The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Thanks Ziggy. Do you add any more Roots! to the extra soil, or just plain soil? I would think a spot of Roots! would enhance the process. As lanky as that seedling is, it also has leaves that are almost twice the size of any other seedlings up. This could be one I'll have to train to keep under control. This was very decent bag seed, from some of the best we purchased over the past two years. It was so superior that I immediately isolated those seeds from the rest. I can't wait to see what the two soils do with it, because all you HB guys know they'll taste different.

Don't you love the mystery Ziggy? :slide:

I didn't add any extra Roots..just some fresh HB soil. its the darkness that sprouts the roots. I will send some Roots!, EWC, and Recharge over the top as soon as plant grows more. :)

I love the mystery.
Golden Goat is great for depression and surgery pain. A little higher CBD than most so it is smooth to smoke. Great mood lifter. :tokin::green_heart::tokin:

It's a very popular strain around here, but I haven't really tried it yet as I'm still a week+ from harvest. I'm looking forward to having it and after seeing the success of Pigeons420 re-vegging his hog, I think I'm going to go that route as I was unsuccessful in my cloning attempts.
It's a very popular strain around here, but I haven't really tried it yet as I'm still a week+ from harvest. I'm looking forward to having it and after seeing the success of Pigeons420 re-vegging his hog, I think I'm going to go that route as I was unsuccessful in my cloning attempts.

His re-vegging is a thing of wonder to watch, isnt it? :thedoubletake:
His re-vegging is a thing of wonder to watch, isnt it? :thedoubletake:

Yep, it is. That was the first re-veg I had seen and I was curious how it would turn out. Due to that, I am leaving more lower growth so I can try. If it works I'm going to transplant into a bigger pot and put it outside for the summer and try to take clones off of it.
I had a few seedlings stretch a little like that and it was no problem in the end, sue! They all thickened right up after a certain point :)
Gosh, thanks guys. Im flattered to see my name being thrown around in here.:bigblush:

Reveg is a very rewarding process and a great way to ensure good and consistent product and medicine.

Plus not to mention: no transplanting. No changing soil, no germinating. Just flip the lights back to 18/6 and you're laughing
Seeds should always be germed under BRIGHT light. Otherwise they stretch, go male....all kinds of troubles. Basic gardening.

Yes indeed. Basic gardening 101. My mistake was in thinking they would sprout the same way the Dark Devil did at the same distance. I neglected to take into account the distance from center of the array. Learn from my mistake. I know I will. Thankfully, it will amend itself. I tend to be something of a quick study.

Let's not forget that I have never put myself out there as anything other than a novice gardener, learning as I go. What luck that I've chosen to cultivate the most forgiving of plant species, eh? :battingeyelashes:

How blessed I am to have such helpful gardening companions keeping an eye out with me. :love:
Gosh, thanks guys. Im flattered to see my name being thrown around in here.:bigblush:

Reveg is a very rewarding process and a great way to ensure good and consistent product and medicine.

Plus not to mention: no transplanting. No changing soil, no germinating. Just flip the lights back to 18/6 and you're laughing

I almost lost my sip of coffee Pigeons. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Perpetual Garden Update: Week 2

The highlight of the week was the speed with which the seeds planted in the HB kit soil almost jumped out of the soil solution. :thedoubletake: Auto Destroyer was up by the morning of the third day after planting, with the New Year's Bag seed right behind by minutes. The African Buzz came up the following morning and the Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia and the Super Lemon Haze x Blue Satellite 2.2 finished up the run by Friday morning. Extremely impressive. All you HB guys go right ahead and beat your chests. :cheesygrinsmiley:

In order of appearance:

Auto Destroyer: Day 5



New Year's Bag Seed: Day 5



African Buzz: Day 4



Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia: Day 3



Super Lemon Haze x Blue Satellite 2.2 : Day 3



I topped them off with a bit more soil, bringing it up to the top. With the small volume of soil in these pots I figure every little bit will help and it also helps with that stretch my neglect caused. I have since dropped a couple cool bulbs over one end of the tray. I'll get something over the other end ASAP. Everybody got a bit of rain water.

