The Mega Crop Thread

Funny my hydro had the same face n it was because he couldn’t make money off the product n he was a bit hurt cuz he couldn’t sell me 20 bottles to do one grow

When you have thousands, or even hundreds of nutrient bottles sitting on your shelf, you don't want to bring in Mega Crop.

Mega Crop is just too expensive at less than the cost of just the Flora Bloom I used in previous grows, let alone the entire regimen of the Flora Series. :rofl:

The 3/4 bottle of Flora Bloom cost me $15 CAD for a six month grow. The 2.5Kg bag of Mega Crop cost $35 CAD, and will last about one and a half to two years. Call it $11.67 maximum for grows my size.
It’s what I said he got the mars lights I told em half the shyt in the store ppl don’t buy t told him add mega crop u will remember me I also asked him on high Brix blend he didn’t kno what it was I was like Man U need to get up to date lol
Funny my hydro had the same face n it was because he couldn’t make money off the product n he was a bit hurt cuz he couldn’t sell me 20 bottles to do one grow
Exactly the vibe I got, so I entertained it and asked him what he would recommend. So he walked me over to his boxed 4 step 6 bottle 69.99 recommendation. I listened but knew exactly what was going on lol
It’s what I said he got the mars lights I told em half the shyt in the store ppl don’t buy t told him add mega crop u will remember me I also asked him on high Brix blend he didn’t kno what it was I was like Man U need to get up to date lol

they don't have a clue about hempy either.

hydro store guy asked what style i was growing. then asked wth hempy was.
described the method then showed him a cell pic.

he about lost it... told me there was no way it was straight perlite in a 5L bucket lol.. :D
About a week after the switch to MC. Day 37 of flower.
The leaves have definitely gotten darker green.
No tip burn or deficiencies to speak of.
Loving the MC life.
Funny my hydro had the same face n it was because he couldn’t make money off the product n he was a bit hurt cuz he couldn’t sell me 20 bottles to do one grow


It's not about what is best for you, but what is best for their bottom line. :)
they don't have a clue about hempy either.

hydro store guy asked what style i was growing. then asked wth hempy was.
described the method then showed him a cell pic.

he about lost it... told me there was no way it was straight perlite in a 5L bucket lol.. :D
Lol that’s funny I showed a pic of mine he was like omg u in pro mix in hydro it’s soil man I was like ur way behind
Exactly the vibe I got, so I entertained it and asked him what he would recommend. So he walked me over to his boxed 4 step 6 bottle 69.99 recommendation. I listened but knew exactly what was going on lol
C that is what I hate ppl always think the more expensive stuff is the best I’m always do my grows on a budget n most of things ppl buy to grow a weed u don’t even need most of the time simple is always better
Lol that’s funny I showed a pic of mine he was like omg u in pro mix in hydro it’s soil man I was like ur way behind

I called one the other day, asking if they had any 2" bulkheads in stock. Dude was like, "what's a bulkhead?"

I says, "You're a hydro store and don't know what a bulkhead fitting is?"

After explaining it, he'd never heard them called that before. I was shocked. And they didn't have any either. My main store didn't, so that's why I called the other one.

C that is what I hate ppl always think the more expensive stuff is the best I’m always do my grows on a budget n most of things ppl buy to grow a weed u don’t even need most of the time simple is always better

Yep. I mean I get the concept of multi-part systems. For someone really, really, really smart on perfectly dialing in this and that and the other specific nutrient for every aspect of a grow, fine. That's what those big systems are really for. Expert-level looking to cater to such. Not exactly for the novice or casual grower who really doesn't understand what they are doing, and if the basic schedule doesn't work, they're lost on treating the problem and dialing it in.

There are certainly some quality products out there for lines like that. However, what do you really gain with them besides a lighter wallet? Are the gains really worth the extra expense and time? I'm not convinced, personally. Master growers aside, sure. For the average Joe (or Jane), even one that knows what they are doing? Nah, probably not.
Yep I totally agreee man I’ve used some high price stuff n it’s good but I have found U can get same or better using another nute at a quarter of the price
Question about maintaining a sterile reservoir environment with Mega Crop...
I don't see any mention of MC containing Myco.
Are there any components to this fertilizer that may be effected by running UV sterilization in my rezzys?
The great site of Mr Bezos, aka amazon, can help you out here, as long as your heater is 1500w or less, and on 120V not 220V.

"BN-LINK Digital Heat Mat Thermostat Controller"

$20, and from there, here's what ya do:

Heater hooks to controller, controller temp probe goes into tent. Set controller for desired temp, and off you go.

Just make sure your heater is within the specs of the controller, which is rated for 15A and 1875W.

Thanks! It's in my cart now.
here's the gals tonight at wk 6 flip wk 5 flower..


noticed some gnats..

everyone got a 3L hempy flush with h202 and calmag.
hung a no pest strip in the space. not messing around.


that'll take care of it.

they need a good clean up. most of the main fans are well in to fade. buds are still building. still see new pistils but they are slowing.


starting to see some sugar. trichomes still in early clear to cloudy.
everybody is still busy building.


they are feeding like crazy.

upping everyone to 2 litres.
gonna run 23g MC / 10L ro. it will drop the ppm a touch. will monitor.

also dropped them 2 inches for better headroom to the light. at a comfy 18(ish) inches.
running the light at 80 - 85%

i've used them before.
they are ubiquitous in industrial farming and the beef industry.

if you've ever eaten food you've been exposed lol.

they are way more effective than any of the passive deterrents. probably less than a wk to clear. the h202 flush takes care of anything in the media, the strip decimates any movers.

the flower room is under negative pressure, the half life of the chemical is measured in hours. so it will clear pretty fast.
the strip is only effective while present. it's a good alternative if you need to fight something in flower.
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