:cheesygrinsmiley: But it will! I'd be surprised if it didn't.

And for those who don't have their own worm farm - we always use Wiggle Worm. It's still pretty cheap on the zon. Our ProMix HP doubled. Canadian peat got expensive. o_O

We topdress about a pound per 7 gallons of soil, at a few weeks after the flip.
Thanks @Graytail! See what a know it all ass I am? That’s exactly the type of direct contradiction that helps me the most. Thanks.
Here’s an idea Jon, rather than wait for a store run to get distilled water to calibrate with, why don’t you actually open the box?

Question for the lab…

So far, in terms of inputs, I’m getting the impression that there is a “Big 3” of sorts. The ones I see you guys talking about most often are EWC, kelp, and fish ferts of some sort. For my current grow I have the kelp and fish covered with my best case approximations in a Geo/RGR grow, ie, FF Kelp Me Kelp You and Wholly Mackerel. I have no EWC in play. So my question is, is it worth getting now, going into flower, and would it potentially improve the grow? I assume one can order EWC off the Zon? So if this is something that would be a good idea, anyone have a recommendation on what specifically to get?

You should be able to get EWC on Amazon, or at your local nursery.
See the little root at the bottom @Jon , and all the nubs on the trunk. Its trying to root but air and light is holding it back from doing so.

Next grow I will bury 1 right up to the knuckle and see what happens.

Normally I never bury seedling up, I just let them sprout and toughen them up with a fan.
See the little root at the bottom @Jon , and all the nubs on the trunk. Its trying to root but air and light is holding it back from doing so.

Next grow I will bury 1 right up to the knuckle and see what happens.

Normally I never bury seedling up, I just let them sprout and toughen them up with a fan.
Hmm. I didn’t know, obviously. Appreciate everyone’s patience as I spout things like “It won’t” with no knowledge to back it up. Lmao! So would the roots come from the lightest green part of the knuckles?
You should be able to get EWC on Amazon, or at your local nursery.
I’ve been giving them the kelp and mackerel once a week, ie, approximately every other or sometimes third feed. They haven’t hit three waterings in one week yet I don’t think. I’ve been adding 1 tbsp./Wholly Mackerel and 2 tbsp./Kelp Me Kelp You when I add, per FF suggestions, and so far that appears to be keeping them happy. So if that’s working and we agree on that, what would you suggest in terms of EWC? How much, how often, and how to apply?

I’ve been giving them the kelp and mackerel once a week, ie, approximately every other or sometimes third feed. They haven’t hit three waterings in one week yet I don’t think. I’ve been adding 1 tbsp./Wholly Mackerel and 2 tbsp./Kelp Me Kelp You when I add, per FF suggestions, and so far that appears to be keeping them happy. So if that’s working and we agree on that, what would you suggest in terms of EWC? How much, how often, and how to apply?

I like to add about a quarter inch across the entire pot surface. Any more and it plugs up the top. For my pots thats 1 solo cup full.

Usually about every 7-10 days I add more. You can see when it disappears.

Pretty much any time Im in messing with the soil surface I add a bit more.

It will crust up the 1st time it dries out so you need to crumble that up.
I have no idea how to use a digital one, but I would guess calibration at least needs to be checked. Cool. You're officially a nerd now. @StoneOtter is our NerdGod. He has a slide rule and a refractometer in his shirt pocket🤣
Haha, the glue on my pocket slide rule failed years ago and it fell apart! That was quite a tool that I don't miss in the least!!
I like to add about a quarter inch across the entire pot surface. Any more and it plugs up the top. For my pots thats 1 solo cup full.

Usually about every 7-10 days I add more. You can see when it disappears.

Pretty much any time Im in messing with the soil surface I add a bit more.

