I can't tell you how many new bad new parts I've installed in my life Jon. It's not a build quality thing all the time. The shelf has it's darkness in the stockroom some days! Really throws a fuck into your mind when truing to fix something! Stuff breaks, I made my living relying on that! Sometimes it's brand spankin new broke!
This is true and it works both ways. My big non sponsor light, when I got it, felt like it could be more solidly built. The bars and the way they insert didn’t seem solid enough. Well, this light has run continuously almost for close to three years now and never once have I had an issue with it. I wish I had tested it thoroughly and kept the numbers when I got it so I could compare to now. My understanding is that over time your diodes will lose power and the light will put out less overall.
Question for the Lab

As these semi organic plants get humming and they are all real healthy and doing well, I find that when I touch them, they feel softer to me. The leaves and everything seems to be physically softer and sort of more velvety feeling as compared to my nute plants regardless of medium I’ve grown. Including the current nute autos. They feel harder compared to the Geo/RGR plants. They’re just….softer. It feels to my spider senses like a really good thing and a sign that they’re doing well. But I don’t actually know.

So is this a thing? Am I crazy or is this just me? Or is this the deal?
Here’s another question, thanks guys, not trying to dominate a thread…

Today is watering day and Geo application day. I believe it should be the final veg application. In two weeks more the clone will definitely be ready to flip and that’s when we go. So a couple questions about watering in Geo:

- do I water it in to a fill soak of the pot to a tiny bit of runoff so I know the water is everywhere? Or is it better to water it in less? Not sure to what extent I should soak the pot when watering in nutes?

- if I flip in two weeks from this Geo veg application, do I flip and top dress the first Bloom application right then at the flip? Or is it better to veg them at the flip and begin bloom nutes two weeks later? (This is kinda a big one, lol) In short, when do I start the Bloom nutes with Geo for max impact? Edit: or even half veg nutes and half bloom nutes at the flip?

Thanks guys! And gals? Any girls in the lab?
Question for the Lab

As these semi organic plants get humming and they are all real healthy and doing well, I find that when I touch them, they feel softer to me. The leaves and everything seems to be physically softer and sort of more velvety feeling as compared to my nute plants regardless of medium I’ve grown. Including the current nute autos. They feel harder compared to the Geo/RGR plants. They’re just….softer. It feels to my spider senses like a really good thing and a sign that they’re doing well. But I don’t actually know.

So is this a thing? Am I crazy or is this just me? Or is this the deal?
I can't answer that as I have never grown with synthetics but I can say they get very flexible. I can bend a leaf down and pretty much into a complete circle. I dont defoliate much, I just push a leaf down until its pretty much against the main and they don't snap off.

I have had people tell me in the past that tbey shouldn't do that. They call them weak. They say Add more silicate. Add more calcium. etc, but I don't lol.

Then they usually say "Hey Gee, can I get a bud Bud?" and these are dudes who have gotten rich off synthetic grows😎

Partly because they only grow Indicas for total annual yield, and partly for organic tastes.
All the inputs that get cooked in are for the plant, not the myco.

Myco gets most of its food from the plant. It likes exudates.

Because it lives in the dark it can't photosynthesize so it has built a symbiotic relationship with the plant. It pokes a hyphae strand into a root pore and gets exudates on a direct transfer from the plant.

In return it uses those exudates to feed various microbes in various places in the soil, bribes them to eat various minerals, etc and then myco absorbs the microbe poop and internally transfers it back to the root in exchange for more exudates.

Its a food manager that takes orders from the plant. It can move nutes through its hyphae system in minutes and hours so its a quick delivery system.

Myco, being a fungus, does have the ability to eat on its own as well, but likes this system better.

So some inputs are to feed the microbes, some to feed the plants, and some to feed myco.

All inputs work best by being run through a microbe, and really work best if a microbe eats some food, then gets eaten by another predator microbe while its belly is full, and the food is twice digested.

So to keep myco happy I serve cold pressed hydrolyzed fish fertilizer weekly. I mix it weak, at 1.5ml per litre of water and hand water in 1 or 2 litres per pot every week. It keeps myco happy and everything else just happens.

