The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Your a strong person Sue, Make sure you save some positive vibes with your Ladies :). Talk to them honestly about things, they listen in there own way, with emotion. You alter the world around you with your energy, even perceived negative energy can be good Honest energy if it isn't intentional. Share with them and they will share back. :)
Sitting on the stoop waiting for my new toys to show up I'm intrigued by how this feels like I'm about to "grow up" so to speak.

Hahaha! In less than a year I went from being totally unaware cannabis was grown like this to ....THIS! You have to laugh. It just bubbles out, uncontrollably. In a happy, joyful way, not maniacal at all. :laughtwo: Life certainly took an interesting and unexpected twist there.

I opened the boxes all full of anticipation, almost jumping out of my skin. I ran up those 40 stairs twice to get them in. Sliced the boxes open and dived right in. This is serious equipment. Another major piece of the puzzle falls neatly into place. I could hear a faint 'click' as I sat back on my heels and paused.

Then I sat down and looked at it from the other side of the room and it hit me what had just happened. For about ten minutes I was quiet, thinking it through. I had made a conscious decision to get serious about family meds and these boxes were tangible proof of a solid commitment to achieving my goal of a continuous supply. But I obviously wasn't interested in simply skating by, was I? I'm also not interested in losing the joy of growing so I'll need to find that balance between responsibility and passion.

I'll give some thought to what else a I need for installation and get it gathered up. After that initial sobering moment the excitement returned front and center. I'm ready to get this rodeo dialed in. :laughtwo: :slide:
I love your writing, Sue, (just complimented Duggan) for the same thing. I love this community. Such creative peeps. I remember getting my tent, fan and scrubber left on the porch one day. I was like an eight-year-old at Christmas.

Gotta love a chick that "ain't skeered" to make it happen. Excuse my southern slang/
Now your really in business Sweetsue.....butterflies in stomach I bet...Very good equipment.Have ya got a speed controller yet and ducting? SS,remember to think it thru and take your time....only wanna do it once....the right way!If you have any Q's. on any aspect of your new ventilation adventure,please ask K. Cheers and congrats once again, on some nice stuff SS.:party:
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 50

Up before sunrise this morning, I only had five minutes to top off the SWICKs before I had to run to make an appointment with Dale. I don't even remember saying "Good Morning, Little One" as is my norm. (Sigh)

Home after lights out, I didn't even bother to stand on tiptoe to look in. Instead, I pointed the iPad into the tent and hoped for the best. Then I closed it all up for the night.


They survived without my shadow today. Let's not have many days like that OK? :love:

You guys have weathered some serious emotional storms with me over the past few months, so I need to share a bit of good news. The Social Worker at the dialysis center Dale visits took us through the process to apply for a veteran's disability pension benefits with aid and attendance. I came home today to find their decision, an award letter that I believe just more than doubled our monthly income. After we get shifted off the rolls of programs that have been our safety net up to now we still come out ahead of the game. Never really saw this one coming.

I'm stunned and a bit in shock and very, very tired. Think I'll treat myself to a cat nap. :love:

You all can handle spreading the joy without me for a short while. I suspect you're all getting better and better at it every day, aren't you? Go ahead, you can admit it. :laughtwo::green_heart:
This choked me up and makes me happy for you :love: You and Dale Soooooooo needed this! Me too actually. I was worried since I hadn't heard from your journal, no email reminders. Then I saw the link in your signature you had started a new one and then I found this news :slide: I know I'm late to this one but I got here. As usual awesome info here. I was catching up when I saw this and had to post a reply. Now I have to go back to #96 and finish :)
I love your writing, Sue, (just complimented Duggan) for the same thing. I love this community. Such creative peeps. I remember getting my tent, fan and scrubber left on the porch one day. I was like an eight-year-old at Christmas.

Gotta love a chick that "ain't skeered" to make it happen. Excuse my southern slang/

Hahaha! I've always said he married me because I was a workhorse. :laughtwo: I think of it as an adventure.