It will crust up the 1st time it dries out so you need to crumble that up.
Ah. Got it, thanks. So is it wise to do what I do when I water in Geo and try and mix it into the top couple inches of soil as much as possible?
Haha, the glue on my pocket slide rule failed years ago and it fell apart! That was quite a tool that I don't miss in the least!!
If I’m right that we’re all criminals at heart on some level, then we must also be science geeks on some level too, right? Lol. When I was in like second grade, I can remember sitting at my desk and taking apart a pen. A standard ball point with two halves, the pen part, the spring, and any tips and such. I would take it apart to see how it worked then try and put it back together a la James Bond defusing a bomb. Like in the game Operation. If I let the spring drag the pen while slipping it on the whole school exploded. Lmao! Then in high school I got so into the fruit fly after we did a thing on them that I sought out and found a drosophilia melanogaster T-shirt with the fruit fly life cycle on it! (That’s the scientific name from memory, no google, may not be quite right)

Anyway, yeah. Geeky-ass pseudo criminals we are.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ah. Got it, thanks. So is it wise to do what I do when I water in Geo and try and mix it into the top couple inches of soil as much as possible?
I like to mix things in if I can. Sooner or later roots move right to the surface and you cant mix stuff in but until then I constantly poke around in the top layer.
The supply chain got unreliable for a while. :straightface: My auto shop had to replace two sets of brake rotors until they found a set that didn't warp. Bad parts are everywhere in the chain.

I’m going on my third wheel hub assembly (the bearings are shot again) in 2 years on my truck.. Same side too.. It’s getting a bit ridiculous, I’m just thankful it’s an 05 so I can still do the majority of the work myself without a mechanic or an electrician degree

Here it is from above. The top that is circled....


Its the arrow on the right, will get pruned out with the others, and a bunch more on every plant.

I missed which plants these are.
What’s going on in these images? Why are your serrations popping in the first image and why are your tips dropped in the second, is this a new mix you’re working? Looks like your calcium is whipsawing
I missed which plants these are.
What’s going on in these images? Why are your serrations popping in the first image and why are your tips dropped in the second, is this a new mix you’re working? Looks like your calcium is whipsawing
These are 4 Cropking Durban Poisons.

The droopy tips are from the 1st full root drench right before the light died. That combined with a tea released all the nitrogen in the spikes and layers. It happens evey grow on the 1st drenching.

The serrations are fine, it must be the way the picture was taken. They are flat and stress free under this mini light. I did end up with a few brown tips, just barely, but they are there, from the tea.

If I knew the light was going to crap out I would have held off on the tea.

The Courier says today my replacement driver will arrive. Fingers crossed, brix are down to 10😩

It is a brand new mix and it contains 25% extra calcium. I'm loving it so far. Still 72 days to harvest though, a lot can happen.

We shall see how the phosphorus holds up in flower.
My First Ever Brix Measurement!!
Ok, I did it! Since the Strawberry Gorilla auto was right here, I made her my first test subject. Let’s see what the brix is on a healthy coco/Remo auto in the first week of flower.Here it is in pictures.

1. Calibration. Super easy, just drop a drop or two of the water they provided on the lens and if you get 0.0 it’s properly calibrated. Instructions say check calibration before each measurement.

2. Pick a Leaf. I chose this one. It was a mid level leaf in the thick of everything.

3. Squeeze a few drops of liquid out of the leaf onto the lens. Easier said than done. I couldn’t do it with my fingers. Had to use a tool and a screen square. This worked great, I could have gotten 6 or more drops!!! Only takes two for the reading.

4. Looks like this on the lens.

5. And here’s my brix reading on the Strawberry Gorilla auto in coco with Remo nutes on flower week One.

So from what I’ve heard, that is nothing to be upset about. Far from 18 though. The question becomes, obviously, how do I raise the brix with a Remo plant??

Thanks guys! This tool is amazing! I’m gonna test the Geo plants next. But I wanted to get the first ever reading up there.

Is 12.3 good? Terrible? Okay?
In my experience, 12 is what I would expect at that age. 14 would be good and 10 would be disappointing.


It should rise toward 16 or 18 as the buds develop.
In my experience, 12 is what I would expect at that age. 14 would be good and 10 would be disappointing.


It should rise toward 16 or 18 as the buds develop.
So it will come up as flower progresses? Is that how it works? If so I guess I’m good for where the plant is?
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