Those exudates I speak of, they have the ability to alter ph in the rhizosphere at the areas of microbe mining, so if a certain input needs a higher ph than the 6.2 of the soil, or a lower ph, for better absorbsion by the plant, myco sets this up in the needed area.

As the myco network fills the pot it herds certain microbes that specialized in certain inputs into pockets by using certain exudates as bribery, and the full spectrum network sets up. The pot becomes established.

Then you just regularly water in the fish ferts across the entire pot and myco is very happy. If you bury a dead fish under the leaf litter on top of the soil in the forest, and go back in a couple weeks, you will see it is white with fungii. Myco loves fish.

When brix gets above 12 the plant now has enough sugar to satisfy its every need plus enough to support the exudate system. Sugar is pure energy so the higher the brix the more carbon it has to pass along to myco and microbes and the empire grows as the microbe population gets both larger and healthier.

The rich gets richer.

So when I start a new pot I put all my effort into letting myco establish 1st before I start adding microbe teas. Myco needs to be stronger and better established than microbes or else the lunatics are running the asylum.
Just seeing this answer. Thanks Gee. Super thorough. This reads as a basic primer on how myco works. It’s a lot to digest for me with repeated use of terms I’m just understanding, like exudates. So I gotta digest this a little and try to comprehend the whole before I respond with any questions. This stuff rolls of your keyboard so easily, it’s so impressive and makes my head spin sometimes.
Here’s another question, thanks guys, not trying to dominate a thread…

Today is watering day and Geo application day. I believe it should be the final veg application. In two weeks more the clone will definitely be ready to flip and that’s when we go. So a couple questions about watering in Geo:

- do I water it in to a fill soak of the pot to a tiny bit of runoff so I know the water is everywhere? Or is it better to water it in less? Not sure to what extent I should soak the pot when watering in nutes?

- if I flip in two weeks from this Geo veg application, do I flip and top dress the first Bloom application right then at the flip? Or is it better to veg them at the flip and begin bloom nutes two weeks later? (This is kinda a big one, lol) In short, when do I start the Bloom nutes with Geo for max impact? Edit: or even half veg nutes and half bloom nutes at the flip?

Thanks guys! And gals? Any girls in the lab?
Again I do things a bit different. Other than in a juvenile state when I am forming roots, I always water to complete dampness of every speck of soil. I do it gently, I dont want to rinse nutes out so again, drippers.

And again differently... I put 1 veg spike in a pot and other than that everything I do is about flower. I sprout in full strength flower soil, so Im probably not the best guy to talk to about vegging.

My thoughts would be to get ahead. Have flower top dressed in before stretch starts.

What you do today is for 10-14 days later.

Phosphorus goes round and round, soil to plant to soil to plant and it carries nutes in with it. Its a dump truck. Plants consume some but most goes round and round.

Every day a plant needs a bit more phos than the day before as the plant grows, and tben in flower it needs yet more again, so start putting trucks on the road on day 1. Typical veg soil doesn't contain much phosphorus so less trucks equals less brix.

Gotta run.... Duty calls...
I can't answer that as I have never grown with synthetics but I can say they get very flexible. I can bend a leaf down and pretty much into a complete circle. I dont defoliate much, I just push a leaf down until its pretty much against the main and they don't snap off.

I have had people tell me in the past that tbey shouldn't do that. They call them weak. They say Add more silicate. Add more calcium. etc, but I don't lol.

Then they usually say "Hey Gee, can I get a bud Bud?" and these are dudes who have gotten rich off synthetic grows😎

Partly because they only grow Indicas for total annual yield, and partly for organic tastes.
Interesting. That’s a pretty good description of what I’m calling soft. I could do that with these leaves too. But I have 40% MSA if I wanted to use it. I almost always do but didn’t in this case to try and stay as true as possible to not non organic inputs. Don’t see the need for all that silica. Now when the clone is holding up big colas I’ll see if I regret that decision. Lol.
Again I do things a bit different. Other than in a juvenile state when I am forming roots, I always water to complete dampness of every speck of soil. I do it gently, I dont want to rinse nutes out so again, drippers.

And again differently... I put 1 veg spike in a pot and other than that everything I do is about flower. I sprout in full strength flower soil, so Im probably not the best guy to talk to about vegging.