Now your really in business Sweetsue.....butterflies in stomach I bet...Very good equipment.Have ya got a speed controller yet and ducting? SS,remember to think it thru and take your time....only wanna do it once....the right way!If you have any Q's. on any aspect of your new ventilation adventure,please ask K. Cheers and congrats once again, on some nice stuff SS.:party:

I bought the best because you recommended the best and I wanted the freedom good equipment brings. I have the controller, but not the ducting. I'll make a list later and pick it up tomorrow. It's so beautiful Duggan. It made me audibly gasp.

/amazing!!! I really am at a loss for words.. I just wish we could clone Sue's... This world would be such a better place.. But at least I can learn and grow through you, both plants and as a person :adore:. Thank You Sue...


You're such a dear k0ncept. :love: Thank you.

This choked me up and makes me happy for you :love: You and Dale Soooooooo needed this! Me too actually. I was worried since I hadn't heard from your journal, no email reminders. Then I saw the link in your signature you had started a new one and then I found this news :slide: I know I'm late to this one but I got here. As usual awesome info here. I was catching up when I saw this and had to post a reply. Now I have to go back to #96 and finish :)

When I came across you yesterday I realized you were one of the lost ones when I made the quick jump. I need to pull out my list and send some messages. What a faux pas on my part. I'm so glad you found us. I've missed your input and humor. :love:

Thank you, kind sir. I can't believe she loves me so much that she paid for this just to make me happy. She knew I was happy already, which makes it all the more wonderful. :battingeyelashes:

I feel the excitement threw your posts. Good luck.

That's good to hear. I don't think I'm capable of containing it, so it's nice to have this outlet. And thank you Onezip. :love:
I love your writing, Sue, (just complimented Duggan) for the same thing. I love this community. Such creative peeps. I remember getting my tent, fan and scrubber left on the porch one day. I was like an eight-year-old at Christmas.

Gotta love a chick that "ain't skeered" to make it happen. Excuse my southern slang/

For me 'the moment' was driving home from the store with the flood tray floor, lumber, wall material, Electrical relays, wires and outlets.

Bringing the jeep home from the hydro store with all the lights and fan and such was exciting, but reality hit coming home from the hardware store. The seeds were in soil and it was time to start assembly !

- - -

Not that I'm blase .. ordering 3 fabric pots and lamp hanger was still fun :)
You're not the only one who got a delivery. I got my Mars Hydro LED panel!

I'm feeling just as ready to start growing plants at the next level!

WooHoo!!! Exciting news CC.
I just realized I hadn't done my update yet!

Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 58

Let's start with a quick look at the seedlings. I think I'm going to do something by this weekend about CFLs over the SWICK TRAY.


Kalashnikova (can't believe I misspelled that yesterday...drat!) : Day 2. Sorenna, her name should probably be Kala. Look at how close to the ground she is. I noticed this difference in stature as the HB seeds shot out of the soil. I don't think we can chalk the entire difference up to distance from the light. It appears that the LOS grows tighter plants right out of the gate. I need to keep in mind it also has much to do with light access, and the LOS plants are closer to center. I guess I unconsciously gave them preferential placement under the Dorm Grow panel.


The same thing can be seen in the Cheese Candy, also growing in LOS, also shorter in stature. I'd noticed in watching other HB grows that the seedlings were lankier than what I'd experienced with LOS.


I brought the African Buzz into a grouping at this end.


I've been thinking about the SWICK and seedlings. I understand what everyone says about root development being optimal with mastery of the wet/dry cycle, but I also believe that I can achieve "best" status by keeping them on the operating SWICK, which keeps the soil solution in a beautiful balance of even hydration. I was really uncomfortable having those HB soil pots off the SWICK. My schedule can get crazy at the drop of a hat and I feel like I'm putting the plants in possible jeopardy without the SWICK. After giving it thought today I took the HB kit pots off their risers and nestled the pots down into the perlite.

I'm much happier now.


Time to turn our attention to the Dark Devil.


She got her 1/4 turn under the lights and I topped off the reservoir.



At this point I turned the LED panel off to get some nice natural color shots.





An explosion of trichomes. Oooooo. I can't get enough of these shots. Absolutely fascinating! :slide:






One final shot before we go.


Sorry to be so late today guys. It was a long day at dialysis clinic and it just slipped my mind. We still have lots of time to practice the art of joyful living today. Give it your best effort.

Before I finish I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for surrounding me with love and protection. The overall effect is that I am feeling very safe. :love:

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