The courier email states the replacement driver should arrive on Friday Oct 6 and flower is scheduled for the 8th, so it should be OK.

When I moved them all to the 3 x 3 to keep them growing I had to release all restraints to get them to fit in.

For the most part they flexed right back into shape and the canopy is fairly level considering what they went through, but as for having all colas equally spaced from each other, well that will have to be coerced during stretch.


If you are wondering why the one in the back right corner is taller, well....


It had a woopsi-daisy incident. If it ends up too tall I will top it again. It split about 1.5" down the main trunk and never even flinched.


Being squished into the 3x3 tent caused this cola to become less dominant. I think I can still save it with some work.

If not the worms will love it. It should be equal to the one on its left.


The plant in the front left is a beauty of a pheno. Its so balanced.


Here it is from above. The top that is circled....


Its the arrow on the right, will get pruned out with the others, and a bunch more on every plant.

I will prune these 2 out and possibly clone them, or possibly not.

I would love to grow a tent of this pheno but I have some special seeds enroute that I can't wait to play with.

So a heavy pruning today or tomorrow to clean them up and they will be ready for flip.

Dinner party for the worm farm.

And finally, it is only 8 degrees Celcius this morning outside. Hopefully some purple will set in on the Kush plants.

Have a great day everybody👊😊❤️
Gorgeous! And again, the standards and the attention to detail blows me away. I wouldn’t have ever noticed that one smaller cola and made that connection. Awesome.
Day 50

Back in the 5x5 waiting under 100 watts for the new driver still. I had to move them from the 3x3. They were too squished. Training begins again. Hopefully it arrives in less than 6 days. The low light is making them lanky.


The Purple Kush are starting to finish.


The desert sun is still holding. 2 more weeks please Roach Gods, 2 more weeks🙏

Im not sure what I will do with a bunch of Kush but someone will take it.

It smells pretty yummy. Like skanky lemons and sugar.

The worms already got their cut off the bottoms.
My first look at these girls. DAMN.
Day 52 of veg

The splitter in the back right corner was too tall so it got topped. It has 16 colas now. Hopefully the pot can handle it. I can always prune it back to 8 but Im curious.

All side branching has been removed. 4 branches per cola, so 128 side branches and then 8 tops came off. The worms are very happy😎.

Now I just need my new driver. Friday for delivery they say.


Its much airier now with all the lower side branching removed. Under these small lights they aren't drinking as much. Normally I would have topdressed both minerals and EWC, then mulched in preperation for stretch, but I will wait a couple more days until the big light is back on. Then I can water in the top dressings and mulch.

Once again a great start foiled by a faulty light😪
Day 52 of veg

The splitter in the back right corner was too tall so it got topped. It has 16 colas now. Hopefully the pot can handle it. I can always prune it back to 8 but Im curious.

All side branching has been removed. 4 branches per cola, so 128 side branches and then 8 tops came off. The worms are very happy😎.

Now I just need my new driver. Friday for delivery they say.


Its much airier now with all the lower side branching removed. Under these small lights they aren't drinking as much. Normally I would have topdressed both minerals and EWC, then mulched in preperation for stretch, but I will wait a couple more days until the big light is back on. Then I can water in the top dressings and mulch.

Once again a great start foiled by a faulty light😪
Foiled? Give yourself a break man! Most growers here would die for what you have here. Your driver is soon to arrive. Watch how quickly they bounce back to where you want them. I have a feeling you’ll be quite surprised. In my experience I can compare to the behavior I’ve witnessed more than once of a canopy which has been at too low of light for a while, then you realize it and crank up your light. The canopies I’ve seen in that position typically have responded with a literal explosion of growth. They’re like, FUC—NG THANK YOU, FINALLY!

I hope I’m right for your happiness quotient. Lol!
Foiled? Give yourself a break man! Most growers here would die for what you have here. Your driver is soon to arrive. Watch how quickly they bounce back to where you want them. I have a feeling you’ll be quite surprised. In my experience I can compare to the behavior I’ve witnessed more than once of a canopy which has been at too low of light for a while, then you realize it and crank up your light. The canopies I’ve seen in that position typically have responded with a literal explosion of growth. They’re like, FUC—NG THANK YOU, FINALLY!

I hope I’m right for your happiness quotient. Lol!
lol me too. Actually the big problem is the extra stretching. I think I still have room. I have a fair bit of lateral flexing to do on quite a few tops to get them all spread out properly so that will help.

If not they all get topped again lol.

