The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Sweet lil canna family there. :blushsmile: Which two didnt come up? Are you replacing them with the same strains?
Thank you Sorenna. They were a New Year's Bag Seed and an Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. Yes, I did replace them with the same strains. I have many extras of these seeds, which turns out to be a good thing, eh?
The stress test Dale had done showed his heart to be too compromised to justify elective surgery. No amputation. At least six more weeks in a nursing home. At least. Didn't see that one coming.

We need to make that a different facility because I can't justify taking him back to the one that damaged him.

We have a family mantra that goes

95% of what you worry about will never happen.

Somebody tell me how I forgot such a basic thing?

Time to rethink. I need to make sure this next six weeks makes more of a significant difference than the past three months did and I need to find a balance that takes time for me that's not scavenged from the edges a bit more into consideration.

Time to get this tent dialed in and get this grow going the way it needs to be. My need for meds just increased again. As it is I'll have to get something from the street just to get him through this. I'm absolutely determined that it be my last purchase ever.
Sweetsue, Tent is looking great!

Thanks Ziggy. I need to get it set up so I don't have to think about it though. I just had a harrowing discussion with a doctor about end-of-life plans in case Dale's heart suddenly goes. Right out of left field his heart decided to play again. Sheesh.

I'm going to do everything possible to get this operation running smoothly ASAP. It's a good start. Now let's make it sing.

My tent wants so much to look like your tent Ziggy. The babies do look sweet, eh? :cheesygrinsmiley:
The stress test Dale had done showed his heart to be too compromised to justify elective surgery. No amputation. At least six more weeks in a nursing home. At least. Didn't see that one coming.

We need to make that a different facility because I can't justify taking him back to the one that damaged him.

We have a family mantra that goes

95% of what you worry about will never happen.

Somebody tell me how I forgot such a basic thing?

Time to rethink. I need to make sure this next six weeks makes more of a significant difference than the past three months did and I need to find a balance that takes time for me that's not scavenged from the edges a bit more into consideration.

Time to get this tent dialed in and get this grow going the way it needs to be. My need for meds just increased again. As it is I'll have to get something from the street just to get him through this. I'm absolutely determined that it be my last purchase ever.

Honey for the ulcers
Sunshine for the immune system
Magnesium Glycinate (not gluconate, not oxide....GLYCINATE) for the heart
Hawthorne Berry for the heart.

Seriously, he literally has nothing to lose.....try the honey! I've seen it work wonders, even on MRSA.
Mornin Sweetsue....i'm sorry to here of what you and Dale are going thru.You must be exhausted at times just dealing with him...nevermind your hobbie. You are a very determined woman , you guys will make it thru,some how,some way,things will work out.
Ok...those pics you were asking about on my thread that you can't find....they're the one's i took of my ventilation stuff? I'l find them and get back to ya K. Cheers....Duggs.
Honey for the ulcers
Sunshine for the immune system
Magnesium Glycinate (not gluconate, not oxide....GLYCINATE) for the heart
Hawthorne Berry for the heart.

Seriously, he literally has nothing to lose.....try the honey! I've seen it work wonders, even on MRSA.

Thanks for pulling me out of that agonizing fog Doc. I'll ask about the honey today. If they aren't willing, we have that new pension getting ready to hit the bank. I can tend to it myself.

My next step with the medical team is a an in-depth look at what will be needed to facilitate optimal healing. Then I need to see to it that it happens.

This afternoon I'll be installing the fan and filter. Sometime this week I'll have the CFL array done. T5s will be ordered by next weekend and a shelf will be acquired. I've given myself two weeks to get this tent humming. By the time the next SWICK tray is planted we should be into smooth sailing.

