% humidity and 79 or so degree temps.

I got my cuces carrots and beets planted.

I need to do a homie dePOT run here tomorrow as I need be prepping the garden beds and getting the rest of my outdoor crops sewn.

Hope your all having a great week I'm trying to get around to check in with you all when I can but honestly summer here is my big chance to explore, and I have 7.5 months of winter to do indoor activities and "blogging" as the wife calls it....

Much love fam

Yeah it's been really great so far! So many projects so little time. I thought by this year I would have the timing on things down a little better.... but it's so hard when its winter one week and summer the next. Hell when we left for washington there was snow in the backyard and when we came home it was green grass?!

Next year ill leave the car out throw up some saw horses and play wood hang the leds from the garage door track and try to be a step ahead. The hard part is storage. And I have BIG plans for some overhead and stackable storage.
Sleep troubles come and go until they're teenagers and then you can't wake them up for shit!
Haha I can second this :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Looks like no one missed you, but I'm sure they're glad you're home safe.

How's Marie Antoinette?

Lol ya??!! Which one grew a new head? Or did she hit the trash...we’re on pins and needles!

I’ll be the same soon! Off on some adventures alone with the dogs (as soon as they are ready) #noservice #myfav

All those babies are very exciting! Glad to see your using coco;) #samesies

I did my last batch with perlite but found it not necessary, my findings:)
I'm going to try to do better about responding to everyone...
Love summer, but summer here is

Come on NOVEMBER!!!!!
Lmao November can come as slow as it wants.... but I'll be near you then. So itll be nice to be in 80° weather :surf:

With summer here and an enthusiastic wife, it would be perfectly acceptable to show up once a week to say :ciao:.

Overhead storage is a thing to behold! Mahvelous in every way :).

No I'll do a daily or at minimum bi weekly. I'm trying to do better about documenting.

And yes storage is an excuse for more tool fishing and camping stuff
Haha I can second this :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Lol ya??!! Which one grew a new head? Or did she hit the trash...we’re on pins and needles!

I’ll be the same soon! Off on some adventures alone with the dogs (as soon as they are ready) #noservice #myfav

All those babies are very exciting! Glad to see your using coco;) #samesies

I did my last batch with perlite but found it not necessary, my findings:)

Hey new new . Yeah I did perlite coco mix hempy style then just pure coco and I'm set on the pure richness that is coco fibers!

Hit the trails bud!! I'm so happy that your wife's down. Now you get a fishing trip with her and one with the boys!!! Good planning Dabs!

Yeah I need those flies!!! And I need you to certify my old ass fly rod and reel. I'll send you pics Tom via ig.

Okay friends I got some serious shit done today. 6 transplants. Pics coming

This was the stankberry pre trans


Well minus one

And the aft after

All together now

Left 3 are s berry right 2 WW and white cookies. Middle ones are Atf. I'm pretty sure. I made tags zoom in to verif-fry?
Thanks for being here friends.

The dab dude
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