The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

That is one colorful nug right there! You're skipping the paper towel and I'm trying it out...must be something about the phase of the moon :).
Wasnt ripe1 my lunar phase friend? #loonies

I did 48 hour soak then into dirt. We have 4 babies up and happy. I really just tossed them in the dirt. No tail up point down or any of that. My theory is that's why many people get the shell stuck phenomena... if the plant has to fight a bit upward it should pull right out of the casing. That and let's be honest this is a breeding project and I'll let the universe and mother nature do my "natural selecting".


I got a little pic of a stank(berry)baby.
Those shells stick on there pretty hard. I've had two seedlings decapitate themselves because the shell got stuck in the dirt and they kept pushing
My problem has always been the membrane inside the shell.... almost always when I do the paper towel? Probably a me thing not the process. Still waiting patiently for these others. I hope the warm temp woke them up like you were saying...
And I apologize I havent been around to everyone quite as often. In really just enjoying being outdoors right now. That and I'm not getting all my email notifications.... I havent forgotten about any of you, I promise I will make the rounds as time permits!
MiniStank looks great! If Ripe gets back from fishing we can ask him what's up with the moon :).
Is it and sign I am perfectly aligned? And didn't even know!

Well here what we have in the tub this fine morning.

3 of 3 ATF are up.

2 of 3 stankberry

1 of 2 mosca WW


1 of 2 white cookies CKS
Thanks. I'm glad to see one of each up! I may do a little scouring for the other WW and WC. But they seem happy not a lot of stretch. I'll probably top off with perlite for all the normal reasons... but 7 of 10 is great. With 5 regs I would be astonished if there isnt one Male. And I have good cross and back cross candidates so all is going well!

The kiddo has had some sleep troubles which have messed us up also. But while lying wide awake at 230am I had some ideas for the tub. I think the plan is to build a little riser so the 1 or 2 gals will be up off the floor of the tub. I'll run a pump and a 5 gallon bucket that can feed twice or thrice daily, and boom. but you know "pics or it didnt happen..." so I'll grab a couple.

On a side a side note, my kale and spinach are up!
Ahhh! I found a mosca bean with the led stuck on.... and tried to help it off and I topped it below the cotyledon :p. wow....
Next time I'll leave it the fuck alone? At least more so.... I tried to remove the shell and crushed the entire thing in my tweezers. :eek: honestly it probably want going to make it if I didnt attempt surgery....

The second white cookies bean is just chillen not cracked.

And with 2 stankberry up I'm okay leaving it be. As I should have been with the others maybe? Who knows....

I'm also going to let the "topped" aka almost certainly dead mosca bean go. Who know what could happen? I can guess but they are weeds so maybe a miracle will occur?
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