The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

CRAP! Nobody tells me nothin'.
Here I'm wondering why I haven't seen any updates to your thread and come to find you started a new one and now I'm 11 pages behind. Sounds like I stepped in the middle of something...
CRAP! Nobody tells me nothin'.
Here I'm wondering why I haven't seen any updates to your thread and come to find you started a new one and now I'm 11 pages behind. Sounds like I stepped in the middle of something...

Hey, Major.... SweetSue started a new thread.

CRAP! Nobody tells me nothin'.
Here I'm wondering why I haven't seen any updates to your thread and come to find you started a new one and now I'm 11 pages behind. Sounds like I stepped in the middle of something...

Welcome Major. Please forgive my oversight in not letting you know personally. I erroneously figured everyone would get the notification of my post that announced it on the old thread. Lesson learned. There's lots of information in those 11 pages, but you can wander through them at your leisure. We're here for the long haul.

No worries about the distraction Major. It's all good. We're back to the joyful gardening the journal is known for.

Somehow I missed the post in your previous thread. Doh! :loopy:

I caught up on this journal this morning. Several pages back Sue asked about my feeding schedule. I hesitate to offer my methods in case it creates confusion rather than helping. However, I must say, after a few weeks of using "The Kit", the results I am seeing are absolutley amazing. And using the kit has become like second nature. Doc helped a great deal with his explaination of how to portion the drenches for anything less than a 6 plant x 7 gal. growing situation. This is my method (I find it very simple to follow).

Brix and De-Stress foliars: Alternate one each of these two foliars each week on different days. I spread them out, using Wednesday (De-Stress) and Sunday (Brix). Either one is mixed at 1ml. per 1 oz. (or 30 ml.) of water (I don't need or want a quart at a time ... yet).

I use the spreadsheet below to calculate the measurements of the Drenches. Since I started with a single plant in 1 gal. of kit soil, but will end up with 2 plants in 25 gal. pots, it has served me well to ballpark the amounts needed for each feeding. Even if you grow 6 plants in 7 gal. pots, I don't know how often you'd mix up a full kit's-worth of drench. In my limited experience, different plants need water/feeding on different days - not all at once. Ignore the decimal points and round up or down to an easily measurable amount.

This is my drench "rotation" in veg:
1) Full Strength Transplant + Tea
2) Water + 1/4 strength Transplant
3) Growth Energy + 1/4 strength Transplant + Tea
4) Water + 1/4 strength Transplant

This is what I use to calculate how much I need.

For example, I now have 2 plants in 7 gal. pots. (14 gallons of soil in use).
Tea calculates to 0.7 ml. I use 1 ml.
Transplant calculates to 8.3 ml. I use 8 ml. (this is for a 1 oz. per full kit concentration)
1/4 strength Transplant is 2 ml.
GE calculates to a little over 4 ml. I use 4 ml.
Cat Drench will be the same as GE at 4 ml. once I get to using it in bloom.
*** None of this is critical. The 4 ml. I use could just as easily be 1 teaspoon, etc.

I'll be updating my journal tomorrow. The difference in the plants each week is ... astounding (to me). This even after a couple of mis-steps on my part (pots too hot in the sun burning the roots, accidental topping when trying to SC). I hope this helps and doesn't rekindle any potential fire. Cheers to all!
Make no mistake about it, I will be growing with this kit, my way, on my terms. Get used to it.

Sue - Please don't take this the wrong way (I don't think you will). I'm here to support any grower no matter what their method. I'm excited to learn and find HB, LOS, Hempy, Hydro DTW/DWC, Fluxing, etc. all interesting.

My one suggestion is, you might want to try "The Kit" exactly as it is designed, at least once or twice. This will give you a benchmark for everything else you do after that. Is it easy or confusing for you? Is SWICK better for your root growth than wet/dry cycles, etc.?

Until you have these baselines established there is no way to know how various methods compare or "what might have been". It would also probably make your documentation more applicable to more new growers.

Whatever you decide. It's all good. :high-five:
I've followed directions since day one and girls speak for themselves :)

Mine yodel, but then shut up or whisper when I walk by. I suspect a conspiracy. :rofl:
Sue - Please don't take this the wrong way (I don't think you will). I'm here to support any grower no matter what their method. I'm excited to learn and find HB, LOS, Hempy, Hydro DTW/DWC, Fluxing, etc. all interesting.

My one suggestion is, you might want to try "The Kit" exactly as it is designed, at least once or twice. This will give you a benchmark for everything else you do after that. Is it easy or confusing for you? Is SWICK better for your root growth than wet/dry cycles, etc.?

Until you have these baselines established there is no way to know how various methods compare or "what might have been". It would also probably make your documentation more applicable to more new growers.

Whatever you decide. It's all good. :high-five:

No offense taken Major. In my own way I will be following the kit guidelines. The only real difference (and the significance of this difference is not lost on any of us) is that I'm adapting it to a mini-garden. Everything else will follow the process, as close to the letter as I can manage with the challenges Dale's health can sometimes present. Even in that case, the simplicity and forgivable nature of the system should make it easy enough to get it quickly back on track.

My initial hesitations were completely self-inflicted. Grow after grow demonstrates the ease of using the kit.

What I'm working for here is a perpetual garden that will supply him with maximum variety as we search for the strains that best serve our medical needs. This approach offers the chance to do just that, and within a reasonable timeline. Those goals won't be met in the same way by running a single plant in a large pot. What my last grow taught me was that the quantity of yield was nice, but we only had two choices to pull from until the next harvest. I hope to improve those choices.

