The Mega Crop Thread

Sorry, I made a comment that maybe the rep here could help out, but I removed it thinking it was inappropriate. The rep(s) here are not very active for whatever reason. I think we broke them when they realized we know more than the average cannabis forum.
Sorry about that.
Sorry, I made a comment that maybe the rep here could help out, but I removed it thinking it was inappropriate. The rep(s) here are not very active for whatever reason. I think we broke them when they realized we know more than the average cannabis forum.
Sorry about that.
I think you may be correct mate. only their biologists/techies could cope with the knowledge you and Farside alone possess
poor rep probably moved to A.N now for a quiet life !. lol
LOL......Hummm that does not make me feel any better:confused:
You're in good hands here. The rep was hit with a lot of questions when he showed up. It was a new toy for us but he may have been overwhelmed. Lots of knowledge with the guys you tagged earlier so not to worry.
I agree there. I am curious more around the los still being active alongside MC. Iove it in the coco and so want to beed up their potential in LOS too now. seeing your soil not overdoing it to the ladies is a good sign. maybe my second run in feb will my mc /los If yours go as I suspect it Will. Fingers crossed
The Los cannot be active if the microbes are not kept up. Without abundant active living microbes Los is simply dead soil. There will be no extra interaction with my formerly living soil because I am not allowing it. Starting tomorrow I could add microbes and stop giving mega crop and it would be a living organic grow once again. if there ends up being cross interaction between these two methods, the whole thing is being done incorrectly.
heya friends,, great read, indeed,, not all the chit chat but all the mega crop info,, ha

i am very close to pulling the switch and converting to mega crop. gotta order it i guess,

for use in hempy, like many here, and hope to improve the problem i have with yellowing leaves,, i am beginning to think my g hydroponics nutes are old and evil

so,, try something new,, and i like what i see here,, tho,, one thing

folks switch to mega crop cuz it's one stop ferting,, but then quickly add on other additives to complicate the process all over again,, funny is all,,

cheers friends,, chat soon for more info,,
done,, ordered,,

10 kg should last forever,, ha

thx friends
...our products have extremely high quality testing standards and exceed standards for growing plants fit for human consumption. MEGA CROP is tested a minimum of 3 times for heavy metal screening.
  1. Before sourcing the individual ingredients that make up the product
  2. In house testing after completion of final batch
  3. External 3rd party independent testing of final batch
Testing for Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Molybdenum, Nickel, Lead, Selenium, Mercury and more are standard. Products exceed organic level certification requirements.

"Products exceed organic level certification requirements"

Not totally organic,can you elaborate?How much is synthetic?
define synthetic.

I have some tubs of powdered Nitrates (KN03) and powdered Phosphate(KH2P04) that I bought from the Hyponics store to mix my own Ferts for the aquarium.Reduces the cost of the bottled stuff you buy in Aquarium shops by 20X.It does not look like natural organics.



