The Mega Crop Thread

I hope it's tomorrow then TS!

Thank you. EDIT: And thank you, Jack420 and anyone else who feels the same way. Whew, seemed like it had only been a short time since I'd last read this thread - but that's all it took to end up something like 650 posts behind! Whew, popular subject. I'm about to get even more behind... because I'm going back to bed. If you see my cat, please feed her and stick her someplace warm (thanks).

Me... too. I need to wander around town hunting for stuff I can rebuild my back door with so my cat can't run out any time she pleases, because we've had some "Winter weather" and it's been in the teens (F) at night, and she's mostly an indoor cat. Plus, I'm going to have to break down and fire up my furnace pretty soon, bad as I hate to - and I'm not going to do that until I get the #%!U*Q%^U^@@*#%ing holes "properly" patched.

To make this illness even more of a burden, after Mom stopped by the other day and I could barely even breathe well enough to communicate, she went to the grocery store and bought a box of "daytime severe cold & flu" pills (I guess I'm just supposed to not be sick at night, lol?) for me. And she can't go around spending what little bit of money she has on other people - the poor woman depends on ME to help HER out :rolleyes: :( .

So, yeah, I hope it gets better. I was already feeling bad enough due to my latest attempt to quit smoking (cigarettes) so that I can die of something else.
V1 stopped being shipped
V2 (9-6-17) is shipping now, has calcium balls
V3 rumored release?

Actually there already is a V3. Some are calling it V2.5. Even though the 500g bags of MC lists the N-P-K as 9-6-17, stuff that has shipped the last couple of months is 10-7-18. That's what is on their website. When I emailed @GreenleafNutr about it at the beginning of Oct., they stated that the info on their website is current and up to date.
If you want to test runoff during a flush/reset to see when you are completely clear, a PPM (or EC) meter would be helpful there if you want to be precise. To do a post harvest slurry test of the medium to see if it's shifted, you would need a pH meter.
I do have a pH meter to test that too. ;)
Actually there already is a V3. Some are calling it V2.5. Even though the 500g bags of MC lists the N-P-K as 9-6-17, stuff that has shipped the last couple of months is 10-7-18. That's what is on their website. When I emailed @GreenleafNutr about it at the beginning of Oct., they stated that the info on their website is current and up to date.

The 10-7-18 on the website has been there for a year (since the intro of version 2). The not so short and confusing answer I got from them is that 10-7-18 is an estimated/expected analysis but 9-6-17 is the guaranteed analysis. Of course guaranteed analysis numbers are what go on bags and are the only way to compare nutes because it's the only numbers that are consistent from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Mixed 3-gm per gallon as Sauga suggested. Ended up with (it’s in ppm)900 ppm. Like 1.3 EC. Or such. It’s strange seeing these numbers this early. I’m about 200 less in hydro.
The plants aren’t as green as I like them so hopefully this will give them that boost they need.


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If you see my cat, please feed her and stick her someplace warm (thanks).

Woah woah woah... Now I really hope you get to feeling better, but if you think I'm going to do something to put myself on your cats hit list... no way! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Actually there already is a V3. Some are calling it V2.5. Even though the 500g bags of MC lists the N-P-K as 9-6-17, stuff that has shipped the last couple of months is 10-7-18. That's what is on their website. When I emailed @GreenleafNutr about it at the beginning of Oct., they stated that the info on their website is current and up to date.

I'm not 100% sure what the change was (I think they call it V3) but it started shipping in the middle of August (around the 18th? 13th? something like that) and they have (or had) a blurb in their FAQ about it. Something to the effect of it started shipping on August Xth, but you may receive a V2 bag because they were going to use the bags they already had. Or something to that end anyway.
On the other hand, just about every company that has ever given product away on a cannabis-related forum has, in return, gotten an instant fan club. And it's not like, well, every nutrient line on the market isn't capable of growing a cannabis plant, lol. I had just switched my light schedule and realized I was almost out (this was about ten years ago). In a half-panic (I save my full panic for special events ;) ), I called Mom and asked if she had anything. "There might be some of the stuff I used on African violets when I used to grow them, but that was back in the early '80s, so I don't know if it'd still be any good."

It was, lol. I almost bought some more of the stuff afterwards. Produced lots of pretty... flowers :p.

