The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

:jawdropper: 18 pages already, im finally subbed in hehe, got a lot of reading to do today ;)

Welcome Feral. Glad you found us. Enjoy the read. I try to make it worth the time. :laughtwo::green_heart:
anyhow SweetSue, It's really great to see it all coming together for you. Plus I get to watch and learn for my own set-up. I'll be paying close attention as you set up the fan and filter.

Are you installing an automated control system?

I want to buy a humidity and temp meter for my tent. I'm not even sure what to look for, but I would like it to have the ability to send signals to some kind of controller.
anyhow SweetSue, It's really great to see it all coming together for you. Plus I get to watch and learn for my own set-up. I'll be paying close attention as you set up the fan and filter.

Are you installing an automated control system?

I want to buy a humidity and temp meter for my tent. I'm not even sure what to look for, but I would like it to have the ability to send signals to some kind of controller.

I thought about the temp/humidity controller Rascio, but for my little 4x4 tent and a speed controller, Duggan feels I should be able to keep climate controlled easily without additional equipment. Congrats on getting your new light ordered.
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 59

Still no peep from those last two pots with LOS.


When I get home this afternoon it will be earlier than lights out, so I'll check again. I have a feeling about that bag seed to the back, and that last seed to the front had the appearance of being extremely vigorous, so I'd be really surprised if it didn't pop. They get more time. No rush here at all.

The winner for vigor so far goes to that lanky bag seed. Look at the growth beginning to shoot out. Standing here and looking at them first hand this one has the greatest energy field. I can't wait for the LOS one to pop so I can compare their growth and development. The same goes for the Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. Come out and play little ones. :laughtwo:


I'm fascinated with how much tighter the seedlings are in the LOS. :hmmmm:


Now for our little Dark Devil. Gosh, she just makes me gasp in pleasure every morning. She's aware I'm a bit partial. We sit quietly every morning while I explain to her how important she is to me. I like to believe that makes a difference in the end product, and you'd have a hard time getting me to believe otherwise.


Let's just wander through this trichome-coated wonderland. Um, Um, Ummm.







The pistil change is beginning to accelerate now. I figure sometime in the next couple weeks. I haven't even checked trichomes yet.


Yeah! Oh yeah! :laughtwo::slide:

My installation project will be on hold until the weekend. My daughter is moving her man in and he shows up from California tomorrow. She pulled her back cleaning, so I need to devote myself to keeping her calm and level and getting her place in order before he gets here. They're both so scared right now that some calming presence is needed. Ahhh, young love. Remember all that anxiety and breathless anticipation? Sweet.

We got cultures back, and there is infection in the right heel. They're treating with antibiotics until he gets to see the Vascular Surgeon on Tuesday, but we both feel like we're simply waiting for the final decision to take the foot. It would almost be a relief to get beyond that and into active rehabilitation. I posted a picture on my spot of the river we ache to walk along again. I'm going to hold tight to that goal until I'm forced to give it up. I keep telling him it's just a mobility issue. I had a friend stop me on the street today to ask about Dale. She's a nurse and has been following the progress over the years. Her opinion is that I need to get three big guys to haul his ass out of this nursing home and up those 40 stairs so he can be home. I put in a call to another friend who fits the bill and knows others who could be called upon. Dale and I are willing to wait until the end of the month before deciding on that path. By then he will have seen Vascular and Rehab (for prosthetic) and will have been entered into the VA medical system. If nothing positive is happening here by then we're going to bust out of this hellhole.

What we need is a chair lift.

As we continue to twist in the wind here it becomes imperative that we stay as upbeat as possible. This daily reminder about spreading joy is as much to keep me focused on that as to encourage all of you to brighten the world with your own expressions. So hey! You! Joy! You know what to do. :laughtwo::green_heart:

I'm so glad to have all of you along for the journey.

You have the non-germinating pots under the bright light, while the ones that germinated are under CFL's. It's no wonder at all why one seems "lanky." It has nothing to do with the soil, but with the light.

