All caught up again Weaselcracker and that dog fence trained plant is looking great. I thought I had missed your explanation of the method but thanks to Captain Blast you posted it here, very interesting and I'd like to ask what this particular method does or doesn't have over the scrog method. Is it for ease of moving the plants around, and also while it's on for a few weeks is it's purpose to open up the branches?
I can't really see the near future being any sort of Utopia but I'd at least like to have the ability to grow some fine smoke to add a little sheen to some of the shit though
I've had to take a second job at the moment so am really not getting time to do much on here, it's a case of getting home at 1:30am, a quick check on the plants and then falling into bed or beer/smoke and bed on the odd occasion. It seems funny though, as I never used to need a second income until I started (along with other reasons) to grow this beautiful weed to save myself some money. Oh well my new lights should arrive from Canada over the next few days
Good to see that you and your plants are well and that the squirrel is still keeping you company, all the best mate