I almost closed it all up today, but caught myself early into that madness and reaffirmed my commitment to the grow. It's only part hobby. It's mostly medicinal. If Dale died tomorrow I still need to grow for our daughter. Having accepted that it's still medically necessary I also had to admit that it fills a great creative need within myself that is worth the investment of time and money. I'm worth it. The more dialed in I can get the tent the more time I can devote to rehabbing Dale. Working for balance. Environmental control eliminates the frustration levels and frees up my time. I want the grow to continue to be a pleasure, a source of joy. It's up to me to make that happen.

Thank Goodness I work with fabulous soil mixes. You know Doc, my spare time is spent watching other HB grows and carrying on conversations about what's going on with the biota using this kit and I must say, I grow more impressed with it every day. It helps that I have these happy little seedlings just bursting out all over. :laughtwo: I'm looking forward to watching what happens with drenches and foliars.

Oh yeah! Forgot to order the sprayers. Let me track them down right now.
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 63

With the threat of amputation behind us it's time to get this environment dialed in. So let's start with the

Installation of the Fan and Carbon Filter

I consulted with Duggan and he recommended I not cut corners and go for a beautiful 6" Ostberg Vortex fan and a Can 33 carbon filter. They've been taking up floor space for a week now, so it's time to actually put them to use.

Gathering supplies and equipment. The fan was still in the box when I took this picture.


I emptied out the tent. That corner pot wasn't in anyone's way.


Begin by attaching the foam tape to the flange. This cuts air flow and helps damper some vibration.



The flange gets attached to the top of the filter using supplied self-tapping screws. This was the very first time in my entire life that I used a drill. I've always been the clamp. :laughtwo: I was pretty proud of my lack of hesitation and the decent job I did getting it all together. You need to be cautious about over torquing the screws and creating air leakage.


The fan is screwed to the flange.


I sealed over the screws and the gap between flange and fan with silver tape. No air leakage here.

The entire unit got hoisted and suspended with chains. I'll get those dangling chains cut off later. The flexible duct was attached to the fan using a clamp and the duct was fed up though the opening at the top of the tent (picture below).


The fan and filter have their own heavy duty extension cord that plugs into the dedicated line. The outlets are on the other side of the room. The cord for the fan unit was fed through the side opening and the controller and timer that will operate this unit will sit on the work bench.


Time to reload everything back into the tent. Before doing that I put together a couple cups to germinate the seeds I had soaking. These will be tiered onto the azalea pots when the time comes. Sheepleschism had suggested to Ziggy and I that it would be easier to nest a trimmed cup inside a complete one with holes poked for drainage. Then when it's time to transplant you only need to slip them apart to score and treat the roots before setting them in place.



I used a half-and-half mix of both soils. Why not? I also dusted with Roots! because it was right there. Then I dropped the New Year's Bag Seed into the hole and covered it over.


I'm going to soak another of the Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. This one must not be viable.

The seedlings all look healthy today. Kalashnikova still looks mighty small. The cups were placed under the CFLs. All of the HB pots were raised off the SWICK with spacers and the SWICK was topped off. I decided this makes better sense to me.



It's time to pay attention to the star. She was patiently waiting out on the balcony, so I thought it would be good to take some photos in natural light. Absolutely stunning. You'll laugh at the trichomes. They're everywhere. Let me be quiet and let you just enjoy.








A sweet view of everything in place. Looking in I can envision the shelf unit and additional lighting. Oh yeah. :slide:


All closed up. In the morning I'll find out how much noise it makes, but I have to say, when I tested it the thing ran super quiet. Worth every penny.


I fell asleep twice while typing this into the system. Both times I erased the post when my hand fell onto the iPad as I dropped off to sleep. I need a cat nap before I take a graceful dive into music for the evening. Maybe what I really need is a shower to wake me up. I'll go with that. Tonight I'm joyful because I get to sleep in my own bed again. I could cry, I'm so joyful. :laughtwo:

So what made you bubble with joy today? Don't be shy. We're practically family around here. :love: I'll be watching to see if anyone actually shares with us.

I'm done! Finally I can get it posted before I lose it again. Hahaha! Have a joy-filled rest of your day.