If you want to get the most from those plants, put them under the good lights. If you want them to be weak and spindly, keep them under the poor lighting. No mystery here.
You have the non-germinating pots under the bright light, while the ones that germinated are under CFL's. It's no wonder at all why one seems "lanky." It has nothing to do with the soil, but with the light.

If you want to get the most from those plants, put them under the good lights. If you want them to be weak and spindly, keep them under the poor lighting. No mystery here.

It's an indication of how stressed I am over Dale's foot that this simple fact never crossed my mind, so thank you Doc for that swift kick. When I get home this afternoon I'll shift things around. My plan is to add a cfl array for the SWICK tray ASAP, but life keeps stepping in the way. When I began this part of the grow it looked like we might save the foot. That's not as certain, and it's impacting every part of our lives.

Only having 30 minutes a day access to the tent with lights on before heading out to the nursing home is a disappointment. I need to find a way to change that. I'm also still waiting on money to hit the bank.

Not to worry. As I move ahead it will get dialed in better and better. I understand that you'd have preferred I have it all set to go before beginning, but that's just not the way it went. Adaptability. I'm comfortable with the learning curve. Now I get to document how to save plants from the mistakes of a novice grower. I think we can allow me to have my own mistakes. This is only my second attempt at this, and my first with a tent. I'm actually having a great time of it.

Please, everyone, no ego here to speak of, so if you see anything you think I'm missing (as in this one that I should definitely NOT have missed) I beg of you, speak up.

I thank you in advance.

I know your SWICK is good and it works for plants with a bigger root system but it is likely to keep Oxygen from the tiny roots and the SFW biota mycko's in the beginning. Especially if you are using plastic pots. Those bugs are tiny but they still need Oxygen. If you go back and look at your first grow you will see that your SWICK didn't come into play until you had a decent vegging plant with several nodes in a cloth pot. I would put a fan that oscillates across the tops of the plants to help build the stems as well as replacing the CO2 in the air in the immediate area around the leaves as the plant transpires. I also would put a long twist tie into the soil and make it loop around into a 1/2 inch diameter hook to help hold those seedlings up until the fan made them strong. Your lighting schedule was different in your first grow as well but I have never grown autos so I am not sure if that is making a large difference or not but it may be hindering your yield on this grow.
I am just analyzing the situation I hope I wasn't too direct or harsh, its hard for me to tell when I'm being condescending or cynical, sorry. Its the ADHD engineer in me :)
I hope all goes well with Dale and I wish you would get him out of that place. I hate Doctors and Hospitals and no good Nurses. :love:
I know your SWICK is good and it works for plants with a bigger root system but it is likely to keep Oxygen from the tiny roots and the SFW biota mycko's in the beginning. Especially if you are using plastic pots. Those bugs are tiny but they still need Oxygen. If you go back and look at your first grow you will see that your SWICK didn't come into play until you had a decent vegging plant with several nodes in a cloth pot. I would put a fan that oscillates across the tops of the plants to help build the stems as well as replacing the CO2 in the air in the immediate area around the leaves as the plant transpires. I also would put a long twist tie into the soil and make it loop around into a 1/2 inch diameter hook to help hold those seedlings up until the fan made them strong.
I am just analyzing the situation I hope I wasn't too direct or harsh, its hard for me to tell when I'm being condescending or cynical, sorry. Its the ADHD engineer in me :)

See? This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. First off, you reminded me that the oscillating fan I've neglected to stop and buy for a week now isn't going to magically appear. Thank you big time for that. I'll take your advice on the supports as well. Tomorrow morning I will reconfigure the lights to get a bank of CFLs over the SWICK. I may be able to create some air holes in the pots - let me think about that.

All good ideas xtrchessreal. Reps for being so open and direct. I meant it. No ego to speak of. My only interest here is in improving my skills to create better and more consistent meds with the least amount of stress possible. If you were closer there'd be a hug with your name on it. :hug:
Oops I made an edit about lights and Hospitals while you were responding...eeek Nothin but hugs back at you :)
See? This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. First off, you reminded me that the oscillating fan I've neglected to stop and buy for a week now isn't going to magically appear. Thank you big time for that. I'll take your advice on the supports as well. Tomorrow morning I will reconfigure the lights to get a bank of CFLs over the SWICK. I may be able to create some air holes in the pots - let me think about that.