You've all been watching Ziggy. I believe there's great value in working out the particulars of building a mini-garden with this soil mix. The vast majority of our members are closet or bedroom growers. They deserve to at least watch this evolve.

I'll be brutally honest here guys. Given what's going on with Dale at this time, I have no guarantees he'll live through two more harvests. He could be with me another 20 years, but he could slip over that edge overnight at this point. We are far from out of the trees. The sooner I can work this little puzzle out the more benefit we can gain. I need to get some serious edibles going here ASAP.
Best of luck...with everything. :love:
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 54

I'm a bit short of time today. Staying up much too late at night as it gets more challenging to sleep without him, I'm trying to find a balance. What appears to be happening is I'm staying up later. :laughtwo: After three months I'm beginning to work past the fear of living without him at home and it's proving to be interesting to say the least. It's screwing with my previous schedule though, hence all these weird posting times. I know that doesn't matter, but I had this system ....... :straightface:

On to our update. Our Devil, in all her luscious glory.





Two more seeds up, both in HB soil. That means all the HB seeds popped right out of the dirt. Yippee! I am so freaking excited!!!:slide:

Now, those LOS ones can come up any time. I need to rethink how I start seeds. So impressed with the HB soil.

Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia, Day 1.


Super Lemon Haze x Blue Satellite 2.2, Day 1.


The cheese Candy tossed off the rest of the casing. She's going to be just fine.


No increase in stature.


A sideways glance at the Auto Destroyer. Just because it's closest to me. :blushsmile:


We have some serious trichome frosting going on here. Areas are encrusted. It made me think of the plant bobrown just took down that had the most trichomes he'd ever grown, just absolutely dripping with trichomes. Powerful stuff, these living soils.



At the very apex you can see evidence of the very beginnings of pistil color change. Yahoo! Coming into the home stretch.



One last look before closing it up. All of the HB pots are now up off the SWICK tray until they enter veg stage. Still waiting in the LOS seeds. The fan and filter should be here by Monday or Tuesday.


Today was my two-year anniversary for Callanetics practice. If you've ever endeavored to stay consistent with a fitness program you can appreciate the significance of that. I'm pretty darned proud of both my consistency and my transformation. My journey has been inspirational on a couple Internet support threads and I'm excited about sharing my progress in my yearly update.

Growing here has almost completely overshadowed Callanetics, a fact that makes me smile. You guys are so addictive. :laughtwo::green_heart:

There's still lots of time in your day to spark a cascade of joy in someone's life, and then you can reap the benefits such an outreach causes in your own life. :love:

Beautiful pics!
Seeds popping is most excellent.
Wait till you see what the roots do in HB. Mine went from being lightly root bound in a 1 gal. pot to transplant to out the bottom of a 7 gal. pot all in one week.
Beautiful pics!
Seeds popping is most excellent.
Wait till you see what the roots do in HB. Mine went from being lightly root bound in a 1 gal. pot to transplant to out the bottom of a 7 gal. pot all in one week.

Ooooo. Can't wait Major. :slide:
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 54

I'm a bit short of time today. Staying up much too late at night as it gets more challenging to sleep without him, I'm trying to find a balance. What appears to be happening is I'm staying up later. :laughtwo: After three months I'm beginning to work past the fear of living without him at home and it's proving to be interesting to say the least. It's screwing with my previous schedule though, hence all these weird posting times. I know that doesn't matter, but I had this system ....... :straightface:

On to our update. Our Devil, in all her luscious glory.





Two more seeds up, both in HB soil. That means all the HB seeds popped right out of the dirt. Yippee! I am so freaking excited!!!:slide:

Now, those LOS ones can come up any time. I need to rethink how I start seeds. So impressed with the HB soil.

Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia, Day 1.


Super Lemon Haze x Blue Satellite 2.2, Day 1.


The cheese Candy tossed off the rest of the casing. She's going to be just fine.


No increase in stature.


A sideways glance at the Auto Destroyer. Just because it's closest to me. :blushsmile:


We have some serious trichome frosting going on here. Areas are encrusted. It made me think of the plant bobrown just took down that had the most trichomes he'd ever grown, just absolutely dripping with trichomes. Powerful stuff, these living soils.



At the very apex you can see evidence of the very beginnings of pistil color change. Yahoo! Coming into the home stretch.



One last look before closing it up. All of the HB pots are now up off the SWICK tray until they enter veg stage. Still waiting in the LOS seeds. The fan and filter should be here by Monday or Tuesday.


Today was my two-year anniversary for Callanetics practice. If you've ever endeavored to stay consistent with a fitness program you can appreciate the significance of that. I'm pretty darned proud of both my consistency and my transformation. My journey has been inspirational on a couple Internet support threads and I'm excited about sharing my progress in my yearly update.

Growing here has almost completely overshadowed Callanetics, a fact that makes me smile. You guys are so addictive. :laughtwo::green_heart:

There's still lots of time in your day to spark a cascade of joy in someone's life, and then you can reap the benefits such an outreach causes in your own life. :love:


Great job, Sue! :bravo:
yes HB soil..Minerals, Mycos, Magic..Docs words.. :)

have a great day!!

oh..made CannaPeanutButter Chocolate Fudge ..very kick butt and yumm! ;)
The newborns are soo cute! Id pinch their little green cheeks, but that just might make you fussy, so Ill stand back here and admire them from afar. :blushsmile: And that devil girl! Shes ripening into quite the little beauty!

Congratulations on all your births. :)
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