Rad, you're truly inspirational, and motivational. I'll look into the cloner. Had to laugh though, I had a crib for a month and took it down. Couldn't be that separated from my children. I had a mattress on the floor, and when we married we upgraded to a waterbed, in a frame, but flat to the floor. There was a floor mat next to my side where the babies slept. Nursing mom, how easy does it get?
Yeah, I didn't have a stroller either. If they weren't on my hip, they were strapped to me someway. LOL!
Canyon, Sue has three LED panels and should have three more coming, but know of only two, the Budmaster *gasp* and the Timber Vero240. Sue also has an incredible number of CFLs she would do well learning to manage better. I've never priced meters.....
Alright, time for some body sculpting and then back to space reorientation. I think today I'll shift everything and deal with the mess later. That way I can get the tents up and figure out what to do with ventilation. I have one huge filter and fan and two smaller spaces. The challenge is getting the air to cycle from tent #1 through to #2 for filtration so the one system serves both tents. To be honest, I haven't given it much thought yet. Let me get the tents up and it'll solve itself.
A quick lineup of the babies.
They always look like a flock of origami cranes at this stage.
Still no sign from the last two. Waiting's the hardest part.
I've dallied long enough. Some good reading on this site, but it's time to get started. I need the tuneup.
Fill your day with love, if only in loving thoughts. Makes that joyful living thing much easier to pull off. Spread the joy people.