My thoughts would be to get ahead. Have flower top dressed in before stretch starts.

What you do today is for 10-14 days later.

Phosphorus goes round and round, soil to plant to soil to plant and it carries nutes in with it. Its a dump truck. Plants consume some but most goes round and round.

Every day a plant needs a bit more phos than the day before as the plant grows, and tben in flower it needs yet more again, so start putting trucks on the road on day 1. Typical veg soil doesn't contain much phosphorus so less trucks equals less brix.

Gotta run.... Duty calls...
Ok thanks again. Understood. I’m going to use half veg and half bloom today and see what happens. I definitely want to flip in two weeks. Then at that point we will go to all Bloom. Everything about your response is understood, gracias, that was a timely question.
Jon’s Stoned Sunday Thought for the Lab

This is a thing I do sometimes guys. If it is annoying and I should spend this energy elsewhere that’s fine, just tell me. Always if I need to change my approach here in some way please just tell me. I’m great with direct.

That said, here’s where my noggin is at this morning. I smoked some of my Platinum Mimosa Cookies Indica pheno bud this morning. It has now been curing over a month and is really starting to hum. It’s very indica and has a lovely deep berry smell, and it’s very strong. I generally don’t smoke indicas at 6 am but I did today. God I love this strain. Give it a look sometime. But one of the things it does is make your mind wander a bit. It is sort of the opposite in effect to a clarity and focus based sativa buzz. Awesome bud.

It has taken me to this:
All this weed talk got me thinking about plants in general and then about all living organisms. And I realized that every single plant, insect, microbe, mammal, or living earthly organism has something in common I had never considered. Not one will ever voluntarily make the choice to hurt itself. Organisms simply don’t do that or they’d quickly be phased out evolutionarily. An insect won’t go where it’s dangerously hot. A fish will migrate if their habitat changes and to stay would hurt it. Etc. This seems to be true of every living organism.

Except for human beings. We do it all the time.


Thanks for the indulgence.
Here’s another question, thanks guys, not trying to dominate a thread…

Today is watering day and Geo application day. I believe it should be the final veg application. In two weeks more the clone will definitely be ready to flip and that’s when we go. So a couple questions about watering in Geo:

- do I water it in to a fill soak of the pot to a tiny bit of runoff so I know the water is everywhere? Or is it better to water it in less? Not sure to what extent I should soak the pot when watering in nutes?

- if I flip in two weeks from this Geo veg application, do I flip and top dress the first Bloom application right then at the flip? Or is it better to veg them at the flip and begin bloom nutes two weeks later? (This is kinda a big one, lol) In short, when do I start the Bloom nutes with Geo for max impact? Edit: or even half veg nutes and half bloom nutes at the flip?

Thanks guys! And gals? Any girls in the lab?
Present and accounted for. :passitleft:
Jon’s Stoned Sunday Thought for the Lab

This is a thing I do sometimes guys. If it is annoying and I should spend this energy elsewhere that’s fine, just tell me. Always if I need to change my approach here in some way please just tell me. I’m great with direct.

That said, here’s where my noggin is at this morning. I smoked some of my Platinum Mimosa Cookies Indica pheno bud this morning. It has now been curing over a month and is really starting to hum. It’s very indica and has a lovely deep berry smell, and it’s very strong. I generally don’t smoke indicas at 6 am but I did today. God I love this strain. Give it a look sometime. But one of the things it does is make your mind wander a bit. It is sort of the opposite in effect to a clarity and focus based sativa buzz. Awesome bud.

It has taken me to this:
All this weed talk got me thinking about plants in general and then about all living organisms. And I realized that every single plant, insect, microbe, mammal, or living earthly organism has something in common I had never considered. Not one will ever voluntarily make the choice to hurt itself. Organisms simply don’t do that or they’d quickly be phased out evolutionarily. An insect won’t go where it’s dangerously hot. A fish will migrate if their habitat changes and to stay would hurt it. Etc. This seems to be true of every living organism.

Except for human beings. We do it all the time.