All good ideas xtrchessreal. Reps for being so open and direct. I meant it. No ego to speak of. My only interest here is in improving my skills to create better and more consistent meds with the least amount of stress possible. If you were closer there'd be a hug with your name on it. :hug:

I think in your current situation, auto-watering is probably best, due to the fact that you can "forget" a day or two without a bad outcome.

I completely agree that you want them to dry out a bit at this stage. Perhaps don't top off the SWICK daily and let them dry over the course of a week? I dunno.

Barring other factors, bright light and cultivation of roots is your goal at the seedling stage, but I fully understand that there are much more pressing issues you're facing right now.
Hey SS all looking good
You have the non-germinating pots under the bright light, while the ones that germinated are under CFL's. It's no wonder at all why one seems "lanky." It has nothing to do with the soil, but with the light.

If you want to get the most from those plants, put them under the good lights. If you want them to be weak and spindly, keep them under the poor lighting. No mystery here.

Nothing wrong with CFl's as you proved in your last grow Sue, can you bring then down closer(1"-2" above) to those babies, it will stop the stretching.
As I understand LED's keep plants shorter compared to HPS, MH etc.
Got a question for you Sue, I've just discovered I have thrips, yes I said Thrips lol. I've just ordered some diatomaceas earth, I recall you using it on your last journal. Was it a 1" top dress?
I think in your current situation, auto-watering is probably best, due to the fact that you can "forget" a day or two without a bad outcome.

I completely agree that you want them to dry out a bit at this stage. Perhaps don't top off the SWICK daily and let them dry over the course of a week? I dunno.

Barring other factors, bright light and cultivation of roots is your goal at the seedling stage, but I fully understand that there are much more pressing issues you're facing right now.

I appreciate that Doc. I shifted the ones that germinated to a more central position under the LED until I can get an array done. I'm going to design what I want and have Dale construct it at the nursing home. That way he gets to be involved in the process.

Thank you again for pointing that out. I can't believe I missed something so basic. When I read the original post it was like I walked into a wall. It brought to the forefront how I've been almost running scared about this possible double amputation. You actually helped snap me out of it. Dale and I spent our time today talking about practical modifications to enhance mobility in the apartment. This was the first time he talked seriously about it, which I take as an encouraging sign. Today was the very first time he's talked in an animated way about actually being home. It was that capacity to see himself here again that I've been waiting for.

Your simple post turned into a big turning point Doc. You never know how you're going to influence others, do you? It surprised me too. All that from a simple comment about lights. Hug.

I was thinking about letting the SWICK dry out between 'waterings' in this early stage, and that weekly filling schedule may turn out to be the best approach. The perlite holds a surprising amount of water, so it would take about that long to really dry out. I sense we have some extreme challenges coming up this next couple weeks and although I haven't missed watering yet.....

So I filled it today. Let's let it ride for a week and watch the seedlings. This is a new approach, so I'll document carefully. It shouldn't be a concern for the LOS pots either. They'll be getting some light coconut water drenches anyway.

If I don't post a picture of an oscillating fan by tomorrow, someone please reach right through the Internet and shake me. Thank you. I forgot to stop again today. (Sigh)
Hey SS all looking good

Nothing wrong with CFl's as you proved in your last grow Sue, can you bring then down closer(1"-2" above) to those babies, it will stop the stretching.
As I understand LED's keep plants shorter compared to HPS, MH etc.
Got a question for you Sue, I've just discovered I have thrips, yes I said Thrips lol. I've just ordered some diatomaceas earth, I recall you using it on your last journal. Was it a 1" top dress?

Thrips! Ouch Shaun! There has to be someone in the gallery who has some experience. Here's your chance to be Shaun's hero. I can give you my take on DE and I would advise against a thick top dress. For one thing that much silica dumped onto your soil will only cause you trouble. As an additive it's used sparingly and over a long period of time. For pest control DE works best as a puffed dusting. That fine dispersal of the DE makes it nearly impossible for the pest critters to avoid. Lay it out in a sheet and you'll watch the critters walk right across it. Even dusted on, it must be reapplied after each watering.

