The Mega Crop Thread

ph'ing,, by my experience, is most important,, and i have had oh so many issues,, least of which is a wonky el cheapo ph pen,, throwing things off by .3 or .4 on the ph scale can cause such grief,, and by slowly adjusting , itr simply takes forever to correct, and dial it in.

a work in progress for me,,

but bluter is hempy, like me, and 5.8 is close to optimum, i am currently using 5.9 with a suspect pen,, tho now i have calibration solution and calibrate often,, a big improvement

Good thinking!

The pen will get you close, but the leaves never lie :)
@Old Salt , i know i read once you were at esquimalt for a while,, me too

tho i am talkin the fifties and early sixties. i was born nearby and grew up on the docks there waiting for my dads ship to come home,, what would he bring home this time??

the boats killed him, of course, he was an engineer,, guess what he died from??

ha,, it was not the asbestos that killed him,, it was the alcohol,, ha,, well, both actually,,

i honestly think there might be a class action suit waiting there somewhere

Alcohol and cigarettes were cheap when I joined in '77. Alcohol was 10¢ a shot, a can of beer was 15¢, and a pack of smokes was 25¢. Most sailors died within five years of retirement, due to alcohol and cigarettes back then. Most of those 'perks' are gone now. I left while they were trying to bring the forces into 'political correctness.'
Helo crew for the HMCS Huron?

This beautiful pup?


HMCS Huron​

My dad was an airframe mechanic and then gravitated to Non-Destructive Testing.

And you my old friend? What port ye be blowin' from sah :)
@Old Salt , i know i read once you were at esquimalt for a while,, me too

tho i am talkin the fifties and early sixties. i was born nearby and grew up on the docks there waiting for my dads ship to come home,, what would he bring home this time??

the boats killed him, of course, he was an engineer,, guess what he died from??

ha,, it was not the asbestos that killed him,, it was the alcohol,, ha,, well, both actually,,

i honestly think there might be a class action suit waiting there somewhere

Beautiful area!

My cousins live up near Nanaimo now.
hmmm, trying to remember one of my dads ships,, the 'st. louis' maybe,, or was that a school? ha, i need a boost

cool navy brat fact tho,, i have lived on every canadian coast, including the north,, long as churchill is considered the north

i actually remember being in an igloo that was the actual home of, get this, according to my research,,

the sixties scoop folks,,

airlifted fropm their ancestral home in the middle of the night without a damn thing and plopped down outside churchill with 'NOTHING'

folks is so swell
Hi @bluter
I'm assuming for coco you pH close to 5.8 right? Any need to change pH between Veg and Bloom?

that's where i would head. ph remains the same thru the grow.

mc seems more available to the plant over a broader range of ph, but hydro and soil ph rules still apply. coco is passive hydro so a ph of 5.8 would be correct.
New crop under mc day one gelato k cheese critical purple kush n cbd so should b good did way less n all is bleached cleaned up week or so veg n on to flower

This beautiful pup?


HMCS Huron​

My dad was an airframe mechanic and then gravitated to Non-Destructive Testing.

And you my old friend? What port ye be blowin' from sah :)

Yes, but she still had rabbit ears and golf balls when I took her west. She's now part of a reef. This was what she looked like when I served on her.


HMCS Huron, Entering Pearl Harbor 1988

Her keel was the first laid for that class of ship, but she was the second commissioned. Her layout from the bridge forward and down to 3 deck differed from the other ships of her class.

Other than the two years aboard the HMCS Huron, and a year in the Netherlands, I spent my time in Halifax, mainly on her sisters, but also as in instructor at the fleet school.
New crop under mc day one gelato k cheese critical purple kush n cbd so should b good did way less n all is bleached cleaned up week or so veg n on to flower

Another room full!!
Yeah full house get as much I can do befor move cus taking a break to set up at new crib I had enough clones to do 48 did 25 to alive my self n really can show them each love
gonna have to add that on the next response. decided to start bookmarking some of the responses to common questions in this thread. the thread has gotten too long for a lot of the info to be readily accessible to new posters.

Add post #160 to your list, por favor. It's @farside05's base schedule, and it's ratios are spot on.

very odd that there are pellets in there at all iffin one asks me

Their next formula, out this spring IIRC, will not have the ball. Instead they will have been pulverized and mixed in proper. Once it's out, I'll probably re-up, even if a little soon. It's cheap enough that I'm still saving a good bit of money.

I'm predicting an impenetrable jungle any day now :).

Ha! That damn song from The Lion King went through my head as soon as I saw those pics. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle..."
Yeah full house get as much I can do befor move cus taking a break to set up at new crib I had enough clones to do 48 did 25 to alive my self n really can show them each love
Man I wish I had your clone hook ups!
At this point, I have decided to become a permanent member here and will be starting a grow journal soon.

I have already started germinating a few seeds for my next grow.

I am going to start with just MC in coco/perlite, but since I still have some left over nutrients (Sensizyme, Ancient Earth, Rhino Skin, Great White, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Tarantula, Open Sesame) I will be using them up instead of just letting them sit on the shelf to expire.

I will carefully document my results to add to this important thread because I'm pretty sure there will be many other people who will want to transition from their old reliable nutes to this more modern strategy.
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