The Quadsquad Thread: A Community For Quadlining

When you say about the second set of pistils I have to say I think it sounds like a point in maturity where mine Go f off and hermy, typically . But I am looking to move forward.
Fingers crossed it is just new pistils for her finish. she is only days away even if counting from flip 70 days ago. i have used her actual flowering start to count from this grow after years of using flip date. They look different to "srmtress" pistils from heat ect...
Fingers crossed it is just new pistils for her finish. she is only days away even if counting from flip 70 days ago. i have used her actual flowering start to count from this grow after years of using flip date. They look different to "srmtress" pistils from heat ect...
What is the term foxtailing . There it came to me. Yeah??
Ole grower here. Don't use much but love to grow medically for a few. MJ strains have come a long way. I appreciate new techniques. You can never have enough knowledge. Hoping to gain and share.
how does she look headbanger og 22 days from seed topped yesterday. There is a big ass root coming out the bottom but as I said I topped it yesterday and it put that big ass root out I transplanted to this 6 inch from a little macaroni cup final pot will be 2.5 gal when should I transplant again will be switching to 12/12 in 2 weeks
The root poking out is a tap root designed for water course searching dont worry . you need to build a little root structure in the pot before up planting each time. I am lazy and go to big finish pot but do lose some rootbgrowth and overall yield because of it. You mention 2.5gal pots as a final one but that is very small. i think a min of 20L ( 5gal) to get a decent rootball going for decent yield is more usable. What are you pkans for veg time ?. do you plan on waiting till they reach a certain height or using another method to decide. If your veg time is not an issue , to you have time to train her to the X but would need some roots to support the structure too. imo.
Check the roots in the pot to see if they are filling it. If so then up pot again . hope that helps
No reply to my post since page 39 thanks it's all good
I was waiting for 5gal pots to arrive from China. Had to push on and use 3gal pots. The 5gal arrived the next day plants all watered in and going nowhere. Innit
When you say about the second set of pistils I have to say I think it sounds like a point in maturity where mine Go f off and hermy, typically . But I am looking to move forward.
Some beautiful looking buds leaning there
So I decided to take off the training wires and let the girls do their own thing from now until harvest.

2x Cheese (left) and 2x Northern Lights


3x Girl Scout Cookies and 1x Peyote Critical (top right)


One of the Girl Scout Cookie girls - you can see there'll be 10 distinct colas


Someone had asked previously about accidentally splitting the main stalk - it'll heal itself just fine. Here's a split in my Peyote Critical girl that healed up nicely
So I decided to take off the training wires and let the girls do their own thing from now until harvest.

2x Cheese (left) and 2x Northern Lights


3x Girl Scout Cookies and 1x Peyote Critical (top right)


One of the Girl Scout Cookie girls - you can see there'll be 10 distinct colas


Someone had asked previously about accidentally splitting the main stalk - it'll heal itself just fine. Here's a split in my Peyote Critical girl that healed up nicely
Good call on taking off the training wires. That's about when I do it to and I find its really not necessary anymore because the structure is hard and doesn't really move much when you take the wires off.
how does she look headbanger og 22 days from seed topped yesterday. There is a big ass root coming out the bottom but as I said I topped it yesterday and it put that big ass root out I transplanted to this 6 inch from a little macaroni cup final pot will be 2.5 gal when should I transplant again will be switching to 12/12 in 2 weeks

When are you planning to strip the lower nodes?
This maybe the wrong forum? But it's relative to good quadlining!
How do you guys keep your seedlings that short? Nobody wants to admit they know shit about it or that anyone is growing in my country cos they're all worried .
Or I don't want to ask them..
I guess it's experience in not over watering/humidity. Am I right?.
Honestly dude I'm a relatively new grower. I've only ever used t5's and fluorescent bulbs due to lack of space and money. I still have a lack of space growing in a small 2x2 hallway closet lol. But I bought a marshydro led and hung it about 30 inches above the seedling. This is the result. I'm amazed at how short and tight this plant is. On the other hand though with what I'm trying to do with I'm wondering if keeping it so tight is creating light penetration issues. But again I'm a novice so i dunno.
In a tight space it is imperative I'd say. A tight little plant will still stretch upward when you flip to 12/12. This is what you are looking to control. This is the crop forming. Vegin and training outward, are merely providing a platform for the colas to form. As I understand it. You'll be able to take off some of the nodes to prevent overcrowding and. LEDs are perfect for what you are doing. They are going to ripen further down the canopy as the light will penetrate better than hid lights would. Nice work.
Sorry that's not wot you really meant is it. Just read your post again.
Or was it?
Honestly dude I'm a relatively new grower. I've only ever used t5's and fluorescent bulbs due to lack of space and money. I still have a lack of space growing in a small 2x2 hallway closet lol. But I bought a marshydro led and hung it about 30 inches above the seedling. This is the result. I'm amazed at how short and tight this plant is. On the other hand though with what I'm trying to do with I'm wondering if keeping it so tight is creating light penetration issues. But again I'm a novice so i dunno.
Actually wot I'd meant to say was that the humidity is low in one shot. Humidity provides molecules for the plants to grab and mix into growing. It also keeps the plants more bendy. You have nute burn in one shot. I have only learned now I'm using a semi hot soil, how massively nute manufacturers over do the measures to feed. I'm sure you are on top of that. :morenutes:
When are you planning to strip the lower nodes?
Um idk if I am I already fimmed it and trasnplated to the 2.5 in one two days with no down time or anything just beasty ima just try with some unknown bag seeds this headbanger I wanna do with what I'm comfortable with just fim and bend will be switching in two weeks if you wanna watch I'll keep updated if not I'm out
This maybe the wrong forum? But it's relative to good quadlining!
How do you guys keep your seedlings that short? Nobody wants to admit they know shit about it or that anyone is growing in my country cos they're all worried .
Or I don't want to ask them..
I guess it's experience in not over watering/humidity. Am I right?.
I think a lot of it is genetics but I usually start in a small container and when I Transplant I’ll bury the seedlings almost up to the leaves.
It seems I updated on the quadlined photos, but forgot to update the autos. One of the OG Kush girls is holding up fine, but the other one I think may need supports because of how wide she got, and how long I left the training wires on her.

Here's the one that I think may need the support, before and after. Looks like she's also due for a feeding today.


And here's the one that seems okay as is. Well, except I think she'll need a little extra nitrogen in her food today.


A few bud pics: Regular, close up, and macro



Awesome autos.
I'd be happy if I had an auto get like the nicest one. I've just got past loads of half developed or smaller softy buds. Last grow was gz, cookies Kush and triple cheese. The triple cheese went to seemed like a dozen branches and was the second time I found myself looking at the structure and wishing I had the information to harness the, well the stretch, innit. Then I read the quadlining thread and knew I was there..
Bla bla.:Rasta::lot-o-toke::cough:
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