By the way, the majority of these companies will happily send you samples of one or more of their products upon (polite) request. Which is NOT a knock against this company. But it's mainly just a sign that the owner is at least minimally intelligent, and he wants to sell product.

I've got quite the supply of free stuff that's collecting dust. Botanicare will send you samples if you request them. Tried it, they can keep it. More diluted than the Foliage Pro I used to use and therefore more expensive. Ive got just shy of 5 gallons of Terpinator, no need for it, saw no benefit. Maybe of you're regular nutes are lacking K it may do something. Got a jug of Roots XS, didn't see a benefit in it. Root mass seemed about the same as it always is when I looked at them after the grow was over and I knocked the plant out of the pot. I have two of the Remo Nutes Supercharged kits unopened. Need to try to sell them on eBay or something. Haven't used them but that's too many bottles to grow a plant. I don't want to be a junior chemist every time the plants need watered. Also goes against my premise that plants don't need significantly different diets when they go from veg to bloom. I wasted my "free sample" trying to make a concentrated liquid out of the product, so the only plants I've grown with Mega Crop were with nutes I've paid for.

I've heard of Osmocote growing decent cannabis but haven't tried it. I went out of the box once, not violet fertilizer but orchid fertilizer (Orchidgain, a version of the fabled MSU orchid fertilizer). It did OK.
Wow, I don't think I'd have admitted to that just to make a point. Or even to make $20, lol. I mean no disrespect here, but... It's kind of like saying, "I used to be a fucking idiot, but now I'm not." Which is all well and good, of course - but what people will probably end up remembering is the "fucking idiot" part. And people probably already think unsavory thoughts about me - so they don't need MY help in doing so.

I'm just saying.
Well guess what I do feel like an idiot . Anyone who went through what I went through would feel like an idiot . When you go from $400 in nutrients a grow and the come back and do the same grow for $12 I’m an idiot comes to mind ! Then I remember I’ve only been here a year and learn something every week and or day .
Thank You 420 Magazine Growers for that fantastic help !
Well guess what I do feel like an idiot . Anyone who went through what I went through would feel like an idiot . When you go from $400 in nutrients a grow and the come back and do the same grow for $12 I’m an idiot comes to mind ! Then I remember I’ve only been here a year and learn something every week and or day .
Thank You 420 Magazine Growers for that fantastic help !

You know the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". I'm sure they are out there, but I don't see a lot of long term growers that stay with the AN line. Cost to benefit just isn't there. When I started my first grow, and was having issues, I almost ordered some due to all the slick marketing and hopes it would turn my girls around. Instead I stayed the course and learned that I was just underfeeding the product I was using at the time. Glad I dodged the bullet.
When I grew 20 years ago I mixed soil the way “How to grow Marijana” said. I miss that book. Got Decent results. Then moved to hydro and bought into the AN line because of the PH perfect. It worked but was expensive. I want to run this in hydro to see if it produces. Not that I will go back to AN. Junior chemist is right. My wife hated the bottles. This she will use.
Great looking plants!
Man saug that's a home run. Love those girls
Thanks guys! :green_heart:

Mixed 3-gm per gallon as Sauga suggested. Ended up with (it’s in ppm)900 ppm. Like 1.3 EC. Or such. It’s strange seeing these numbers this early. I’m about 200 less in hydro.
The plants aren’t as green as I like them so hopefully this will give them that boost they need.
Hit them with 4g next feeding if all looks good, then 5g after that. Once you start to see the green coming back you know you're getting things dialed in. Feed at 5g if all is good until she flips herself to flower or you start to see some defs. They're autos, so you want to get them big, fast and not stressing them out while doing so.
They're autos, so you want to get them big, fast and not stressing them out while doing so.

The not so secret, secret to autos. Sometimes easier said than done, but when accomplished, big yields in short times.
Thanks guys! :green_heart:

Hit them with 4g next feeding if all looks good, then 5g after that. Once you start to see the green coming back you know you're getting things dialed in. Feed at 5g if all is good until she flips herself to flower or you start to see some defs. They're autos, so you want to get them big, fast and not stressing them out while doing so.
The 2 new ones I dropped I ran 2gm-gallon through the soil before I planted. I figure it’s this soil and not the MC. Appreciate the help. I need to find a good soil mix for the next grow if someone has one.
The not so secret, secret to autos. Sometimes easier said than done, but when accomplished, big yields in short times.
These aren’t tall but the stem is like big ankles, made for weight.
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