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.It does not look natural.
so there is my point. Combining all of these natural elements in ways that does not happen in nature... that is synthetic. Is that necessarily bad? A banana split is synthetic, yet it produces much delight. Traditional fertilizers are combined with EDTA, itself a synthetic salt, and this new large molecule becomes stable and able to be stored in bottles until use. Megacrop has parts of it that are not in forms ready to be used by the plant combined into more synthetic molecules, this time instead of with EDTA, by using natural amino acids. The chelation agent is this time natural, but the resulting structure is not natural, and therefore again, by definition it is synthetic.
The big difference with MegaCrop is that in a traditional salt chelated synthetic nutrient the resulting structure is too large to be able to be taken up directly into the plant, so we use pH adjusted water to break this compound up while it is in the soil. The resulting waste product, salt, stays behind in the soil and accumulates over time. The megacrop structure is much smaller and it is able to be taken directly up into the plant before it is broken apart and this leaves no debris behind in the soil and no waste. When the compound encounters amino acids inside the plant, this breaks the bonds and releases the nutrients, right there in the plant. The left behind shell that was binding them, the amino acid, is also able to be used by the plant and absolutely no waste occurs while a tremendous amount of efficiency is gained. Was this natural and not synthetic? Sort of ... but then again, could it have happened naturally in nature without us "synthesizing" it? hmmm..
The Los cannot be active if the microbes are not kept up. Without abundant active living microbes Los is simply dead soil. There will be no extra interaction with my formerly living soil because I am not allowing it. Starting tomorrow I could add microbes and stop giving mega crop and it would be a living organic grow once again. if there ends up being cross interaction between these two methods, the whole thing is being done incorrectly.
Please humour me here emmy. trying to get it. what would stop the microbes and mega co existing ? . been my big question all along i think. would the mc kill the herd off even with amendments regularly. sorry if I have missed a simple thing here just a new way with the LOS and mc too.
Please humour me here emmy. trying to get it. what would stop the microbes and mega co existing ? . been my big question all along i think. would the mc kill the herd off even with amendments regularly. sorry if I have missed a simple thing here just a new way with the LOS and mc too.
no the MC would not directly kill the microbes but the megacrop could only feed the herd with what part of it was compatable and then the bulk of the MC would go up into the plant with the water to do what fertilizers do, to supercharge the plant. The point is that there are parts of MC that are not amino chelated and which are immediately available to the plant. This big fert load added to what is happening with the natural feeding cycle with the microbes is going to quickly set up an overfeeding situation with several of your elements and all sorts of bad things should start happening fast as certain microbes begin to flourish because they have so much food while others do not. Along with that you have to consider that a plant that just had MC jetted into its system and provided with everything able to move up via that path that it could possibly need, is not going to send the signals down to the roots as exudates to feed the microbes that would have supplied those future needs... so those microbes will start to die out because the plant isnt feeding them.... Soon the whole balance of the organic feeding cycle will become something that does not happen in nature, and I can't see it going very well for anyone involved. It is best to stick to one system or the other. If you wish to supplement an LOS grow, do as I did for years and use dandelion fermentations to provide every amino acid and micro nutrient that superaccumulator can provide. Add in extra p and k at the appropriate times... but don't throw a complete full spectrum fertilizer like MC in that also mainlines a major portion of itself right up into the plant... it is overkill.
There are many ways to kill off your microbes, and one of the easiest is to somehow lose the balance of the organic feeding cycle. It is easy to set off a chain reaction that kills the natural balance of all the specialty microbes working in harmony together, with the plant leading the symphony. Once the feeding cycle is broken in LOS, it is over, and time to recharge the soil.
no the MC would not directly kill the microbes but the megacrop could only feed the herd with what part of it was compatable and then the bulk of the MC would go up into the plant with the water to do what fertilizers do, to supercharge the plant. The point is that there are parts of MC that are not amino chelated and which are immediately available to the plant. This big fert load added to what is happening with the natural feeding cycle with the microbes is going to quickly set up an overfeeding situation with several of your elements and all sorts of bad things should start happening fast as certain microbes begin to flourish because they have so much food while others do not. Along with that you have to consider that a plant that just had MC jetted into its system and provided with everything able to move up via that path that it could possibly need, is not going to send the signals down to the roots as exudates to feed the microbes that would have supplied those future needs... so those microbes will start to die out because the plant isnt feeding them.... Soon the whole balance of the organic feeding cycle will become something that does not happen in nature, and I can't see it going very well for anyone involved. It is best to stick to one system or the other. If you wish to supplement an LOS grow, do as I did for years and use dandelion fermentations to provide every amino acid and micro nutrient that superaccumulator can provide. Add in extra p and k at the appropriate times... but don't throw a complete full spectrum fertilizer like MC in that also mainlines a major portion of itself right up into the plant... it is overkill.
There are many ways to kill off your microbes, and one of the easiest is to somehow lose the balance of the organic feeding cycle. It is easy to set off a chain reaction that kills the natural balance of all the specialty microbes working in harmony together, with the plant leading the symphony. Once the feeding cycle is broken in LOS, it is over, and time to recharge the soil.
Wow emmy. how the hell do you do it . You always go to the total explanation and leave me with no further questions as if you pre empt them coming.???
lol. Thank you for another brilliant, complicated but amazingly well explained answer. jetting is a good term too , instantly got it and the context. brilliant. I denise amendments for charging and a biosys tea with lots of bennies in and a top dress with their total reset product called life cycle that can also is used as a booster so I think I am all good on the life. On the PK front , the producer of the soil advises not using pk products at all in their information on the soil and indid wonder why that was. With your comment on potential use , i do wonder if I could add a mild dose of the shogun pk warrior 9/18. it stinks like an egg box with the sulphur in it but it is good in coco and designed for using throughout the flowering cycle and not just a 1 week hit of it.?.
Almost complete with 3 of my first autos ever and first time off bottled nutrients. Overall impressed with what Mega Crop has done on its own. Hopefully the bud explosion and the non balled MC gets here soon so I can add it to the last couple of weeks on the other 6. I didn’t grind my stuff up (V2) and I wish I would have,so I knew my mix was perfect. I have a problem plant, I own that mistake.


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