But I have absolutely no experience with using it for anything more than gnats.
Thrips! Ouch Shaun! There has to be someone in the gallery who has some experience. Here's your chance to be Shaun's hero. I can give you my take on DE and I would advise against a thick top dress. For one thing that much silica dumped onto your soil will only cause you trouble. As an additive it's used sparingly and over a long period of time. For pest control DE works best as a puffed dusting. That fine dispersal of the DE makes it nearly impossible for the pest critters to avoid. Lay it out in a sheet and you'll watch the critters walk right across it. Even dusted on, it must be reapplied after each watering.

But I have absolutely no experience with using it for anything more than gnats.

Thanks SS, I've heard its good stuff for a lot of bugs including these lil fookers. My plant is four wks into flowering, by puff dusting, do you mean over the plant or just on top of the soil/coco..? And what do mean by "laying it out on a sheet"?
Sorry for being a pain lol but I need to get this right first time..Cheers Sue :)
Heading back to the nursing home. He needs me. They did an X-ray and there's infection in the bone. Probably means amputation, probably tomorrow. Can't breathe.
Ranger. Thanks. I felt that. Caught me by surprise, but in a nice way. Were you aware you could really do that? :love:
Page 19 and i'm finally getting subbed. Fortunately, you've still only got seedlings on your hands so i havent missed much :cheesygrinsmiley:. This journal youve setup is going to be a lot of fun to watch, so much going on! I definitely agree with you that it is important to talk to your girls everyday and let them know how special they are.. Some people think it's crazy, i say a loved plant is a greasy plant.

On a down note, i'm very sorry to hear about your Dale. I think this new update, about the bone infection and eminent amputation, is just a push from the universe to get you through the scary parts; to get you and dale back on track, looking forward to the great things life has to offer. Good vibrations coming your way :green_heart:
random thoughts From the bus.

I was headed into full panic mode when I felt Ranger, just behind my right shoulder. Strong and solid. A simple "I'm here." The panic evaporated instantly. I have no explanation, only gratitude.

We've been expecting this outcome. Much of the frustration of late was fatigue at waiting for the medical team to grow enough balls to actually do it. We really want to get on with our life together. Being warehoused in the nursing care system wasn't part of the plan.

When we talked this afternoon, before the X-Ray was even scheduled, it was with the understanding that we'd finally reached the inevitable end with this wound. Our plans were to move our living spaces closer to the floor. Plans for a mobility seat with high-quality casters, wood burned designs and hand-tooled leather for the seat. Dale has tools and talent for both. He also has this wife who does his design work. :battingeyelashes:

Putting your seating on the floor has tremendous benefits for the body. One of the things you no longer need is a big old couch. The couch it took me 32 years to finally acquire. Anyone else hear the universe laugh at the irony of that? Hahaha! After 32 years of dreaming about it I made it happen and after two years of enjoying it I no longer need it. Hahaha! You gotta laugh. :rofl:

In another twist, a new couch is exactly what my daughter needs. Hers broke two years ago and she just adapted (anxiety disorder + agoraphobia = extreme avoidance tendency). Guess what? We have this great couch she can have. Just in time too, because her fella arrives tomorrow. See how my life works out? This stuff happens all the time. After the first few times you learn to roll with it. Or you go freaking insane. Your choice.

As a family we tend to be adaptable. It's an attitude we've been essentially forced into, but it's served us well.

Did anyone else notice how my life did one of those simultaneous bug/windshield things? Ouch!! That can stop any time. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Re Post#277: I knew. For some reason the women in my family are better at it, but I can too.

Was pretty buzzed and imagined weird scenes where wonderful sofas popped in and out amazing and delighting those around. Very strange, equally funny.

Stay cool, Sister. A soul isn't like water. It won't run out of a broken vessel.
Love and respect
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