
Gotta do it to 32 of these suckers. Worms are drooling😎




A cola from each pheno. Gotta tuck all those fans every day numerous times on every cola😩 Its going to be a long week.


The family photo.

I also remixed 2 20 gallon totes that I mixed up 2 or 3 weeks ago. They still needed kelp and greensand. I watered it lightly as the mixer spun with a pump sprayer and now its back in the totes for at least a month.


When I opened the tote to load the mixer there was fungii all over. It carried through from the last grow in the used soil.


Gee, I just wanted to drop a note about soil pH in DocBud's Kit. It's buffered for 6.4. That was determined by the agronomists at the Lab to be the optimum pH. Can't change it, with the mineral ratios in the mix.

Gee, I just wanted to drop a note about soil pH in DocBud's Kit. It's buffered for 6.4. That was determined by the agronomists at the Lab to be the optimum pH. Can't change it, with the mineral ratios in the mix.

Interesting. My mixes have always come out at 6.2. I'm not sure and may never know what fluctuated them this week, but either it was the mulch, the cold, or the plant. Its back in the right zone now but I still wish I knew why it fluctuated.

Gotta do it to 32 of these suckers. Worms are drooling😎




A cola from each pheno. Gotta tuck all those fans every day numerous times on every cola😩 Its going to be a long week.


The family photo.

I also remixed 2 20 gallon totes that I mixed up 2 or 3 weeks ago. They still needed kelp and greensand. I watered it lightly as the mixer spun with a pump sprayer and now its back in the totes for at least a month.


When I opened the tote to load the mixer there was fungii all over. It carried through from the last grow in the used soil.


“They still needed kelp and greensand.”

Did you hold off on adding those two on purpose for a reason? Or just hadn’t got around to it yet?
“They still needed kelp and greensand.”

Did you hold off on adding those two on purpose for a reason? Or just hadn’t got around to it yet?
When I mixed it up originally I was out of both so I added it in now. I gotta say, mixing in a mixer makes for way better soil. Not only is it mixed better, but you can dial in perfect moisture just by spraying into the mix as it rotates.
When I mixed it up originally I was out of both so I added it in now. I gotta say, mixing in a mixer makes for way better soil. Not only is it mixed better, but you can dial in perfect moisture just by spraying into the mix as it rotates.
Is that what the blue thing is in one of your pictures is it the mixer ?
Is that what the blue thing is in one of your pictures is it the mixer ?
it is. Its a $200 cheapo electric cement mixer on wheels and it dumps. In hindsight it should have been something I bought many years ago. I have always dreaded hand mixing, but I actually enjoy mixing soil now😎
Thanks for that 👍
My back is almost 60. This is sooooooo much a luxury item😎 Love yourself, go grab one. Plus when hand mixing, your face is right in the dirt. This is safer. And getting the moisture content just right makes for much better cooking.
I turn it on and let it mix for an hour😎
Where do you sit the thing for months to maintain it as you wish? I’m beginning to plan for this at my new place. My back is also almost 60, and I only have half my stomach muscles in play. I’m sold on the mixer. You had me at “cheap electric.” Lol. But where and in what conditions is it ideally stored? How about inside a garage at like 72 degrees? Or does it need more heat than that? And how about sun?
Where do you sit the thing for months to maintain it as you wish? I’m beginning to plan for this at my new place. My back is also almost 60, and I only have half my stomach muscles in play. I’m sold on the mixer. You had me at “cheap electric.” Lol. But where and in what conditions is it ideally stored? How about inside a garage at like 72 degrees? Or does it need more heat than that? And how about sun?
I store mine indoors in the corner of my grow room. Its on wheels with wheelbarrow style handles. Im not sure if that would work for you or not, but it stays very clean with only a quick sweep needed after mixing. Its electric so indoors is probably best long term, but its waterproof too as you need to clean it with a hose if you use it for cement.
Where can I find stuff about your spikes? What they do, why, how to create them in a pot - all that good stuff? I’m sure you covered this before, yes?
That rod is around 3/8" maybe almost 1/2. I use it in my pots as well. This is my IKLWA hole this summer.

Then 4 spikes were installed for late season snacking. 2 higher N and 2 what The Rev calls flowering. I used a rod to make about 1/2 inch diameter holes and filled them up.
Interesting. My mixes have always come out at 6.2. I'm not sure and may never know what fluctuated them this week, but either it was the mulch, the cold, or the plant. Its back in the right zone now but I still wish I knew why it fluctuated.
My Rev soil is the same last I checked with a slurry test.
That rod is around 3/8" maybe almost 1/2. I use it in my pots as well. This is my IKLWA hole this summer.

Then 4 spikes were installed for late season snacking. 2 higher N and 2 what The Rev calls flowering. I used a rod to make about 1/2 inch diameter holes and filled them up.

My Rev soil is the same last I checked with a slurry test.
Thanks @StoneOtter - that’s partly what I needed, and as I get through the Rev I guess I’ll encounter the spike recipes and stuff. I gotta ask Yoda if he does this.

So your flowering spikes for example - I would assume you would make several holes evenly spaced around the pot? Does where the holes go matter in some way? Obviously how many matters, what’s the holes/pot size rule? And how deep do you go? When during flower do you use them? And what happens when they become “in play?” Is the effect dramatic enough to see visually?

If all that’s in the Rev’s stuff as well, feel free to disregard! I know I ask a lot of annoying questions. Lmao!
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