Thanks for the indulgence.
Hehehe :blunt:
Here’s another question, thanks guys, not trying to dominate a thread…

Today is watering day and Geo application day. I believe it should be the final veg application. In two weeks more the clone will definitely be ready to flip and that’s when we go. So a couple questions about watering in Geo:

- do I water it in to a fill soak of the pot to a tiny bit of runoff so I know the water is everywhere? Or is it better to water it in less? Not sure to what extent I should soak the pot when watering in nutes?

- if I flip in two weeks from this Geo veg application, do I flip and top dress the first Bloom application right then at the flip? Or is it better to veg them at the flip and begin bloom nutes two weeks later? (This is kinda a big one, lol) In short, when do I start the Bloom nutes with Geo for max impact? Edit: or even half veg nutes and half bloom nutes at the flip?

Thanks guys! And gals? Any girls in the lab?
Although I have some Geoflora sitting in the corner as backup, I've never used it.

But, Here is the official Geoflora discussion thread. Probably everything you need to know, and run by the sponsor themselves!
Day 50

Back in the 5x5 waiting under 100 watts for the new driver still. I had to move them from the 3x3. They were too squished. Training begins again. Hopefully it arrives in less than 6 days. The low light is making them lanky.


The Purple Kush are starting to finish.


The desert sun is still holding. 2 more weeks please Roach Gods, 2 more weeks🙏

Im not sure what I will do with a bunch of Kush but someone will take it.

It smells pretty yummy. Like skanky lemons and sugar.

The worms already got their cut off the bottoms.
Just seeing this answer. Thanks Gee. Super thorough. This reads as a basic primer on how myco works. It’s a lot to digest for me with repeated use of terms I’m just understanding, like exudates. So I gotta digest this a little and try to comprehend the whole before I respond with any questions. This stuff rolls of your keyboard so easily, it’s so impressive and makes my head spin sometimes.
Its all about repeating. In organics you need to hear the same things over and over and as you progress the repeats fall into position.
Hi Lab -

Well, I get brix pretty much. Talked with Gee about it too in DM and for now I understand it well enough.

Well enough to want badly to start measuring the brix in my plants! I’m going to measure all of them - Geo plants and Remo autos. Might be cool to see how Remo and I do on brix.

Here’s what I’m going to use as I just grabbed it. This was a pretty expensive one, I hope I made a decent choice.

Thank you so much for sharing these tips, especially the use of veg and flowering spikes in your gardening! 🌱 It's always great to learn from experienced gardeners.

Speaking of trying new things, I've been recently experimenting with recipes like the chick-fil-a grilled nuggets to enhance my cooking skills. Do you have any favorite recipes or cooking experiences you'd like to share?
Hey Gary✌️👊. I can cook to save my life but Mrs Gee is the Kitchen Wizard in our house.

Most of what she cooks just comes out of her memory, Im not sure if she uses recipes.

Im not the best guy to talk cooking with, but eating, theres something I'm good at! 😁
The courier email states the replacement driver should arrive on Friday Oct 6 and flower is scheduled for the 8th, so it should be OK.

When I moved them all to the 3 x 3 to keep them growing I had to release all restraints to get them to fit in.

For the most part they flexed right back into shape and the canopy is fairly level considering what they went through, but as for having all colas equally spaced from each other, well that will have to be coerced during stretch.


If you are wondering why the one in the back right corner is taller, well....


It had a woopsi-daisy incident. If it ends up too tall I will top it again. It split about 1.5" down the main trunk and never even flinched.


Being squished into the 3x3 tent caused this cola to become less dominant. I think I can still save it with some work.

If not the worms will love it. It should be equal to the one on its left.


The plant in the front left is a beauty of a pheno. Its so balanced.


Here it is from above. The top that is circled....


Its the arrow on the right, will get pruned out with the others, and a bunch more on every plant.

I will prune these 2 out and possibly clone them, or possibly not.

I would love to grow a tent of this pheno but I have some special seeds enroute that I can't wait to play with.

So a heavy pruning today or tomorrow to clean them up and they will be ready for flip.

Dinner party for the worm farm.

And finally, it is only 8 degrees Celcius this morning outside. Hopefully some purple will set in on the Kush plants.

Have a great day everybody👊😊❤️
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