The Hexapus's Garden

Thanks Reptilian. Yeah I don't put much faith in the people who want to 'govern' us. Like most of us here on 420 I just try to create my own bubble and let the chips fall where they may. We've gotten pretty far with that I must say. 420 forum is such a bubble. No signs of it popping either. ;)
:passitleft: Cheers Nivek!
I think I'd better get 4.20 minutes of sleep or things are going to start getting weird around here. Heaven forbid... See you guys in the, umm... morning.
Damn - can't sleep and it's 4:20 am. What to do but....
Happy 420 everyone!! ❤️

You too! Roll you one of these it'll put you right out! :)

Much belated happy 420 to you guys!❤️ I'm still up smoking and the party's still on. Seem to have found a miracle cure for that annoying 'sleepy' feeling that I would get sometimes. Sometimes it used to get so bad that I would have to go lay down till it passed. Generally it would only get that bad once every few days or so, but still, it's bloody debilitating. Now I realize that if I just keep smoking the Malawi I never get the symptoms at all! This is groundbreaking! I'm going to have so much time in the day! It's just one big day! Yay! So, happy 420 everybody. ❤️ :thumb:
Sizzle.... fizz
I don't know htf I missed this journal for the past few days weasel but it's been a tricky few days. I thought I'd get into the spirit of 420, not sure of the origin but something tells me it includes my past ancestors, oh well the sins of the fathers and such lol. I started a day early and have been hammered or sleeping since :)

I think I'm getting to the point of having enough seeds for a bit but far from enough for how many I wish I could grow, I've doubled my veg space and that's pretty much as far as I can go for around 5-6 (let me sleep through it) years. Those solo cups are a great idea for getting to try a few different strains but the thrifty in me, and possibly the greedy won't let me commit to popping a seed that costs a tenner to practice on. I've nowhere near enough seeds for that and definitely not the money to spend lol. I see silver collodial in the future, or cross pollination but it will be awhile until I'm confident enough to attempt those. But the growing part is coming together slowly but surely :thumb:

I wish we could sort out the emails so we could share:

Wow man you put my little budcicles to shame with your little ones! Yours bring a tear to my eye they are such great looking girls!
You too! Roll you one of these it'll put you right out! :)


Why is the song from Cheech and Chong's "Still smokin" going through my head when I see this pic? or maybe it's "Up in Smoke".
Gramma the high humidity has been a bit of a pain for me, since I've had a fair amount of mold over the years. But maybe it's easier to drop the RH with a dehumidifier than it is to try and raise it. Can't have everything... And any time I over dry my bud a bit, all I have to do is take it out and spread it out somewhere, like in my shed for a couple hours, and it easily rehydrates. So there definitely are good things about it.

Actually I don't do much outdoor growing. I just drag them outside to photograph when I get the chance, because the light is better. I do love growing outdoors though.

During the desert-dry winters of the Frozen North, (15% RH) I usually have to lightly spray my harvested nugs to prevent them from drying out too fast. I have used the freezer method with some success, as the moisture slowly sublimates out, rather than evaporating quickly.
That's really cool. Could make a great backup for those times when the universe decides it doesn't want my clone cuttings to root. Like right now. I'll try doing a couple in rockwool cubes in the pot and see if that stops them from collapsing on the first night.
I got one rooted cutting so far- so, one of the Malawi phenos is vegging now. Two to go including my favorite from the last round, and it looks more and more like I'll be revegging them after harvest. I'm going to check out Roach's fog cloning contraption and consider ordering what I need for that setup. Could try getting my aeroponic cloner going again I suppose. Didn't have much luck with it last time though and I'm not sure I feel like retracing those footsteps.

Ya know... for me... cloning is all about the right temps. Seems like whenever I'm having issues in this area, it's because they're not warm enough. I get all irritated and swear to buy some better cloning setup, but it's always just a simple temperature issue.

Playing catch up on threads... sorry for the late comment.
I also think, in my experience, living in an area where the daylength swings so drastically during the year, from 3 hours a day to 21 hours a day, that cloning is darn near impossible in the winter months, when the sun's energy is so little. This affects life indoors, as well as outdoors. Some kind of ambient energy, I think.

Indoors you can control temps, so energy has to play a factor.
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