The buds wont be huge but there would be a lot of them🤣
lol me too. Actually the big problem is the extra stretching. I think I still have room. I have a fair bit of lateral flexing to do on quite a few tops to get them all spread out properly so that will help.

If not they all get topped again lol.

The buds wont be huge but there would be a lot of them🤣
Well six of one, half a dozen of another, right? Lol.

So I got the refractometer, and it’s a gorgeous little thing. I can’t imagine I’ll ever get a more expensive tool except when I get my press. So I want everything right from the get go, and it seems that calibrating this puppy is a step I shouldn’t skip, correct? I assume that’s important and I’m doing it first regardless, lol. But that requires distilled water, which I don’t have. So as soon as I grab a bottle it’s on.
Well six of one, half a dozen of another, right? Lol.

So I got the refractometer, and it’s a gorgeous little thing. I can’t imagine I’ll ever get a more expensive tool except when I get my press. So I want everything right from the get go, and it seems that calibrating this puppy is a step I shouldn’t skip, correct? I assume that’s important and I’m doing it first regardless, lol. But that requires distilled water, which I don’t have. So as soon as I grab a bottle it’s on.
I have no idea how to use a digital one, but I would guess calibration at least needs to be checked. Cool. You're officially a nerd now. @StoneOtter is our NerdGod. He has a slide rule and a refractometer in his shirt pocket🤣
Day 53


I could likely bury the stalk up a bit more. It looks like it wants to root.


Here is the coupling that formed at the 1st topping. Its pretty heavy duty. I wonder if I could bury right up to it? All 4 are like this.


Heres the ladies cruising into flower in 4 days. They still have some training to do.
Impressive geometrics, though. :cheesygrinsmiley: Has a certain hexagonal structure from that perspective.

Regarding burying to the knuckle ... I'm always hesitant to get the side branches too close to the soil. My spidey senses tell that's unnecessary. :hmmmm: I like to leave a few inches of space there.
Impressive geometrics, though. :cheesygrinsmiley: Has a certain hexagonal structure from that perspective.

Regarding burying to the knuckle ... I'm always hesitant to get the side branches too close to the soil. My spidey senses tell that's unnecessary. :hmmmm:
It should supply fairly equal service to all 8 tops.
lol me too. Actually the big problem is the extra stretching. I think I still have room. I have a fair bit of lateral flexing to do on quite a few tops to get them all spread out properly so that will help.

If not they all get topped again lol.

The buds wont be huge but there would be a lot of them🤣
Do you agree that the more tops you have the less stretch you get, generally speaking?
Day 53


I could likely bury the stalk up a bit more. It looks like it wants to root.


Here is the coupling that formed at the 1st topping. Its pretty heavy duty. I wonder if I could bury right up to it? All 4 are like this.


Heres the ladies cruising into flower in 4 days. They still have some training to do.
What would be the point of burying it to the split? A little support? What else does it get you?
Question for the lab…

So far, in terms of inputs, I’m getting the impression that there is a “Big 3” of sorts. The ones I see you guys talking about most often are EWC, kelp, and fish ferts of some sort. For my current grow I have the kelp and fish covered with my best case approximations in a Geo/RGR grow, ie, FF Kelp Me Kelp You and Wholly Mackerel. I have no EWC in play. So my question is, is it worth getting now, going into flower, and would it potentially improve the grow? I assume one can order EWC off the Zon? So if this is something that would be a good idea, anyone have a recommendation on what specifically to get?

Oh I thought you were kidding when you said that. Lmao! It won’t. Lol!
:cheesygrinsmiley: But it will! I'd be surprised if it didn't.

And for those who don't have their own worm farm - we always use Wiggle Worm. It's still pretty cheap on the zon. Our ProMix HP doubled. Canadian peat got expensive. o_O

We topdress about a pound per 7 gallons of soil, at a few weeks after the flip.
I lifted the dripper heads out, and ran my fingers through the top 1-1.5" of soil. No clumping or crusting at all. This extra calcium is awesome.

I smoothed it out nicely and added 2 tablespoons of topdressing, which is my flower spike recipe, and then added 1 level solo cup of EWC and worked it and the topdressing in and smoothed it all out.

Then I added 1 solo cup of mulch on top of that.

On the next watering it will all get rinsed in and then I will turn the drippers back on. Then another cup of mulch.

Other than some training and an LED driver they are ready to head into flower.

My mulch is a product called Sea Soil.

Its Douglas Fir bark mulch mixed with fish guts and composted down. The fir bark is good stuff.

It's cheap around here. It's about 7 bucks for a potting soil sized bag.
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