Sweetsue....your right...i am proud of you....ah jeeesh girl, you did an awesome job and now have an awesome vent. system.You can almost forget about it now....that combination will be maintainance free for many yrs. You just have to make sure to only run it at 75% max. and keep the pre-filter changed when needed....this is very important as it helps your carbon inside the filter last alot longer. Running it at 75% will also be quieter ,and because you went with a six inch combo . it will exchange air in no time flat in that little tent.Keep your passive intake clear to avoid the tent walls from collapsing inward.
Just so ya know....the books say 18 months for this filter....i'm going on 2-1/2 yrs now with the exact set up as you,cuz of not running at 100%,oversizing fan and filter,and buying quality components. Good job Sweetsue....have a nice sound bagged....
Sweetsue....your right...i am proud of you....ah jeeesh girl, you did an awesome job and now have an awesome vent. system.You can almost forget about it now....that combination will be maintainance free for many yrs. You just have to make sure to only run it at 75% max. and keep the pre-filter changed when needed....this is very important as it helps your carbon inside the filter last alot longer. Running it at 75% will also be quieter ,and because you went with a six inch combo . it will exchange air in no time flat in that little tent.Keep your passive intake clear to avoid the tent walls from collapsing inward.
Just so ya know....the books say 18 months for this filter....i'm going on 2-1/2 yrs now with the exact set up as you,cuz of not running at 100%,oversizing fan and filter,and buying quality components. Good job Sweetsue....have a nice sound bagged....

Thanks Duggan. I tried to make you proud. :battingeyelashes: You were such a helpful companion.

Like I could sleep. Hahaha! I'm exhausted, but so pumped I'll be up for hours. Have a good weekend with your boys. :love:
Very nice, SweetSue. I like how you documented the entire thing, right down to your mystery boo boo. haha Your "Ive always been the clamp" comment made me laugh out loud. You did a real nice job.

Im thinking about you and Dale every day, hoping for the best.

Your spoutlings look great and so does the Dark Devil. How longer do you think she has?

Have a great night. :)
Very nice, SweetSue. I like how you documented the entire thing, right down to your mystery boo boo. haha Your "Ive always been the clamp" comment made me laugh out loud. You did a real nice job.

Im thinking about you and Dale every day, hoping for the best.

Your spoutlings look great and so does the Dark Devil. How longer do you think she has?

Have a great night. :)

Hahaha! It made me laugh right out loud when I wrote it Sorenna. Thank you for the loving thoughts. Coincidently, I think of you and yours every day too. :laughtwo: :love:

I think she's somewhere in the last three weeks. That reminds me... Before I go to bed tonight I need to put together an SST to apply around 8 AM. It has to steep for four hours and I seem to stay up until 4 these days. Crazy Girl.

Anyway, I'm watching for pistil change. I haven't checked her trichomes yet. I want a better magnifier and the close ups look mostly clear. Opps! Forgot to post them.






There. That's better. :love:
Ha! Great work, SweetSue!

That was some serious grunting and hefting and squirming 'n stuff, getting it hoisted up there all neat and professionally tidy like that. :bravo:

Just beautiful!
Ha! Great work, SweetSue!

That was some serious grunting and hefting and squirming 'n stuff, getting it hoisted up there all neat and professionally tidy like that. :bravo:

Just beautiful!

Why thank you kind sir. (Curtsy) How right you are. The daughter helped me. I hoisted and grunted and she attached the chains. I was expecting to make use of that new fella of hers but he was deep onto WOW and she didn't even tell him it was going on! LOL! Already she spoils the lad.

I'm kinda proud of myself. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Professor. Glad I was still up when you stopped. You have a wonderful day now, hear? :love:

I'm going to drag myself to bed now.
Hey it looks good Sue. I think you did a great job. If you get a chance can you get another close up shot of the ducting showing where it is connected from the inside and then a shot from the outside where it is exhausting, oh and maybe the intake where air is coming into the tent. Thumbs up you made quick work of that. :)
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