The Mega Crop Thread

I'm sure others will be glad to hear that and after seeing your plant they may not be so inclined to purchase the extras to keep it as you say... simple.
The way I see it is this... Even if I knew the exact amounts of each add-on that would work together to give the best possible results, given all the expenses and work of mixing them, the end product would have to be pretty much insanely better to justify it. And I don't see it happening anywhere at least not yet. My humble advice, if you have money to spend on growing, spend it on high quality efficient lights, environmental, automation, or genetics.
omg i was just gonna ask if bud explosion was in the mix. i've only been growing a little over a year, but literally everything i've read so far has made it sound like if you don't switch up to "bloom feed" your buds will be hindered by the N. so i'm just watching in awe as these "rules" are kinda tossed aside. with amazing results!

I'm glad I didn't follow that rule when I was starting out.
I'm glad I didn't follow that rule when I was starting out.

so all these feed charts are wrong i guess lol. that's it i'm growing with piss from now on;)
also MC sells a bud booster too. so is that just snake oil too?
That totally depends on whether you buy into the belief that you can increase the size of your buds and boost the frost by loading your substrate with high levels of P and K.

Your money, your plants, your decision.
Funny how nobody actually knows lol. Belief is for the religious I'd like to know for sure.
My current grow is a test of what MC and its full line of recommended supplements can do, by following the instructions exactly. I can't speak for any grow method other than soil. You have to read around a bit but you learn that in soil, for which MC was designed, pH is not so important that you need to adjust it or worry about it in the least. There are no warnings about the use of chlorine, so tap water is perfectly ok.

There are warnings that even their own calmag product may not be necessary, and the numbers prove it. If a company offers supplements to enhance a normal grow using just their base product, they had better be totally compatable and applied correctly, should not harm and should only enhance the growth of a plant they are used on. So, I am testing these too. Any reasonable consumer would, if they were going for the best grow possible.

So I am testing what happens when you buy and apply all of their recommended products (look at the feeding calculator for clues as to which) exactly as recommended. If it harms the plants, the effect will be there for all to see.

What I see in my grow is greatly enhanced growth and what already appears to be superior plants. As I told someone just today, the proof is in the pudding, and so far my pudding looks fine. Please be sure to check out my current journal to see what is going on and just what is possible when you use MegaCrop, Sea-K, Sweet Candy, and Bud Explosion PK exactly as recommended, while trusting that any deficiencies from that point forward will be solved by increasing the levels of MC.

The instructions are simple and my grow is the result. Now, lets say that I get through this with great looking plants that indicate to us at least the "boosters" as some people are calling them are not harming the plants, but then the question always comes up to prove the negative... could you have gotten to that finish without the boosters? Shouldn't you grow with just the base product first to see what it alone can do? The world may never know. I leave it to others to prove the negative.
My current grow is a test of what MC and its full line of recommended supplements can do, by following the instructions exactly. I can't speak for any grow method other than soil. You have to read around a bit but you learn that in soil, for which MC was designed, pH is not so important that you need to adjust it or worry about it in the least. There are no warnings about the use of chlorine, so tap water is perfectly ok.

There are warnings that even their own calmag product may not be necessary, and the numbers prove it. If a company offers supplements to enhance a normal grow using just their base product, they had better be totally compatable and applied correctly, should not harm and should only enhance the growth of a plant they are used on. So, I am testing these too. Any reasonable consumer would, if they were going for the best grow possible.

So I am testing what happens when you buy and apply all of their recommended products (look at the feeding calculator for clues as to which) exactly as recommended. If it harms the plants, the effect will be there for all to see.

What I see in my grow is greatly enhanced growth and what already appears to be superior plants. As I told someone just today, the proof is in the pudding, and so far my pudding looks fine. Please be sure to check out my current journal to see what is going on and just what is possible when you use MegaCrop, Sea-K, Sweet Candy, and Bud Explosion PK exactly as recommended, while trusting that any deficiencies from that point forward will be solved by increasing the levels of MC.

