The Mega Crop Thread

That moment your cannabis plant decides it is going to identify as a carrot. :rofl:
She is lush and verdant, but is working on growing her stalk more than anything. I chopped away some of her fan leaves and they were as thick as some of the stalks I had last grow. MegaCrop from seedling, and she's loved every drop of it. She's about a month old if I remember correctly.
(She looks sad cause it was time feed)

Has anyone else grown a plant that cared more about girth than branching out?
My run of

I don't have a ph pen but I use tap water after let sit 24hrs to let the chlorine to evaporate
Honestly I think your issue is pH related. I believe you are using Sunshine Mix #4 from what your journal shows(unless that's a different plant) and that requires a proper pH of 5.8-6.2

from website
And, the #1 most asked question is…
What pH do I want in my indoor growing situation? What is the recommended pH of runoff?

Our Sunshine® Advanced #4 is formulated to stabilize at pH range of 5.8 – 6.2. This is the pH range that nutrients are most available to the plant.

So before any defs can be fixed it's important to have the correct pH in certain mediums. In this case the company states that's the best range for nute uptake, Once you know your pH then you can tackle the problem.
Honestly I think your issue is pH related. I believe you are using Sunshine Mix #4 from what your journal shows(unless that's a different plant) and that requires a proper pH of 5.8-6.2

from website
And, the #1 most asked question is…
What pH do I want in my indoor growing situation? What is the recommended pH of runoff?

Our Sunshine® Advanced #4 is formulated to stabilize at pH range of 5.8 – 6.2. This is the pH range that nutrients are most available to the plant.

So before any defs can be fixed it's important to have the correct pH in certain mediums. In this case the company states that's the best range for nute uptake, Once you know your pH then you can tackle the problem.
Honestly I think your issue is pH related. I believe you are using Sunshine Mix #4 from what your journal shows(unless that's a different plant) and that requires a proper pH of 5.8-6.2

from website
And, the #1 most asked question is…
What pH do I want in my indoor growing situation? What is the recommended pH of runoff?

Our Sunshine® Advanced #4 is formulated to stabilize at pH range of 5.8 – 6.2. This is the pH range that nutrients are most available to the plant.

So before any defs can be fixed it's important to have the correct pH in certain mediums. In this case the company states that's the best range for nute uptake, Once you know your pH then you can tackle the problem.

Sunshine #4 should be the same as Pro-Mix (Pro-Mix buffers there's to 5.8). You shouldn't have to worry too much about what it goes in at. My guess is that with tap and Mega Crop it's probably gonna be about 6.5ish after the nutes, unless it's real hard water (over 300ppm) then it may be closer to 7.

I think it's probably being overfed. Looks like some burnt tips. Dial it back to 5g of Mega is my suggestion.
Hi everybody
I'm new to mega crop nutrients
I just switched to mega crop
I have some nutrition from AN sensi, big bug ...
Can I use them with Mega crop ?
Thank you
Hi Ara... not really. MC is designed to be used on its own. If you skim through this thread you'll find some members add supplements such as Bud Explosion from the same manufacturer but it can only be applied in small amounts.
I’m thinking of diving in the mega crop fun. I use mostly LOS.

Anything I should be concerned about as far as using it with the LOS?

it would mainly be late in veg then again late in flower if needed.
I believe @Emilya is doing something like that.
No, Emilya is simply using a good minerally enriched super soil mix as a base to hold my plants in, but without me actively attempting to keep the microlife alive and thriving, it is just another dead soil. It might as well be a local hardware store brand for as much as it is giving toward the grow.
@Silverfox125, if you are thinking that you need to supplement your LOS with some form of full range outside nutrients a couple times during the grow, you are doing this all wrong... the whole point of organic growing is so that the plants determine what and how much food they get. In my organic grows I do supplement what the microbes are doing by specifically targeting PK and adding some more of that, as well as some of the micronutrients that I can supply with some of my dandelion extract and of course the trusty calmag. But... to think I needed to add a full spectrum fertilizer at times... that would have been giving up on the entire organic idea.
Now, to make you feel better about this... Megacrop is about as close to organic growing as any fertilizer system could be... again, it allows the plants to make the decisions as to how much of the stuff they are using, as long as you have the right mix percentage in the soil for their stage of growth that is. If you are having difficulties keeping the LOS going at full speed, it might be a good move just to move completely over to the MC. It really doesn't care what is or is not in your soil, mineralogically speaking, that is.
I don’t really feel I need outside nutrients I just have been getting fear of missing out from all these killer MC grows.

thank you
I don’t really feel I need outside nutrients I just have been getting fear of missing out from all these killer MC grows.

thank you

there are killer grows running all kinds of different approaches. mc isn't the only thing. would never discount other methods. lots of growers have more than one type of grow going simultaneous.

you are probably going to surprise yourself with the final outcome, and learn loads in the process, regardless of your current method. this thread is always here in the meantime.

pop by anytime. we love questions.
I have dial back on The Mega Crop to 4 g's because the very tips of the blades turn yellow. I am growing in Ocean Forest Fox Farm. The stores around me do not have good soil. It's all MM grow. In the Spring when the dirt come out, I'll ask for help in shopping for soil. :surf:
For me, that little bit of tip burn, is the sign that I am just where I want to be. It is not so much nutrient that there are lockouts or clawing, the color is still good, and the tips are my canaries in the coal mine telling me that I have hit the edge. If I am not at least burning the tips, I am not trying hard enough.
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