I agree! Until he explained it I was thinking, all that for a blob the size of a penny or whatever? Lol.
Peat moss repels water but it retains water. Its wierd stuff. When its wet it retains moisture with a perfect air ratio. Overwater it and in a couple minutes its dripped off to that perfect mix again BUT, if it goes dry it repels water and then your seed is in a dry coccoon.

If you use a big blob and bury the seed a quarter inch deep in it, with a full quarter inch below, it will stay damp longer but the peat is stronger than the seeding if its too thick, and either it pops up and out of the soil as the tap root grows, or it sprouts terribly.

So just enough below to keep the seed from hitting dirt, and just enough over the top that when its fully dripped on, its just deep enough to not see the seed.

If you use too much spaghnum you will see what I mean.

If you have a bunch of seeds that you will never grow, practice a few seedlings with those. You can't let them dry out.

But you end up with an incubator full of the exact biome that seed was given by its mother that innoculates the immediate rhizosphere.

I see an overall noticeable improvement in plants sprouted this way, for the plants entire life. So I go thru four long days of dribbling.

I have also found that generally speaking, for the way I grow, that the smaller the container the seed pops in, the lesser the plants are for their overall life time. Solo cups are convenient for us, but not as much to the seed.

Not always, but definitely mostly, and using spaghnum in 10 gallon pots to sprout gives me the best plants for how I grow, so I pay a lot of attention to them for the 1st 3 weeks.

Once the sprout is 3 weeks above ground its pretty independant.

But I won't lie, spaghnum is a pain in the buttski. Use domes or your doomed. Spray the insides of the domes every time you dribble the seed. 4 days😪
Day 12 of Flower.

My other favorite day of a grow. The day the tops turn into buds. 😍❤️😊.



They are looking very healthy so far.

There is a lot of cola for 4 pots.

I need to keep thinking ahead. In 2 weeks will these plants be hungry? Stretch consumes so much😓. What do they want in 2 weeks and what should I do today that needs to be ready in two weeks?

So today they get fish ferts as always, but 1st I will run my fingers thru the mulch carefully, there could be brand new feeders right under it. If the mulch is loose I will dust it with a home made mineral top dressing and then EWC, and then the fish water, and maybe a bit of straight water, maybe not.

As long as every couple weeks, and 10 days is best if you want to dial it in, you prepare for the next 10-14 days, then if anything starts to go wrong between topdressings, you address it with a tea.

Maybe with microbes in it, maybe without.

This grow has a lot of bud in it. Its gonna make me work for it.
Day 12 of Flower.

My other favorite day of a grow. The day the tops turn into buds. 😍❤️😊.



They are looking very healthy so far.

There is a lot of cola for 4 pots.

I need to keep thinking ahead. In 2 weeks will these plants be hungry? Stretch consumes so much😓. What do they want in 2 weeks and what should I do today that needs to be ready in two weeks?

So today they get fish ferts as always, but 1st I will run my fingers thru the mulch carefully, there could be brand new feeders right under it. If the mulch is loose I will dust it with a home made mineral top dressing and then EWC, and then the fish water, and maybe a bit of straight water, maybe not.

As long as every couple weeks, and 10 days is best if you want to dial it in, you prepare for the next 10-14 days, then if anything starts to go wrong between topdressings, you address it with a tea.

Maybe with microbes in it, maybe without.

This grow has a lot of bud in it. Its gonna make me work for it.
Yeah, I guess they look sorta healthy. A little. Not bad. Keep working at it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Experience tells me they are close to deficiency, if I don't stay ahead, so I need to have this talk with myself every grow or else we all go for an early tea break🤣.

My home made top dressing is all minerals. High phos bat guano, bone meal, greensand, rock phosphate, and glacier flour. Equal amounts of each except glacial flour, its very fine so it gets a 1/4 portion.

I rummaged through all the mulch, its in good shape. I plucked the bottom 4 leaves from each plant because they were touching the soil, which is fine, but they make it really hard to spread the EWC. They brixed at 12 with a crisp calcium line. Not bad for shaded bottom dwellers. The calcium thing worries me. I will brix a high leaf later.

Then I dusted on the topdressing, mixed it into the mulch a bit with my fingers, sprayed it lightly, and added EWC a half inch deep at most, right over the mulch.

Then I added another layer of mulch as light as possible but still covering the surface, sprayed it in, and gently watered 1 litre of fish water into each. In an hour they each get another litre of fish water.

In 2 weeks the pot levels dropped about 1.5 inches up top so it was overdue. I will only go 1 week until the next topdressing.

Once stretch is over it gets easier to keep up. They need a lot of organic matter to stretch properly, its heavy vegging and flowers. Tough time for a plant.

This is where you get your moneys worth out of your rootball. After stretch is over it becomes more mineral oriented to keep photosynthesis running hard.

A girls gotta eat, and these 4 are. Hope I didn't get too greedy, theres a lot of bud under these fans.

Each cola is like a small pot clone. Some side branches will still get clipped out, but until then I have to feed it all. With this light I have more head room, so bigger pots may be in my future😎.
Question time @Gee64

Everyone has been receiving the same nutrition. This is one of the Blue Thais. It has necrotic tips on a few of the middle layer fan leaves. It’s only this mid layer and it seems to be the same leaves that have a slight claw. The other blue Thai is fine and the other 2 plants are fine as well.

What do you think is going on with this one? Too much or too little?

