Activity level factors in to such a large degree. I was fit until I got into IT, since then I picked up "sysadmin spread". When I'd hard at work, I'm putting at most 10 fingers and some thought as actual effort.
I hear that low-level concern that you're not getting enough movement in your life. Did you hear it? There's got to be some small change you can make to begin a turnaround back to being fit. It's easier to do now than when you hit your 60's you know.
Actually, growing has helped out. As you know, our process and style causes some real work to happen every day. It's not a full workout, but it's far more than I've done in probably a decade.
I'd like to say I'll leash train my new Bengal when she gets here and take her and the dog for walks, but that truly sounds like it smacks of effort.