Thanks @StoneOtter - that’s partly what I needed, and as I get through the Rev I guess I’ll encounter the spike recipes and stuff. I gotta ask Yoda if he does this.

So your flowering spikes for example - I would assume you would make several holes evenly spaced around the pot? Does where the holes go matter in some way? Obviously how many matters, what’s the holes/pot size rule? And how deep do you go? When during flower do you use them? And what happens when they become “in play?” Is the effect dramatic enough to see visually?

If all that’s in the Rev’s stuff as well, feel free to disregard! I know I ask a lot of annoying questions. Lmao!
I love all the questions it saves me asking them 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol @Azimuth! Here I thought I’d be teleported to a cool news article or something informative about the electric spinners or something - nope - it brought me to your hilarious take on cheating. Didn’t see that coming, touché!
Hi @Gee64 or anyone else who can or wishes to chime in:

Leaf temperatures. Gee, you say ideal is 2 degrees below ambient air temp. Okay fine. But you also say you let your tent get into the 90s in temperature at times. So if you’re at 93 ambient and the leaves are at 91 degrees - in a scenario like that it makes me wonder:

Is there a “cutoff” temperature for the leaves? Like, doesn’t there exist a temperature at which respiratory functions and such begin to turn off or break down? I can’t believe there isn’t. At some point the sap will begin to boil! Or am I totally off and you can let them get as hot as you want?

Hi @Gee64 or anyone else who can or wishes to chime in:

Leaf temperatures. Gee, you say ideal is 2 degrees below ambient air temp. Okay fine. But you also say you let your tent get into the 90s in temperature at times. So if you’re at 93 ambient and the leaves are at 91 degrees - in a scenario like that it makes me wonder:

Is there a “cutoff” temperature for the leaves? Like, doesn’t there exist a temperature at which respiratory functions and such begin to turn off or break down? I can’t believe there isn’t. At some point the sap will begin to boil! Or am I totally off and you can let them get as hot
I suppose there is, but it hit 47C two summers ago here and 46C last summer, thats 117F and 115F, and all the plants still grow.

And at that temp I don't know what the leaf temps would be. If a plant is stressed it may not run 2 degrees cooler.

Too much heat indoors gets your vpd out of whack though, so you do lose a bit there, they don't grow as well as they do in perfect vpd.
Day 10 of Flower

The canopy is almost complete.


The colas are starting to strech up.


This pheno is super green.


Getting nice branching up top. All branches below this are removed.


There's a fair bit of difference between the phenos.


Here's a side shot. With all the lower side branches removed it's airier under there than it looks from above.


These ones look happy.


The colas are coming up. Hopefully all 32 make it.


60 more days to trim jail. I didn't get the final side-branch removal done today, I will do it tomorrow morning. Its not alot, just tedious.

The UV bar went from 15 minutes a day to 30 minutes a day.
Day 10 of Flower

The canopy is almost complete.


The colas are starting to strech up.


This pheno is super green.


Getting nice branching up top. All branches below this are removed.


There's a fair bit of difference between the phenos.


Here's a side shot. With all the lower side branches removed it's airier under there than it looks from above.


These ones look happy.


The colas are coming up. Hopefully all 32 make it.


60 more days to trim jail. I didn't get the final side-branch removal done today, I will do it tomorrow morning. Its not alot, just tedious.

The UV bar went from 15 minutes a day to 30 minutes a day.
Gorgeous. Where did you come by the timing info for the UV light, or are you going with manufacturer recommendations this time?
My contribution to the lab this evening is a brief article I found on a particular type of poop that from the sounds of it would be great for making soil. This is reprinted from BBC Wildlife. @StoneOtter, this one is obviously for you, lmao!


Eurasian otter

Known as spraint, otter droppings are normally coarse and black, full of fish scales, shell fragments, fish and crayfish parts, and sometimes feathers or fur. As otter poo dries out, it becomes pale and crumbly. Otter spraint may also just be oil deposited to mark a territory, but whether or not it contains poo, it has a unique odour. Some people describe it as a very musky and fishy smell, with a sweet taint surprisingly similar to jasmine tea. Look for otter spraint in prominent spots along a stream, lake or river, such as grass mounds or rocks.
Interesting. My mixes have always come out at 6.2. I'm not sure and may never know what fluctuated them this week, but either it was the mulch, the cold, or the plant. Its back in the right zone now but I still wish I knew why it fluctuated.
Some phenomena will remain an eternal mystery :meditate:;) :rofl:
When I mixed it up originally I was out of both so I added it in now. I gotta say, mixing in a mixer makes for way better soil. Not only is it mixed better, but you can dial in perfect moisture just by spraying into the mix as it rotates.
There are not many gadgets that I feel I absolutely have to have, but if ever I live in a place with space to mix soil, this will be the first thing I'd want to buy.

Your plants are looking super. A few years ago I started a manifold on a plant that turned out to be male and I culled it, and I definitely want to try this again when I am able to grow photoperiods again.
Some phenomena will remain an eternal mystery :meditate:;) :rofl:

There are not many gadgets that I feel I absolutely have to have, but if ever I live in a place with space to mix soil, this will be the first thing I'd want to buy.

Your plants are looking super. A few years ago I started a manifold on a plant that turned out to be male and I culled it, and I definitely want to try this again when I am able to grow photoperiods again.
Eternal Mystery🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks Carmen, that made me giggle👊.

I like manifolding simply because sativas get too darn tall. This way I can keep them shorter and still fill the tent with 4 plants.
Gorgeous. Where did you come by the timing info for the UV light, or are you going with manufacturer recommendations this time?
UV addons are new to me so I did a fair bit of reading. It all pretty much said the same thing.

Start at 15 minutes at mid-day and increase slowly thru flower until you are at 90 minutes.

Some strains can even handle as much as 2 hours deep into flower.

So I will increase it by 15 minutes every 10 days til I hit 90 minutes at day 50 and not go higher for this 1st try, and see if I see a difference in frost amounts compared to previous grows.
My contribution to the lab this evening is a brief article I found on a particular type of poop that from the sounds of it would be great for making soil. This is reprinted from BBC Wildlife. @StoneOtter, this one is obviously for you, lmao!


Eurasian otter

Known as spraint, otter droppings are normally coarse and black, full of fish scales, shell fragments, fish and crayfish parts, and sometimes feathers or fur. As otter poo dries out, it becomes pale and crumbly. Otter spraint may also just be oil deposited to mark a territory, but whether or not it contains poo, it has a unique odour. Some people describe it as a very musky and fishy smell, with a sweet taint surprisingly similar to jasmine tea. Look for otter spraint in prominent spots along a stream, lake or river, such as grass mounds or rocks.
The world renowned poo of the ever elusive Stoned Otter.🤣

Oh Sanapp!! This is how Otter grows all that epic weed! Haha, we figured out the magic😎
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