Question time @Gee64

Everyone has been receiving the same nutrition. This is one of the Blue Thais. It has necrotic tips on a few of the middle layer fan leaves. It’s only this mid layer and it seems to be the same leaves that have a slight claw. The other blue Thai is fine and the other 2 plants are fine as well.

What do you think is going on with this one? Too much or too little?

For the most part those tips occur for a couple reasons. So does that type of claw, but my guess is its actually option 3.

Option 1 is a tea that was a bit too strong and it caused both a bit of a burn and a nitro rush to give you the claws, or

2, you used calmag and that caused it.

Option 3 is that your plant found the spikes.

Thats far more likely, your pretty careful with liquids. But its super likely its one of the three for sure.
For the most part those tips occur for a couple reasons. So does that type of claw, but my guess is its actually option 3.

Option 1 is a tea that was a bit too strong and it caused both a bit of a burn and a nitro rush to give you the claws, or

2, you used calmag and that caused it.

Option 3 is that your plant found the spikes.

Thats far more likely, your pretty careful with liquids. But its super likely its one of the three for sure.

Option 3 was my gut feeling.. its location is right about when the roots would’ve tapped the spikes and it occurred relatively soon after they clawed slightly. The claw itself is different than the burn or deficiency claw, it’s really only in its tip instead of the whole leaf clawing, and it hasn’t elongated. So yeah lol, now that I type that out, it’s the spike.

That plant was the most aggressive grower of the group. It likely established the spike faster than the other plants
If you watch or go look carefully at the fans at each node level, you can probably see where each plant found the spikes.

Sometimes its a reaction like tip burn, and sometimes its a super layer, the biggest fans on the plant. It all depends on each plant.

But if you look closely you will see it in almost every plant. Its a different look across one whole level of the plant.
Hi G and the gang. Random question, hope you dont mind. I just got done trimming my first outdoor grow today, got 7oz on one plant. While trimming, i noticed my trimmers weren't theirbusual stickiness as my tent grows. Do you all have an opinion on potency for outdoor vs. indoor grown?
Hi G and the gang. Random question, hope you dont mind. I just got done trimming my first outdoor grow today, got 7oz on one plant. While trimming, i noticed my trimmers weren't theirbusual stickiness as my tent grows. Do you all have an opinion on potency for outdoor vs. indoor grown?
Hey Gidorah,
I'm not really sure myself. My outdoor grow was fairly sticky. Could it have been the strain?

7oz, nice😎👍
On November 3rd I will start my next seeds so when this Durban gets harvested, the Nov 3rd seeds will be 2 weeks away from flower and will get moved into the big tent. They will be sativas and likely a 10 week flower time. If anyone else can coordinate a Nov 3 sprouting date, we could grow together. It would be fun to have more pictures. Maybe even do some cloning.
Hi G and the gang. Random question, hope you dont mind. I just got done trimming my first outdoor grow today, got 7oz on one plant. While trimming, i noticed my trimmers weren't theirbusual stickiness as my tent grows. Do you all have an opinion on potency for outdoor vs. indoor grown?

How did you grow it outdoors? Were you in a container, if so what size? If not in a container, what was your soil like? Location, fertility, etc.?

Outdoors vs indoors is a tough comparison because there are so many variables. Suchas, what growing zone do you live in? What strain were you growing in that zone? What was your weather like? What was your soil and sun coverage like?

If everything is exactly the same across the board then there won’t be a big difference in the end. The issue is, it’s very rare to have perfect conditions outdoors, and a lot of outdoor growers try to force strains to grow in their zone that should be grown in more tropical zones or vice versa. Then there’s breeds.. a lot of genetics these days are bred for indoors and quickly fall apart outdoors.

I like outdoors for the yields, I like indoors for the control.
How did you grow it outdoors? Were you in a container, if so what size? If not in a container, what was your soil like? Location, fertility, etc.?

Outdoors vs indoors is a tough comparison because there are so many variables. Suchas, what growing zone do you live in? What strain were you growing in that zone? What was your weather like? What was your soil and sun coverage like?

If everything is exactly the same across the board then there won’t be a big difference in the end. The issue is, it’s very rare to have perfect conditions outdoors, and a lot of outdoor growers try to force strains to grow in their zone that should be grown in more tropical zones or vice versa. Then there’s breeds.. a lot of genetics these days are bred for indoors and quickly fall apart outdoors.

I like outdoors for the yields, I like indoors for the control.
Hi Keff, you're right, so many variables. I guess i was wondering if there is a kind of rule of thumb that outdoor yields more and maybe less potent vs indoor with a smaller yield but potentially more potent since we can control everything more. If not, no worries, just gotta smoke more! Thanks for the insight.
Hi Keff, you're right, so many variables. I guess i was wondering if there is a kind of rule of thumb that outdoor yields more and maybe less potent vs indoor with a smaller yield but potentially more potent since we can control everything more. If not, no worries, just gotta smoke more! Thanks for the insight.
I generally find outdoor yields a lot more if you plant it in the ground. I get better frost indoors though. I don't do as well outdoors in pots. They veg too big.

A bunch of random Day 13 shots.

This Durban usually goes 72 days from flip, so 57 days left, but scenescence usually begins 3 weeks before finish on at least one plant, and by two weeks left all four will be finishing for sure, so 36 days until scenescence starts.

Thats what I have to feed to make it. Four more top dressings at least.

I ran my fingers thru the new top dressing, it is very tilthy already.

As stretch slows I need to dry the rootball out just a bit, so I won't increase the daily minutes on the drippers until they all get a little lighter.
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