One thing about living on the west edge of NA is that, by the time I get my day done, nearly everyone on 420 is gone to bed, except SweetSue and Lexort, and then there are a few crazy early risers like Tead and Pigeons. Anyway- happy Easter folks, and thanks for all the kind compliments. I feel lucky to have some decent plants growing right now- and luck is definitely a huge part of this operation. It's hard to take much credit, especially when I'm not there, lol. But thanks all the same.
Sorry I haven't been replying to every post on here, as I mean to. 'Real life', that mysterious nether-realm which we go to when we aren't here on 420, has been demanding, in terms of workload, and lately I haven't had the usual work/life stalls that allow me to hang out here guilt-free.
Noob4x4Grow - I would call that thing a baby gate too. I'm guessing Stage has a dog, not a baby.
I have to agree with Kriaze that I don't feel any utopia is on the horizon. It is encouraging to see all the changes in the direction of legalization. And I shouldn't belittle the 'progress' that has been made in the direction of keeping us all out of prison. But it was control freaks and their 'laws' that have caused all the trouble to begin with. Increased 'legalization' is just a term for decreased illegalization, or at least a change to different forms of illegalization. At best it seems like I can expect to be ignoring and breaking new and different laws in future. I don't see the concept of 'freedom', as held by governments, being the same concept of freedom I have. Any sort of 'government regulated freedom' seems like an oxymoron to me. Which is why I ignore these people as much as possible.
I suppose, to the extent that I even give a crap what the government says, it would be nice to hear something like-
'Hey guys- we have decided that cannabis is a medicinal plant that belongs to the earth, and to everyone on it -so go ahead and do whatever you want it's actually none of our business have a great day and sorry about the little misunderstanding and here's a check for $32.79 as compensation for your suffering'. Except I don't care about the $32.79 and would probably never get around to cashing the check.
As for any sort of general 'utopia' In the bigger sense- I can't see it being possible anymore. We live in a society that has accepted greed for its god. Strangely, the more that this god takes from us, the more fervently society worships it. Unless something happens to make all the televisions suddenly disappear, it seems like we will continue to get more of the same.
I honestly think we have had our chance to do this the easy way, and aren't about to turn course and start figuring it out now that the train is rolling so fast. In order to have utopia as humans we would have to be living within some basic laws of nature and common sense- basic concepts like 'Share what you have with all the other creatures and they will share with you. Don't eat all the food at once if you're going to run out tomorrow. Don't shit where you eat' etc.
It's hard to always make the connection- but without things like healthy forests, clean water, and healthy oceans, we can't continue to produce televisions and cars, and homes and food. The path we have gone down, in becoming so separated from the natural world that sustains us, means that we are going to be living in an increasingly ugly and desperate reality. And desperate realities don't bring out the best in people, they just cause things to tighten up more and move us farther away from any sort of peaceful utopian ideals.
I admire the people who have the skills and the patience to work in society to create change. But my philosophy is somewhat more along the lines of something you might see in SweetSue's signature. I just gravitate towards creating that utopia in my own reality, and in my back yard, and work from there.
Oops a bit of a rant, but what do you expect? Have a great day folks