Let's always keep in mind that my schedule isn't as conducive to keeping up with all of this as I would hope it could be. Not that I can't handle it, just that I've about used up all the wiggle room I had, so now I have to buckle down and get the systems running smoothly to maintain this size garden with little effort and no stress. I took on the responsibility willingly, and now I need to act accordingly. There's always that husband fighting to keep his remaining leg to distract me too. :laughtwo:

The Cheese Candy, planted with the Dark Devil, also came up on that third morning. In retrospect I can see that had everything to do with how that little pixie devil is surrounded by light, an advantage the Cheese Candy exploited.

Cheese Candy: Day 5



The rest of the SWICK pots yet to pop are all LOS. Any day now girls. :laughtwo:

I went about my business with the Dark Devil and as I was finishing up I glanced over at the pots again.


Wait! What's that?

Well hello Karashnikova! Welcome to the group. :love:


So we still have two more LOS to germinate. I'd figure within the next day or so. We now have 7 of the 9 up and growing.

The Dark Devil Calls.

Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 56

She got her 1/4 turn for light balance and today was Enzyme Tea day, so both LOS pots got a quart of Malted Barley Grain Enzyme Tea poured slowly over the surface. I didn't bother with topping off their reservoirs, since that was last done yesterday. I love the freedom this watering method offers.

I'm just going to throw these out there and step back so you can enjoy. :cheesygrinsmiley:









Oh yeah. The garden is doing well, thank you very much. :slide::laughtwo:

I leave you with my favorite shot of the day. I've recently been taking advantage of my free time in the evenings to play through music videos and I'm just oozing with love from the experience. Music is such an important part of being human and for too many years I had to be constantly alert for signs and sounds of sickness. It's been a release to rediscover music. Isn't YouTube fabulous?

This picture pretty much expresses how I feel today. I've told you all that in SweetSue's universe purple is the color of love, haven't I? Yeah. I'm like an expanding aura of love lately. :laughtwo::green_heart:


I couldn't contain my own joy if I tried today, so by all means, let your own joyful source overflow all around you as well. Consider how much better the world will be, just for now, as we do that. Makes me smile just thinking about it. :blushsmile: :love:

So awesome to see so many little babies coming up. Its like walking outside to the garden and checking the rows to see whats coming up. hehe I find myself partial to Karashnikova (Im gonna call this one Kara to shorten that neat but hard to spell name. haha), not counting the Dark Devil, because she just too beautiful not to mention, and the Cheese Candy.

Purple and green are my 2 favorite colors and I love them together, so your fat Devil pics are always beautiful to me. of the day to ya girl....gotta say thanks for your help yesterday with posting info on my Bubblehash Tut. I'm so glad you gotta chance to check it out. Cheers to ya.... Duggs.

You're so welcome Duggan. Anything for a friend. :love:

Re Post#189: The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow. - Confucius

Yo SweetSue: think good thoughts about notebook.

Thank you so much Ranger for taking my request to heart. To demonstrate my good intentions backed by action, I offer a look at the document in the design process.


Everything listed across the bottom will be color-coded. The blocks above will, for the most part, be slips of color denoting the application of teas, drenches and foliars. Obviously there will be much more balance to the end product.

I still need to include a visual representation of this information on the front.


Another day or two and I'll have it done. I love making documentation a visual art form. :laughtwo:

Sunlight this morning. :battingeyelashes:

I'm sitting on the stoop, bluegrass pounding through the headphones, waiting for the UPS guy to deliver my fan and filter. It gives me time to get the update together without a rush. I'm always trying to get them finished before leaving the bus. Using the iPad means every one needs loaded individually, so that gets to be a challenge with my penchant for getting visually carried away. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Post will be up soon. She's so lovely in sunlight. :love:
Sweetsue...your waiting for the fan/filter today? Awesome girl!:thumb::high-five:
Sue,are they the same set you talked with me about? The 6" Ostberg and Can#33? Hope so's a killer combo and has done me with NO worries for over two yrs. non-stop so far. Don't forget to run it at 70-75% and no more with the speed'l be quieter ,last longer and just doesn't need to be run at 100%. Once again ,you lucky girl! I'l be around most of the day if ya have any Q's. Sue. You can pm me if you wish to discuss how to get the stuff UP and Running.Cheers eh.
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