The instructions are simple and my grow is the result. Now, lets say that I get through this with great looking plants that indicate to us at least the "boosters" as some people are calling them are not harming the plants, but then the question always comes up to prove the negative... could you have gotten to that finish without the boosters? Shouldn't you grow with just the base product first to see what it alone can do? The world may never know. I leave it to others to prove the negative.
Thanks for that. I think I'm gonna order some soon. I feel like I'll do a side by side eventually. Damn this 4 plant limit lol
@Remystemple ,, heya,,
i suggest you read the mega crop websites f.a.q. section,, it does, as i recall, explain a wee bit of what you are asking,, re,, why the sups if mega is all in one

My impression from reading this thread was that the GLN supplements were for V1 of Mega Crop and V2 does not need them. That doesn't mean that judicious use of the supplements won't boost the yield.

I'm watching @Emilya's grow with interest. That does not mean I'll blindly follow her lead. I switched to Mega Crop for the savings and ease of use. Adding supplements increases the cost, and decreases the ease of use. I'll make a decision after Emilya's and my harvests are in. We use different substrates, but that should not matter.
so all these feed charts are wrong i guess lol. that's it i'm growing with piss from now on;)
Dont forget a tent mascot and/or moon charged rocks.
My impression from reading this thread was that the GLN supplements were for V1 of Mega Crop and V2 does not need them. That doesn't mean that judicious use of the supplements won't boost the yield.

Exactly. I can't recall where I saw the information (and I just went back through @GreenleafNutr's entire post histor), but I recall distinctly that they said pretty much what you just did. Originally that the supplements were targeted to the original version of MC, and they have kept them since as they are also compatible with Jack's.

Further, that the current mix of MC has all the extra "supplements" included, with the only exception being their "Sweet Candy" as it had some kind of issue when mixed in.

I haven't been able to find this again just yet, but it is as clear as day in my mind.
I have done my first watering with the bud explosion a couple days ago. I can see a difference in my plants. I just got home from work and the wife said that one of the plants looks amazing. She never says that so we both can see the difference. I am not sold on using it on a regular basis yet. I can say 100% none of my plants are showing Ill effects yet at the recommended 1 Gm-gal of bud explosion and 6gm-gal of mega crop.
I have done my first watering with the bud explosion a couple days ago. I can see a difference in my plants. I just got home from work and the wife said that one of the plants looks amazing. She never says that so we both can see the difference. I am not sold on using it on a regular basis yet. I can say 100% none of my plants are showing Ill effects yet at the recommended 1 Gm-gal of bud explosion and 6gm-gal of mega crop.
Just wondering what kind of a difference you mean exactly?
Did any of you that have been with MC since v1 track the changes in the feeding calculator regarding the supplements? I would have to assume that not only did they add the bit about only adding the calmag IF NEEDED when v2 came out, but they also adjusted the recommended dosages. If the supplements are indeed too much for v2 at the recommended rates, then I would expect the smoke to start appearing in my tent as the plants begin to combust. So far nothing... and yes @Hydroholic, I am curious how she describes it too.
Just wondering what kind of a difference you mean exactly?
The plant had kinda stalled out on calyx production. Today I find that there is new growth. I always reduced nitrogen in hydro in bloom and raised PK. With MC you never decrease it so and (I say this as my thoughts,only), I don’t like not increasing PK in flower and this has been my overall concern. Also my last harvest was leafy. It’s my understanding that higher P in flower tells the plant to focus growth at the ends, without the jump in P could it possibly just be adjusted (use) to a higher P number since it’s set from first feeding? I THINK that the plant needs the higher P to maximize flower. I’m not certain yet. Only way is for someone to run clones.
I do think you still get killer plants if you follow the rules using straight MC. I am fortunate enough to be able to throw some extra cash at this stuff just to try. May save others headaches and money. This is my broken thought process in this.
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