The Mega Crop Thread

How much u fed
I fed my in flower girls (end of 4th week) 6g. All is good with them. My 5 veg girls are: 1 strawberry kush clone. 1 unknown clone, 3 crown royale seeds. All 6th week of veg and all up potted into 5gal cloth five days ago. This is where I really screwed up. My soil was ff happy frog and I added rooting enhancer to all pots. I then started making up my feeding dosage based on what I read on the mc journal. I made 2 one gallon jugs with a teaspoon and a half per jug. Thinking that 1 table spoon was 6g. When it was actually 18g. So 2 jugs got approximately 12g instead of the 4g I wanted to feed them. Oh boy! The next jug I mixed up I added 12g of root enhancer to the jug. It was so much darker than the other i had mixed that i started pouring the jug into two more gallon jugs just to get the water a lighter color. Once all three jugs had about the same color I fed the last three vegging girls. Didnt figure out until later that night why those last three were jugs were so much darker than the first two. So now I have two girls that have been fed 3x the amount that they should of had and 3 girls fed with 12g of root enhancer between them. Oh boy!!! Of course they are going to take a while to dry properly as the roots need to grow I to the new pot. I gave them all a partial top feeding with 4g of mc. Should I flush them all and reset the soil?
I think controlling environment would pay off bigger.
I think you are right about that but that would entail buying a tent and humidifier and all sorts of stuff and since I am growing substantially more than I need it isn't worth the cost to me but I do agree.
Here's part of what that 700g bag has done for me.... @SeedsMan Cheese outdoors, 4 feet tall, about a week from harvest

Why is it so small? Autoflower? Poor nutrition?
It didn't ruin my grinder. I washed it really well and I can't smell any residual odor. It's one of those small Mr. Coffee grinders.

I burned mine up several years ago trying to turn pellatized lime into powdered lime (yeah, I know, but...). I don't think the electric motors in those things are designed to be run for more than a minute at a time.
Toss the PPM meter.

Everyone should do that, anyway, and replace the things with honest EC meters. After all, both measure EC, but the "PPM" meter purports to tell the user how many parts per million of dissolved solids are in the user's solution when it's absolutely impossible for it to do so unless that solution is only comprised of pure water plus a single salt - and that single salt the one that fits the "PPM" meter's conversion factor.

The only real, valid use for a "PPM" meter is for a company to make money off of the ignorant and/or stupid.
I did the math on an average veg/flower cycle and for my 30gal system I think it's like $1.15 to fill it up, and a 22lb/10kg bag of MC should last me about 65 weeks for the res.

Show me any of those bottles that will give the same results for a buck a week. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I got an entire bottle of Osmocote Plus for (if I remember correctly) $1.98 plus tax. At the recommended application rate, it will last... a while.

On the other hand, it might be a pretty shitty product. Got one of those Train Wreck Auto plants in a 5.5-liter wastebasket perlite hempy, and it has issues. Maybe I should have picked up a pH meter at least once, LMAO?

I guess it'll last a lot longer if I never open the bottle again. But, seriously, I gave some to the friend of mine who grew a Dark Devil Auto in a five-gallon GeoPot and told him to use HALF the recommended dose, thinking... you know... autoflower, plus he'd have been able to supplement midway through the flowering phase, possibly before that. He never added anything other than tap water, lol. Only harvested a tick over two ounces. The plant looked healthy the entire time, seedling to harvest, though. Maybe that's not all that abysmal a harvest for that strain? I have no idea.

I'd yank the TWA out of its current setup and repot if I thought (a) I would be able to get all the Osmocote Plus and (b) it wouldn't be a traumatic experience (and for the plant, too ;) ).
I did 15 bottles ANutrients the grand master nutrients .

Wow, I don't think I'd have admitted to that just to make a point. Or even to make $20, lol. I mean no disrespect here, but... It's kind of like saying, "I used to be a fucking idiot, but now I'm not." Which is all well and good, of course - but what people will probably end up remembering is the "fucking idiot" part. And people probably already think unsavory thoughts about me - so they don't need MY help in doing so.

I'm just saying.
Why is it so small? Autoflower? Poor nutrition?
Good question,TS- I was hoping for a 6 footer,but she was planted late( July 10),which didn't give her much time to veg before she started flowering-she was a photo.
No nute problems,she loved her MegaCrop...
The only real, valid use for a "PPM" meter is for a company to make money off of the ignorant and/or stupid.
Hmmmm... I was seriously thinking of buying one to test my soil with distilled water after a grow and see how much build-up I have since I don't water to run off?? Trying to figure out if I am ignorant and/or just plain stupid?? :oops:
Hmmmm... I was seriously thinking of buying one to test my soil with distilled water after a grow and see how much build I have since I don't water to run off?? Trying to figure out if I am ignorant or just plain stupid?? :oops:
If you want to test runoff during a flush/reset to see when you are completely clear, a PPM (or EC) meter would be helpful there if you want to be precise. To do a post harvest slurry test of the medium to see if it's shifted, you would need a pH meter.
Wow... I have just ordered my 160 gallon free sample... this is quite generous! This implies that they have total and complete confidence in their product

On the other hand, just about every company that has ever given product away on a cannabis-related forum has, in return, gotten an instant fan club. And it's not like, well, every nutrient line on the market isn't capable of growing a cannabis plant, lol. I had just switched my light schedule and realized I was almost out (this was about ten years ago). In a half-panic (I save my full panic for special events ;) ), I called Mom and asked if she had anything. "There might be some of the stuff I used on African violets when I used to grow them, but that was back in the early '80s, so I don't know if it'd still be any good."

It was, lol. I almost bought some more of the stuff afterwards. Produced lots of pretty... flowers :p.

By the way, the majority of these companies will happily send you samples of one or more of their products upon (polite) request. Which is NOT a knock against this company. But it's mainly just a sign that the owner is at least minimally intelligent, and he wants to sell product.
she was planted late( July 10),which didn't give her much time to veg before she started flowering-she was a photo.

That would definitely account for it.

No nute problems,she loved her MegaCrop...

It looked healthy, that's what caused me to wonder what was up. Usually, when I see a picture of an outdoor cannabis plant - that isn't an auto - they're pretty much looking UP at it. So I wondered.
Or just divide the PPM number by 500 (or 700, depending on your meter). Now you have an EC meter!

Yeah. I wasn't really thinking when I posted that. In my defense, I'm pretty sick right now, and every day I wake up thinking THIS will be the day when I'm a little bit less sick than the day before... but end up feeling even worse.

Actually, we don't even need an EC meter. Can measure such things with a DVOM set on resistance (Ω) - after all, it's electrical conductivity - but it requires a bit of calculating.
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